

Child Neglect of Rural China Scale: Development, Reliability and Validity

【作者】 梁俊花

【导师】 童小军;

【作者基本信息】 中国青年政治学院 , 社会学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 目的:发展一套适合中国农村儿童测量的忽视量表。方法:在儿童权利理论指导下,通过文献研究与农村环境特点的实地考察,笔者筛选、修订和编制适合我国农村地区背景的条目,并经专家审核其内容效度,中学老师以及适龄儿童检阅其表面效度,建立初试量表;笔者以目的性抽样法抽取合川大庙小学、合川永兴中学263人进行初试,对所收集数据进行项目分析、信度初检、因素分析,逐步删除不适合的条目,形成正式量表;笔者以多阶段整群随机抽样方法抽取合川、綦江两区4所中学518人进行正式测试,对收集数据进行同质性、折半信度、再测信度,以及表面效度、内容效度、结构效度检验,验证了正式量表的信效度。结果:(1)量表的形成。本研究经项目分析与信效度初检,最终形成含医疗、身体、安全、教育、情感5个忽视层面,30题的正式量表。经正式施测信效度检验,此量表具有良好信效度。总量表Cronbach’s a系数为0.900,折半系数a为0.888,再测Pearson相关系数为0.968(p<0.01),结果理想,达要求标准。儿童代表、初中老师以及专家保证了量表的表面效度和内容效度。经验证性因素分析,各条目能良好附着在每个维度内,量表具有良好的结构效度。(2)量表适用范围。男童与女童组忽视无显著差异,各年龄组之间无显著差异。量表可适用于10岁以上儿童填写,无年龄与性别限制,由儿童自评。(3)量表忽视界值点的确定。以总分及各忽视层面分数的第90百分位数的分值作为判断被测儿童是否存在忽视的界值点,其中总量表的界值点为76.0452,约76分。医疗忽视11分,身体忽视13分,安全忽视16分,教育忽视21分,情感忽视23.6400,约24分。分数越高表示儿童受到忽视或某一层面的忽视程度越深。

【Abstract】 Objective:To develop an adaptive scale of child neglect of rural China.Methods: Under the direction of the child right theory, through documentary research and field studies in rural area, the author chose, revised and compiled the adaptive items under background of rural China. After professional verifing the content validity, High School Teacher and some children reviewing the face validity, the initial scale formed. By purposive sampling, the author sampled 263 students from a high school and an elementary school of He chuan for try-out. The formal scale was developed by item’s item analysis, the first reliability and factor analysis. The author samped 518 students from two high schools and two elementary schools,by multistage cluster random sampling. The author tested and verified the reliability and validity of the formal scale, including coefficient of internal consistency, split-half reliability, test-retest reliability, and face validity, content validity, construct validity.Results: (1) A scale had been formed. The scale has 5 dimensions: medical neglect, physical neglect, safety neglect, educational neglect, emotional neglect, and 30 items. Cronbach’s a of the scale is 0.900, its split-half reliability is 0.888, its test-retest reliability is 0.968(p<0.01). The teacher, students and proffisional affirm the face and content validity. Every item can adhere to valid dimension through factor analysis. All of those prove that the scale has good reliability and validity, it’s available. (2) The scope of application. It can be used for assessing a child itself who beyond 10 years old, no matter girl or boy. (3) The Cut-off Point of the scales were Percentile 90(P90) of the scores on each neglect dimension and the overall scale. After computing, the cut-off point of whole scale was about 76, medical neglect’s 11, physical neglect’s 13, safety neglect’s 16, educational neglect’s 21, emotional neglect’s about 24. The condition of child negnect is more serious, if the score is higher.

【关键词】 农村儿童忽视量表信效度
【Key words】 rural areaschild neglectscalerelibility and validity
  • 【分类号】C913.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】339