

The Analysis of the Origin of the "Si Qing" Movement

【作者】 杨红远

【导师】 林志友;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中共党史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 四清运动上承大跃进运动,下启文化大革命,是联接这两大重要历史事件的中间环节。应该说,四清运动是在当时中共高层的共识下发动的,中共中央希望通过这次运动解决当时中国社会中出现的投机倒把、贪污盗窃和腐化堕落等问题,并借此改善业已较为紧张的干群关系,防止出现修正主义和“和平演变”。但是,在“以阶级斗争为纲”这一指导思想的支配下,党对当时的形势作出了过于严重的估计,致使在四清运动造成打击面过大,并在理论和实践两个方面为“文化大革命”的最终发动打下了基础。本文旨在通过探讨和分析该运动的起源,从而较为客观地认识这次运动。除了导论和结尾的反思与展望之外,本文的主要内容由两大部分组成:一是中共中央为何要发动四清运动,二是四清运动何以能够发动起来。我们对此分别进行简单的介绍。中共中央始终认为对农民进行社会主义教育、引导他们走社会主义道路是党的一项重大的历史使命;同时,面对当时国际和国内的复杂局势,中共中央将反修防修确定为党的工作中心;再者,根据当时农村工作的现实情况,中共中央将整顿干部队伍、密切干群关系视为搞好农村工作的必由之路。以上几点就是中共中央确定发动四清运动的主要原因。四清运动之所以能够发动起来,主要是因为:政社合一的政治体制为四清运动的发动提供了制度保障;高度一体化的国家与社会格局为四清运动的发动提供了组织便利;愈演愈烈的“左”倾思潮为四清运动的发动奠定了心理基础;政治运动为主的社会控制机制为四清运动的发动提供了有效途径。通过对四清运动起源的研究,我们可以得出一些有益的反思:其一是反腐败不能依靠群众运动;其二是必须提高干部素质,加强干部队伍建设。对于当前人民群众普遍关心的新农村建设和反腐败工作,希望能够通过对四清运动起源的研究带给人们一些有益的思索。

【Abstract】 “Si Qing movement”was the connecting link between the Great Leap Forward movement and the Great Cultural Revolution, It should be said that the Si Qing movement was started under the consensus of the high-level leaders of CCP at that time. The Central Committee of the CCP would like to solve the problems of speculation, corruption, graft and embezzlement that existed in contemporary society, and take this movement to improve the tense relationship between cadres and masses as well as prevent the appearance of revisionism and“the peaceful evolution”. However, under the dominance of the guideline of“taking class struggle as key link”, the contemporary circumstance was overestimated ; therefore, the scope of attack in the movement was broadened. At the same time, it laid the foundation for the outbreak of the Great Cultural Revolution in theory and practice. This article aims to explore and analyze the origin of this movement; consequently, we can get a more objective understanding of the movement.In addition to the introduction and the reflection and Prospect at the end of the article, the main content is composed of two major parts: First, it is the cause why the Central Committee of the CCP launches the Si Qing movement; second, it is the reason why the Si Qing movement is launched successfully. This article will introduce them separately.The Central Committee of the CCP consistently maintained that it was the great historical mission to educate peasants and led them to the road of socialism; At the same time, confronted with contemporary complex situation in China and abroad, the Central Committee of the CCP took opposing and preventing revisionism as the work focus; furthermore, according to the reality of rural work, the Central Committee of the CCP considered the work of rectifying contingent of cadres and closing the relationship between cadres and masses as the only way to handle rural work.The Si Qing movement could be launched, which mainly due to the following factors: the political system was the combination of government and commune, which guaranteed the launch of the movement; Highly unified set up of state and society provided the organic convenience; increasingly pink trend laid the psychological foundation; social control mechanism that mainly characterized by political activity effective way. According to the study of the origin of Si Qing movement, we can draw some beneficial reflections: First, we can’t rely on the masses movement to carry on anti-corruption; second, we must improve the quality cadres and strengthen the construction of cadre contingent.For new rural construction and anti-corruption that current masses are generally caring about, according to the study of the origin of the Si Qing movement, we hope to bring people some beneficial speculations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期