

Evaluations on the Productive Potential of Maize Based on DEM in Mountainous

【作者】 吴楠楠

【导师】 李爽;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 本文着眼于山区粮食资源的可持续开发利用,基于DEM数据,利用GIS技术、ANUSPLIN和DSP等软件,并结合相关实测气象数据,建立山区复杂地形条件下的生态环境各因子时空分布模型,定量计算日照时数、太阳辐射、温度、降水量、作物参照蒸散量等生态因子。在此基础上,采用联合国粮农组织(FAO)推荐的农业生态区域法(AEZ),对豫西山区主要粮食作物之一——玉米的生产潜力资源进行估算;并结合模拟的研究区各生态因子分布情况,分析山区玉米作物的生产潜力资源禀赋;另外与实际大田生产统计数据作对比,对基于县域尺度单元的生产潜力利用率进行评价,同时也计算并分析了相对应的各层次生态因子的利用效率。其研究结果表明:1)豫西山区玉米的各层次生产潜力地域差异显著,空间分异规律较为明显,整体值较高。光合、光温生产潜力整体上呈现出由中间向四周逐渐增加的趋势,其平均值分别为达到56.5t/hm2、10.8t/ hm2;气候生产潜力和自然生产潜力整体上表现出南高北低的空间分布格局,其平均值分别为9.05t/ hm2、6.39t/ hm2。2)分析各层次的生产潜力利用率,其空间分布也有着一定的规律性。光合、光温潜力利用率大致表现出从西向东递增的空间分布趋势,其平均值分别为6.13%、31.72%;气候潜力利用率和自然潜力利用率却呈现出由南至北大体增多的空间分布格局,其平均值分别达到39.03%、56.11%。说明了全区玉米现实生产力距离光合生产潜力、光温生产潜力、气候生产潜力和自然生产潜力上限分别存在16倍多、三倍多、2.5倍及超2/5的增长空间。3)定量计算并分析豫西地区的光能利用率、热量产出率、降水产出率和土地产出率,发现其生态环境因子利用率与相对应层次的生产潜力和生产潜力利用率具有一定的相关性。4)豫西南部和西北地区是现实资源利用率较低、可开发空间较大的区域;而中东部地区,各层次生产潜力利用率均较高,是现实资源利用率较高、可开发程度较低的区域。提高豫西的玉米生产量,在短期时间内,行之有效的快捷方法是提高中东部地区的玉米生产潜力资源利用效率,可采用的方法有延长生长期、控制田间持水量、改良土壤或培育新品种等。从长远战略来看,整体上提升豫西玉米的产量,必须大力开发南部和西北部地区的生产潜力,可采用适时播种和收获、及时排涝和抗旱、科学施肥及改良品种等方法。

【Abstract】 Focusing Grain resources sustainable development using in the mountainous area, the thesis establishes spatial-temporal distribution model of the eco-environmental factors (including sunshine hours, radiation, temperature, precipitation as well as crop reference evapotranspiration) in complex terrain of mountainous area with the meteorological data, basing on the DEM data, Using the GIS and software of ANUSPLIN and DSP. Proceeding from this, the FAO-AEZ approach is adopted to estimate the potential productivity of maize, which is one of the important crops in Western Henan mountainous. This paper analyzes the potential productivity resources of maize with the simulation of ecological factors in study area, and evaluates the potential productivity resources utilization efficiency at country cell level, comparing the actual production data. At the same time, the paper calculates and analyzes the utilization efficiency of ecological factors at various levels. The results as follows:1) The difference of the potential productivity of maize at various levels in the Western Henan mountainous is significant. But, the spatial distribution regular is more manifest, and the overall value is high. The results show that in general the potential productivity of photosynthetic and photo-temperature tends to be higher from center to surroundings, and the average potential productivity of photosynthetic and photo-temperature is 56.5t/hm2 and 10.8t/hm2. But the potential productivity of climate and the potential productivity of nature tend to be higher in South than in North in general, the average value of which is 9.05t/ hm2 and 6.39t/ hm2.2) It shows that the spatial distribution also has some regularity to analyzing the potential productivity resources utilization efficiency at various levels. The utilization efficiency of photosynthetic and utilization efficiency of phtoto-temperature display that the value tends to increasing from West to East, and the average value is 6.13%, 31.72%. But the utilization efficiency of climate and utilization efficiency of nature are increasing from South to North, and the average value is 39.03%, 56.11%. The results shows that the present maize productivity has more than 16 double, 3 double, 2.5 double and 2/5 increasing space according to the potential photosynthetic, photo-temperature ,climate and nature productivity.3) To calculate and analyze the utilization efficiency of light, the productive efficiency of heat, the productive efficiency of Precipitation, the productive efficiency of land, we could find that there is a relationship between the utilization efficiency of eco-environmental factors and the potential productivity, the potential productivity resources utilization efficiency.4) The South region and Northwest region in Western of Henan province have the lower utilization efficiency of reality resources, which also have more space to improve the productivity; but the Mideast has higher potential productivity and reality resources utilization efficiency and lower development degree. In short period, to improving the maize productivity in Western of Henan, it is a better and quick methods to enhance the potential productivity resources utilization efficiency in Mideast, including extending growth period, controlling field capacity, improving soil and cultivating new varieties. In the long term strategy, it is the best methods to large developing the potential productivity in South and Northwest, by timely planting and harvesting, timely draining and drought resistance, scientific fertilization, improving species and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】S513
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】122