

Research on Integration of Tourism Resource of Central Plain Tourism Region

【作者】 赵艳

【导师】 梁留科;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 区域旅游是当代旅游业发展的一个显著特征,也是改革开放30多年来中国旅游业迅速崛起的一种重要形式。空间形态上的跨区域合作,冲破了传统行政管理体制的限制,成为市场体制下旅游业发展的内生要求。区域之间、城市之间、行业之间以及企业之间的旅游合作渐成共识,以合作为目的的区域旅游资源整合也成为当前迫切需要研究的新课题。2010年,河南省委省政府站在加快中原崛起、河南振兴的高度,深入研究河南在国家经济版图中的地位和作用,审时度势地提出构建“中原经济区”的发展战略。2011年1月中原经济区被国务院正式纳入《国家主体功能区规划》,成为国家层面的重点发展区域。同年3月,《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》对“大力促进中部崛起”中的表述:“重点推进太原城市群、皖江城市带、鄱阳湖生态经济区、中原经济区、武汉城市圈、环长株潭城市群等区域发展”。结合中原经济区建设的宏观背景和区域旅游战略位置的凸显,笔者从旅游资源整合的视角提出构建“中原旅游区”,认为“中原旅游区”的构建,将有利于中原经济区旅游业形成合力,加快经济发展方式转变。笔者以生态学的共生理论、经济学的共享理论和包容性增长理论、资源整合理论、区域合作理论为基础,运用ASEB栅格分析法对中原旅游区的旅游资源进行了优势分析和体验评价,并从整合实践和存在问题两个方面剖析了中原旅游区旅游资源的整合现状。结合中原旅游区旅游资源的属性、分布和开发趋势,笔者提出了三种整合模式:共生整合模式、共享整合模式和包容性增长整合模式,并从政府和企业两个层面探讨中原旅游区旅游资源整合的对策。

【Abstract】 The locality is the essential feature of tourism and travel. The activeness of regional tourism is a remarkable characteristic of contemporary tourism development, and it is an important form for China’s rapid tourism development for the last thirty years after reform and opening. The distinctive characteristic of inter-regional cooperation breaks through geographical limitation about traditional administrative management system. It has become the external forces under marketing system. The regional tourism integration has reached an agreement between the cities, industries and scenic spots. This has been one of hot points in tourism research and the integration of regional tourism resources has become a new topic for us to study.Along with the rise of the Central China and revitalization of Henan Province, Provincial Government of Henan Province further research the position and role of Henan in the national economy and put forward the development strategy about how to construct the Central China Economic Zone in the year 2010, which became the national strategy after entering the Corpus Function Area Programming in January 2010. Combining the macroscopic background of Central Plain Economic Zone’s construction and the importance of regional tourism strategy in current, I raised to construct the Central Plain Tourism Zone from perspective of tourism resource integration, which is based on several theories as the symbiosis theory, the coexistence theory of economics, the inclusive growth theory, the resource integration theory and the regional cooperation theory. The tourism resources’advantage of Central Plain was analyzed and evaluated.I put forward the integration mode combining demonstration and discuss countermeasure for the tourism resources integration of Central Plain from government and the enterprise in two stratification planes. The article includes seven sections.The First Part: IntroductionI think that the purpose and significance of tourism resource integration in Central Plain from the development tendency for regional tourism collaboration and the background of the economic construction in the Central Plain.The Second Part: StudyI made a synthetically commentary about development and situation of tourism resource integration at home and abroad. And sum up national scholars’discussion of method, mechanism and developing strategy for Central Plain’s tourism resource integration.The Third Part: Basic theoretical interpretationIn order to supply the theoretic support for tourism resources integration, I borrow ideas from economics, geography and ecology. On the basis, I put forward the idea constructing Central Plain Tourism Zone. At the same time, I analyze Central Plain Tourism Zone’s basis and advantage.The Fourth Part: Present condition of integrationUse the ASEB Grid Analysis to evaluate regional tourism resources and analyze Central Plain Tourism Zone on status quo of integration from the practice and problem aspects.The Fifth Part: Integration patternPut forward three integration models which include symbiotic model, coexistence model and inclusive growth model according analyzing property, distribution and developing trend of tourism resources in Central Plain .The Sixth Part: Integration CountermeasureRaise countermeasure about tourism resources integration in Central Plain based on the analysis both from government and enterprise.The Seventh part: Summary and prospect

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期