

Design and Implementation of on-line Monitoring System for Anemometer Tower Safety

【作者】 幺伦韬

【导师】 郭立炜; 李建明;

【作者基本信息】 河北科技大学 , 计算机技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,全球对绿色能源普遍关注,风力发电产业的迅速发展,使各国政府、企业、风电开发商开始投资兴建测风塔。为了获取风电场的投资建设所需要的第一手风能评估资料,我国政府于2007年开始规划建设风能资源专业观测网。截至到2009年4月全国已建400座测风塔。然而,拉线式测风塔的缺点十分突出,由于拉线塔主要受力部分为拉线,如果拉线出现节点断裂或节点松动使拉线松弛,都能导致整座测风塔失去平衡而倒塌。另外由于塔身整体刚度较小,而且塔身又比较高,这样在遭遇大风的情况下,由于风荷载的作用,会导致塔身的摇摆,如果这时拉线的初始拉力没有足够大,就会引起塔身的大幅度摇摆,最终引起整座塔倾覆。拉绳销栓脱落、拉绳断裂等产品和安装质量、人为破坏偷盗等导致倒塔的事故,在国内外均有发生。测风塔安全在线监测系统就是在这样需求背景下提出的。随着通信技术的发展,目前许多无线网络技术相继涌现出来,而Zigbee技术是最具有代表性的一项无线个域网络通信技术,由于其协议简单、功耗低、成本低、组网容易等特点,在商业建筑自动控制、家庭网络、玩具和游戏外围设备、工业系统、遥感勘测等领域得到了广阔的应用。而通用分组无线业务GPRS具有信号覆盖范围广、传输数据速度相对较快、通信稳定、永远在线和按流量计费等特点,同时也是一个分组型数据网,支持标准的TCP/IP协议。随着网络的完善,GPRS许多领域得到越来越多的应用。本文通过对Zigbee网络的详细研究,结合测风塔的特殊环境和结构,设计出适用于测风塔安全监测的无线网络。详细描述了Zigbee无线网络组网过程,同时对设备如何建立网络,加入网络等问题进行了详细的剖析。然后,阐述GPRS技术的通信特点与工作基本原理,分析了GPRS网络中的TCP/IP协议。通过UART接口实现了GPRS网络和Zigbee网络一体化结构。最后,介绍了系统的硬件设计和集成方案,Zigbee模块采用了Jennic的JN5139模块,GPRS采用了宏电的H7710模块,拉力传感器采用LD-206型旁压式拉力传感器。根据软件的详细流程实现了上位机和下位机的编程,完成了整个系统的集成。

【Abstract】 In recent years, widespread concern about global green energy, wind power industry is developing rapidly, so that governments, business, investment in wind power developers began construction of anemometer towers. In order to obtain investment in building wind farms wind power first-hand assessment of the required information, the government began to construct wind energy resource professional observation network in 2007. As of April 2009,400 wind towers had built. However, the tower guyed very prominent weaknesses,the tower guyed mainly by the force of the cable, if cable break or node loose, can cause the whole wind tower collapsed. In addition, as the stiffness of the tower is small and has a higher tower, so that,due to the role of wind load will cause the tower sway, if the initial cable tension is not large enough to the tower will cause swings, and lead to capsize the tower.Because of pulling off pin plug, cord rupture, and other products and installation quality, the destruction of the tower down had occurred at home and abroad. Anemometer tower secure online monitoring system is proposed in the context.With the development of communication technology, many wireless technologies have emerged. The Zigbee technology is the most representative of a wireless network technology, because of the simple protocol, low power, easy network characteristics, in the home and building automation, toys equipment, industrial systems and other fields have a broad application. The GPRS coverage wide,fast data transmission, always online and meter fees by characteristics, supports standard TCP/IP protocol. With the improved network, GPRS in many areas to be more and more applications.Based on the Zigbee network, the particular environment and structure of the tower, designed for the tower safety monitoring wireless networks. Described the process of Zigbee wireless networking. Then, described features GPRS technology and working principles. Analysis of the GPRS network TCP/IP protocol. Through the UART interface of the GPRS network and Zigbee network integrated structure.Finally, the hardware design and system integration solutions. Jennie’s JN5139 module used, H7710 GPRS module of Hongdian used, LD-206 force transducer used. According to the detailed process of the software implementation of the host computer and lower computer programming, to complete the integration of the whole system.

【关键词】 测风塔安全Zigbee监测
【Key words】 anemometer towersafetyZigbeemonitoring
  • 【分类号】TP274
  • 【下载频次】79