

【作者】 惠荣

【导师】 彭建英;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 专门史, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 汉代是我国大一统的奠基和巩固时期,在统一多民族国家的建立过程中,拥有举足轻重的地位。西汉初期,为了解决北方游牧政权——匈奴的威胁,扩大中原政权的统治范围,汉高祖北伐匈奴。失败后,西汉制定了和亲策略,但匈奴仍不时南下侵扰,因此汉武帝继位后,便改变策略,积极主动的寻找机会出击匈奴。在“河南之战”、“河西之战”及“漠北之战”等一系列战役之后,加上昭宣时期的持续经营,汉宣帝甘露年间(前53-50年),呼韩邪单于向西汉称臣纳质,匈奴问题基本解决。在这一过程中,双方发生了多次军事冲突,大量优秀将领因此得以脱颖而出,为解决匈奴问题做出了巨大贡献,他们也因此封侯拜将,实现了人生价值。本文主要讨论他们的出身、贡献、任职情况、人生结局,以期对这一群体有一整体认识。这批将领多出身于:外戚、良家子、匈奴降将及其后裔、贵幸之后;他们的贡献主要是,瓦解了匈奴对西汉的直接威胁,他们个人也以功封侯;他们所担任的官职,主要是各级将军、校尉,还有一些文官,如丞相、御史大夫、郎官、中尉、管理财货的官员等,此外他们还担任太守等地方长官,另有一部分将领,参与了对周边民族的管理;这些将领在立功之后,亦有未能善终者,或战死沙场,或获罪失侯、自杀、被杀,还有败降匈奴者。通过对这一群体的上述考察和讨论,可以看出,在汉匈战争中做出杰出贡献的主要出身外戚和良家子,这批将领在文治武功方面都有过人之处,身居高位,对时局亦产生重要影响。

【Abstract】 The Han Dynasty is the foundation and the consolidation period of national unity it had taken the leading role in the process of establishing a unitary multinational state. Early in the Han Dynasty, after founder of the Han Dynasty lost the battle against the Huns, in order to relieve the threaten of nomad regime established by the Huns in northern and expand the realm of the Central Plains regime, the Western Han Dynasty designed allied marriage strategy. But the Huns still occasionally went down south to harass frontiers, after Emperor Hanwu succeeded to the throne, he decided to switch tactics and look for a chance to attack the Huns actively.After a series of battles included "battle of Henan"、"battle of Hexi "and "battle of Mobei battle", as well as the sustained management in the period of Emperor Xuandi and Zhaodi of the Han Dynasty, the year of the Ganlu reign period of Emperor Xuandi of the Han Dynasty(53-50BC), Huhanye Chanyu made obeisance to the Western Han Dynasty, the problem of the Huns had been basically solved. In this process, a great number of excellent generals,who emerged form the military clashes, had made great contributions to the solution of the Huns and were granted a peerage. At the same time their value and status in society had came true. We would have a whole understanding of generals in this article by main discussing their family background、contribution、appointment、and the ending. The generals descended from:the Consorts、landholder(良家子)、generals submitted to the Han Dynasty and their descendant、the offspring of burgrave(贵幸之后)。Their contribution:a direct threat to the Han Dynasty had crumbled and won a high reputation. Officials they taken charged were generals at all levels and commanders. There still were some civil officials, Prime minister, lieutenant and so on., they also take a provincial governor. Another part of generals had participated in management to other nationalities in the neighborhood. Even render a meritorious service, they died in combat, or suicide, or get killed, or submitted to the Huns. We came to the following conclusion by reviewing and discussing the generals, who made outstanding contributions in the war between Han and Hun, descended from the Consorts family. Generals had an important office and had produced great effect on the current situation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期