

Research on Development Model and Linkage Mechanism between Manufacturing and Logistics Industry

【作者】 韩锡琴

【导师】 徐剑;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 制造业与物流业联动发展有利于制造业资源合理利用,降低成本,提高企业核心竞争力;有利于产业结构调整,促进经济发展,实现低碳经济。国际经验表明物流业的发展是与制造业相关联的。我国制造业已达世界先进水平,向高端化、数字化、服务化发展,但制造业物流是一个明显的薄弱环节,物流业不能承接制造业发展所需外包的物流活动。目前我国制造企业自有物流占整个市场份额的60%-70%。2008年物流费用占GDP比重为18.1%,相比美国的10%左右,我国物流费用比重还是较大,物流业成为制造业发展的瓶颈。因此从两业联动机理进行分析,挖掘内在根源,提出有效的发展模式,显得非常有必要。本文分析目前制造业与物流业发展现状,指明物流业成为制造业向高端发展的瓶颈,根据美国、日本和德国发到国家制造业与物流业发展历程提出我国制造业与物流业联动发展存在三阶段理论(物流出现期、物流外包盛行期、物流与制造业融合稳定期),并用耦合效应模型判定发展阶段;研究了制造业与物流业联动发展各阶段的内在联动机理(磨合联动、啮合联动、耦合联动),并从宏观制造业上中下游和微观制造业供产销角度分析两业联动机理;在机理基础上提出了基于模块分工的制造业与物流业联动发展模式,运行机制保证制造业与物流业顺利运行;最后将本研究应用于辽宁省制造业与物流业发展中。本文研究首次提出了制造业与物流业联动发展存在三阶段,并通过方法判定联动发展所处阶段,指明三个发展阶段内在机理分别是:磨合联动、啮合联动和耦合联动,针对判定得出我国两业联动处在第二发展阶段初期,提出有效的基于模块分工的制造业与物流业联动发展模式。本研究主要学术理论研究价值体现在完善制造业与物流业的相关理论体系,增强物流学术理论研究基础。实际应用价值一方面,现状数据分析全面,为政府及其相关部门的决策提供理论与实践依据;另一方面,机理分析和模式研究,为领导阶层和企业提出有益的政策建议和对策。

【Abstract】 The linkage development of manufacturing and logistics contributes to fully using the resources, cutting the cost and thus to improving the competitions of enterprises, and it benefits the economy development and its changes of industry structure. International experience shows that the logistics industry development is associated with manufacturing. Chinese manufacturing approach the advanced world level, but it’s the weak link at Logistics System for Manufacturing. At present Chinese logistic by manufacturing have the 60%to 70%of the total market. In 2008, the proportion of the logistic cost in GDP isl8.1%that is larger than the 10%of the United States. So,it is necessary to analyze the linkage mechanism and development model of manufacturing and logistic industry from intrinsic root.This article analyses the development of manufacturing and logistics in China. According to developed manufacturing development law, the paper points out that there are three stages (Logistics appear, Logistics outsourcing prevalence, Manufacturing and logistics fusion and stable development) in the development of manufacturing and logistics industry, and judge development stage by coupling effects model. It studies the linkage mechanism of the two industries from three stages (running-in linkage, meshing linkage, coupling linkage), the macroscopic and microcosmic view. It researches the linkage development mode of the two industries based on linkage mechanism, and operation mechanisms ensure the model running smoothly. At last, this study is used in the development of manufacturing and logistics in Liaoning province.In this article, it is the first to point that there are three stages in the linkage development of manufacturing and logistics industry, and judge development stage by coupling effects model. The inherent mechanisms of the three stages are running-in linkage, meshing linkage and coupling linkage for the first time. According to determine that Chinese two industries linkage in the second stage of development, and put forward effective early linkage development mode based on module on the division of manufacturing and logistics industry. The main academically theoretical research value of the research lies on perfecting the theory system of logistics industry and the manufacture industry and enhancing the basis of logistics academic theoretical study. As far as the practical performing value is concerned, with the all-round analasis of present condition data, it supplies the government and relevant departments’decisions with the experimental and theoretical basis on the one hand; on the other hand, mechanism analysis and model study put forward a good proposal for leadership and enterperice.

  • 【分类号】F424;F259.2
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1192
  • 攻读期成果