

The Strategy to Inflation for Chinese Foreign Trade

【作者】 杜祖江

【导师】 张孟才;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 国际贸易学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要是分析在通货膨胀这样一个大环境下,基于我国对外贸易中所面临的诸多挑战的基础上,在我国对外贸易机构处于调整关键时期的宏观经济条件下,来探讨我国对外贸易应对通货膨胀的策略。本文将研究的重点放在以下两点:一、调查和分析在通货膨胀情况下我国对外贸易企业的经营现状,根据得出的结果来分析通货膨胀给我国对外贸易企业经营所带来的影响;二、根据发现的问题,提出我国对外贸易企业为适应快速上涨的CPI采取的应对措施及途径。文章从通货膨胀理论入手,具体介绍通货膨胀的形成机制,包括非货币学派通胀论和货币学派通胀论。并分别从居民消费价格指数(CPI)的上涨,生产价格指数(PPI)的上涨,及其他价格指数的上涨以和成本的上升推动等方面来介绍我国本轮通货膨胀的特征。然后分析出通货膨胀环境下对外贸易存在的困境,在此基础上,提出对外贸易应对快速上涨的CPI的一系列建议措施。本文采用定性研究和定量研究为主的研究方法。具体表现在:基于通货膨胀的基础理论,配合国内外相关文献研究并针对通货膨胀对我国对外贸易的影响,对调查结果进行深入的定性分析并结合定量分析。从文章中可以发现通货膨胀对我国对外贸易造成的一系列恶劣影响,我国对外贸易企业在应对这场由于成本上涨而给企业经营发展带来挑战的危机时,一定要树立一种机遇意识。面对原材料、能源价格的大幅上涨,既要积极采取各种应对措施,将不利因素的影响降到最低,也要善于发现和抓住宏观经济变化带来的发展机遇。

【Abstract】 This paper explores the strategy of dealing with inflation for Chinese foreign trade, based on the many challenges which Chinese foreign trade met, in the crucial period of macroeconomic conditions when Chinese foreign trade sector is adjusting. The paper focuses on the two following points:First, investigate and analyze the operating conditions of Chinese foreign trade enterprises with inflation. According to the results of analysis, the paper analyzes the main problem to Chinese foreign trade enterprises from inflation; Second, according to the problem, Chinese foreign trade enterprises take the measure to response to the inflation.With the theory of inflation, this paper describes the formation of the inflation with non-monetarist inflation theory and monetary inflation, and also describes the characteristics of the inflation in the respect of the rise of Consumer Price Index (CPI), the rise of Producer Price Index (PPI). T hrough the analysis of the relation between the inflation and the trade growth, we know the plight of foreign trade with the inflation. On this basis, the paper proposes the response to the rise of price.This paper uses qualitative and quantitative research. With the basic theory of inflation, domestic and foreign literature, and the results of the survey, it qualitatively and quantitatively analyzes.In this paper we find a series of influence on the foreign trade. Chinese foreign trade enterprises should establish an awareness of opportunities in responding to the challenges from the rising costs to the development of the business. With the rise price of materials, we should not only actively adopt various measures to minimize the impact of unfavorable factors, but also seize the opportunities brought by the change of macro-economics.

  • 【分类号】F224;F822.5;F752
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】444
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