

【作者】 李振

【导师】 韩艳;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 结构工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 大量的地震震害和试验研究表明,在强烈地震作用下,结构一般都会进入弹塑性状态,出现弹塑性变形,钢筋混凝土结构的破坏变形多数集中在墩柱,因此着重研究墩柱的抗震性能具有重要的理论和实际意义。但是在实际的试验过程中,不仅要耗费大量的资金,还要耗费大量的人力物力,而且研究也不是很全面。随着计算机技术的发展,利用有限元软件模拟分析钢筋混凝土结构试验的研究在现代工程科学中显得日益重要。本文通过ANSYS软件模拟分析了高强钢筋混凝土墩柱的抗震性能,主要内容包括以下几个方面:1、综述了混凝土材料的弹塑性本构关系,详细讨论了混凝土的破坏准则、破坏曲面以及混凝土非线性本构模型。总结了在有限元建模过程中常用的几种有限元模型,并对其适用状况和优缺点进行了分析。2、结合试验结果对6根配有高强钢筋的混凝土墩柱进行了在低周反复荷载下的仿真计算,分析了不同参数对计算结果的影响。结果表明,拉应力释放系数、剪力传递系数、不同的钢筋本构模型对计算结果影响不大,计算机模拟得到的结果与试验结果可以较好的吻合。3、较详细地分析了轴压比和高强纵筋对墩柱延性性能的影响,从计算结果来看,墩柱的延性系数随着轴压比的增大而减小,合理配置高强钢筋可以提高墩柱的延性性能。就所计算的试件来说,当配置的高强纵筋为全部纵筋的22%时,墩柱的延性性能最好。

【Abstract】 A large number of earthquake damage and experimental studies show that a strong earthquake will generally make the structure enter the plastic state,so elastic and plastic deformation occurs, deformation of reinforced concrete structures damaged mostly in columns, therefore focuses on the column for seismic performance has important theoretical and practical significance. But in the actual testing process, not only to spend a lot of money, but also spend a lot of manpower and resources, and research is not comprehensive. With the development of computer technology, using finite element software to simulate the testing of reinforced concrete structure in the modern engineering sciences become increasingly important.This paper through ANSYS software simulate the seismic performance of the high strength reinforced concrete column.1、Summary of the elastic-plastic constitutive relation of concrete, detailed discussion of failure criteria of concrete、failure surfaces and the nonlinear constitutive model of concrete. Summed up several commonly used finite element model in finite element modeling, analyse their application to the situation and the advantages and disadvantages.2、Combination of test results,six reinforced concrete piers were under cyclic loading in the simulation analysis, discussed different parameters effect on the calculation results. The results show that tensile stress release factor、shear transfer coefficient、different constitutive models of reinforced has little impact on the calculation results, The computer simulation result and the test results can be better agreement..3、More detailed analysis of the axial compression ratio and high strength of longitudinal reinforcement on the ductility of pier, from the results of view, pier of the ductility factor ratio increases with the axial compression decreases, Rational allocation of high-strength steel can improve the ductility performance of pier, Just for calculating specimens,when configuring the high-strength steel accounts for the proportion of longitudinal reinforcement was 22%, the column has the best ductility.
