

Ideological Manipulations of Literary Translation

【作者】 潘佳宁

【导师】 史国强;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 根据安德烈·勒菲弗尔的翻译改写理论。所有的改写都反映某种意识形态和诗学形态。正如他在《翻译、历史与文化论集》一书中所提到的:“翻译活动并非在真空中进行,译者对自我的认知以及所拥有的文化都会影响翻译实践。”勒菲弗尔指出在特定的历史文化条件下,意识形态和诗学形态会影响改写的过程。1966-1976年的文化大革命,是中国文学翻译发展史中一个非常特殊的低谷期。在这十年里,无论是文学翻译实践,还是翻译理论,都是满目疮痍。与此同时,意识形态对文学翻译的左右,在这段时期内表现得淋漓尽致。本文通过列举文革期间文学翻译中的特殊现象,如翻译过程,发行方式,以及文学翻译的类别和目录,进而证明意识形态对翻译活动的影响。同时,本文还就美国短篇小说《爱情故事》文革中译本进行了分析,从语言层面和文化层面找寻意识形态对文学翻译的作用。最终得出结论:意识形态对文学翻译的操控作用在原著选择,译者选择,以及翻译策略选择等方面,至关重要,不容忽视。

【Abstract】 According to Andre Lefevere’s Rewriting Theory, all rewritings reflect certain ideology and poetics. As he mentions in his work Translation, History and Culture, "Translations are not made in a vacuum. And the way the translators understand themselves and their cultures is one of the factors that may influence the way in which they translate." Lefevere also points out that under certain history and culture, the process of rewriting would be restricted by two factors:ideology and poetology.The Cultural Revolution in China, which took place from 1966 to 1976, is a special slump for the development of Chinese literary translation. Just in the stagnant ten years, both the practice and theory of China’s literary translation were confronted with a great depression. At the same time, the role of ideology plays on literary translation showed thoroughly and vividly.This thesis makes a tentative study by carrying out a collection of peculiar phenomena in literary translation, such as selection of literary works, translating processes, and publication forms during the Culture Revolution, to show the great influence ideology plays on the translating process. Furthermore, it also employs a comprehensive study of the translation of Love Story, and tries to find out the influence at linguistic and cultural levels. The conclusion is finally drawn that the ideological manipulations of literary translation plays a key role in the aspects of selection of the original works, translators and translating strategies

  • 【分类号】I046;H059
  • 【下载频次】198