

Study on Monitoring and Warning System of Ordovician Water Inrush Based on Multi-Aquifer Hydraulic Connection

【作者】 黄静静

【导师】 杨栋;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着浅部煤炭资源的枯竭,开采强度的增加,矿井的深度不断延伸,来自煤层底部奥陶纪灰岩高承压水的危害日趋加剧,突水事故频发,严重影响着矿井的安全高效生产。因此,对奥灰水突水监测和预警的研究工作就尤为重要。本文通过对煤层底板奥灰水突水机理的研究分析,总结了现有突水监测预警方法技术的不足,基于多含水层奥灰水突水监测理论,建立了监测层水压分布数学模型,利用有限元对监测层水压进行反演分析,开发了可视化奥灰水突水监测系统。使用该系统进行了突水模拟实验研究,验证了其准确性;结合潞安集团余吾煤业公司的工程实例,验证了其稳定性。在论文中详细介绍了该系统的构建以及现场施工的技术环节,也指出了系统中的不足,希望日后能加以改进,并期待该系统能在各大矿区大力推广,将这一成果应用于实际生产中。

【Abstract】 With the depletion of shallow part coal resources, increasing of mining intensity, and extension of the depth of the mine, the hazard of high pressure water from the bottom of the Ordovician limestone Meiceng has beening aggraving and the water inrush accident happend frequently.These highly affect safty and high-efficent production of coal mine. Therefore, the water inrush Ordovician research monitoring and early warning is particularly important.Based on the coal floor water inrush mechanism Ordovician research and analysis, summarized existing methods and techniques of water inrush lack of monitoring and early warning, based on multi-Ordovician aquifer water inrush of water monitoring theory, using the finite element pressure distribution layer to establish a monitoring Mathematical model, the inversion pressure monitoring layer analysis, development of visual Ordovician limestone water bursting monitor system. Carried out using the system simulation of water inrush to verify its accuracy; with more than Lu’an Coal Group’s engineering practice, to verify its stability. The paper describes in detail the composition of the system and on-site construction of the technical aspects, but also points out the deficiencies of the system in hopes of improving in the future, and look forward to the system can be promoted in the major mining area, the results will be applied to practical production.
