

Research on the Relation Based on ARCGIS between the Seismicity and Active Faults Zong in Xiamen and Near Area

【作者】 余双琳

【导师】 乔玉良; 彭林;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 地震给人类带来过巨大的灾难,它造成的损失和人员伤亡比其它自然灾害要大的多。而地震活动又受地震活动断裂带的控制。地震活动和活动断裂带之间的相关性一直是地震地质学研究的重点内容之一。以往研究都没有从定性转到定量层面上研究,其中的一个主要原因就是缺乏有效的空间分析和统计工具。地理信息系统技术自从问世以来,使地震活动与地震活动断裂的相关性研究由定性过渡到定量研究,为其提供了新的途径和方法。由于厦门区域地处我国东南沿海地震带的中段,断裂构造发育,具有发生中强以上地震的地质构造背景。多年来,前人在该地区进行过大量的地震地质工作,积累了丰富的基础资料,因此本文以厦门区域为例,对其及附近区域的地震活动与活动断裂带关系进行了研究。首先通过ArcGIS 9.3软件作为平台,建立了厦门及其附近区域空间数据库,包括基础地理数据(地形数据和地貌数据等)、厦门附近区域破坏性地震目录、厦门小震目录、活动断裂、遥感数据等。其次在ArcGIS 9.3软件中实现了活动断裂的空间展布,最后利用软件的叠加功能对地震震中和活动断裂带进行叠加,展现出地震活动和活动断裂带空间分布关系。通过以上研究,本文主要有以下几点结论:(1)本论文不但收集了厦门的活动断裂、地震目录及基础地理数据,还收集了厦门附近区域的主要的活动断裂及具有破坏性地震的目录,建立了各类空间数据属性信息,为以后研究提供丰富的数据源。其次对活动断裂、地震目录及基础地理信息按其属性分类进行入库管理,为以后数据查询及检索提供方便的途径。(2)应用ArcGIS 9.3软件的空间分析功能,首先对厦门附近区域的活动断裂进行10km、20kmm及30kmm缓冲区分析。在缓冲区10km范围内,地震个数在单位面积上最多,随着缓冲范围的扩大,地震个数的数量在增长,但单位面积增长呈下降趋势。为了进一步确定地震发生的范围和活动断裂的关系,又对厦门附近区域的活动断裂进行15km和25kmm缓冲分析,得出地震活动主要集中在活动断裂带15km-25km区域范围内,表明地震活动并不是一定发生在断裂带上,它也可能发生在断裂附近的区域范围之内。最后对厦门地区活动断裂进行5km和10km缓冲分析,也得出在缓冲区10km范围内,地震个数在单位面积上最多。(3)在进行缓冲区分析时,发现活动断裂相交汇的区域地震活动更频繁。(4)DEM对分析活动断裂与地震活动性有着很大的帮助,通过DEM、活动断裂和地震目录叠加分析,可以进一步分析活动断裂与地震活动的空间展布情况。

【Abstract】 Earthquake brought huge disaster to mankind, which caused the damage and casualties much larger than any other natural disaster. Seismic activities are controlled by the seismic active fault zone. The correlation between seismic activity and active fault zone has been one of the focus of the earthquake and geology. Previous studies have not researched on it from quantitative to qualitative level, one of the main reasons is lack of effective spatial analysis and statistics tools. GIS technology since its inception, has provided new mean and method to make the realation research on the seismic activity and seismic active faults transition from qualitative to quantitative.As Xiamen located in the middle of China southeast coastal seismic zone, which fault develops, strong earthquakes have occurred in the background of the geological structure. Over the years, the predecessors had a large number of seismic geological work and accumulated a wealth of basic information in the region. To take Xiamen for example, so this article researched on the realationship between seismicity and active fult zone in Xiamen and near area. First of all, though the ArcGIS 9.3 software as a platform to build a spatial database of Xiamen and the surrounding area, including the basic geographic data (terrain data and topographic data, etc.), the vicinity of the devastating earthquake catalog of Xiamen, directory of small earthquakes of Xiamen, active faults, remote sensing data. Secondly, ArcGIS 9.3 software implemented the spatial distribution of active faults. Finally, the earthquake epicenter and active fault zone were superimposed by use of the software overlay function, showing the spatial distribution realation between seismicity and active fult zone.Through above the research, this paper has the following conclusions:(1) This paper not only collected Xiamen active fault data, earthquake catalog and basic geographic data, but also collected major active faults and devastating earthquake catalog in Xiamen near area. So a variety of spatial data attribute information were established to provide rich data source for the future study. Secondly, the active fault, earthquake catalogs and basic geographic information were classified to storage according to their properties to provide convenient way for data query and retrieval in the future.(2) Firstly, by use of ArcGIS 9.3 software spatial analysis function, the article carried out 10km,20km and 30km buffer analysis to the active fault in Xiamen near area. In the buffer zone 10km range, the number of earthquakes per unit area were the largest. With the buffer zone expansion, the number of earthquakes growed, but per unit area growth decreased. To further determine the realationship between the scope of the earthquake and active faults, the arcticle also carried out 15km and 25km buffer analysis to in Xiamen near area. The result showed that the seismic activity concentrated in the 15km-25km region and indicated it did not necessarily occur in seismic activity fault, it may also occured in the vicinity of faults. Finally, buffer analysis for 5km and 10km of active faults in Xiamen were carried out. The result showed that the number of earthquakes per unit area were the largest in the buffer zone 10km range.(3) During the buffer analysis, we found that the convergence of active fault zone had more frequent seismic activity.(4) DEM provided great help to analyze active faults and seismic activity. Through DEM, active faults and earthquake catalog overlay analysis, we could analyze spatial distribution of active faults and seismic activity furtherly.
