

Ballasted Flocculation Magnetic Technic on the Treatemnt of Copper Ions Contained in the Copper Wash Wastewater

【作者】 康小红

【导师】 杨云龙;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 市政工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 水是一切生命赖以生存的物质基础,近年来,随着城市现代化和工业生产活动的不断发展,大量的生活污水和工业废水不断地被排入湖泊、江河和土壤中,尤其是重金属废水,不仅严重危害了生态环境,还在动植物体内富集,威胁人类健康,有效治理重金属废水的污染已成为我国面临的挑战之一。如今,重金属废水的处理方法有很多种(如化学法、物理化学法、微生物法等等),这些方法在实际应用中也比较广泛,为了探索更有效的处理方法,本文主要就加载磁絮凝技术处理洗铜废水中的铜离子进行了实验研究,为此技术在以后废水处理的工程应用中提供技术参考。研究的主要内容为:利用静态烧杯实验研究聚合氯化铝、聚合硫酸铁、粉煤灰对洗铜废水中铜离子去除效果的影响因素及其最适宜投加条件,然后经技术经济比选,选出最优絮凝剂,再与磁粉结合,研究磁粉的最佳投加条件,随后进行正交实验,根据正交实验得出的结果和洗铜厂的实际情况进行工艺设计,最后估算该工程投资并进行成本分析。研究的结果表明:(1)聚合氯化铝去除洗铜废水中铜离子的最佳实验条件为:投加量为60mg/L,静沉时间为25min,pH值为8,温度影响不大,取室温即可。(2)聚合硫酸铁去除洗铜废水中铜离子的最佳实验条件为:投加量为100mg/L,静沉时间为30min,pH值为8,最适宜温度25℃。(3)粉煤灰去除洗铜废水中铜离子的最佳实验条件为:投加量为15g/L,pH值为8,反应时间为2.5h,最适宜温度30℃。(4)经技术经济比选,得出聚合氯化铝为最优混凝剂,聚合氯化铝与磁粉结合,磁粉的最佳实验条件为:投加量为500mg/L,静沉时间为15min。(5)由正交实验得出最佳运行条件为:磁粉投加量为500mg/L,PAC投加量为60mg/L,pH值为7.5,静沉时间为10min。(6)对设计的工艺进行投资估算,处理废水量为8000m3/d,总投资为468.05万元,其中:Ⅰ类费用323.29万元;Ⅱ类费用90.91万元;工程预备费用41.42万元;铺底流动资金12.43万元。(7)最后对该处理技术进行了成本分析,分析结果为:全年废水处理总成本为103.60万元,其中固定成本29.35万元,可变成本74.25万元,经营成本85.86万元,单位废水处理成本为0.53元。

【Abstract】 Water is all the material basis of life and survival.In recent years, with the city’s modernization and the development of industrial production activities,a large number of domestic sewage and industrial wastewater are continuously discharged into lakes, rivers and soil.Especially the heavy metal waste water, not only seriously damage the ecological environment,but also enrichment in the animals and plants and threaten human health.Effective management of heavy metal waste water pollution has become one of the challenges facing our country.Nowadays,there are a variety of heavy metal wastewater treatment methods (such as chemical,physical chemistry,microbiological method, etc.). These methods are more widely in practical applications.In order to explore a more effective approach,in this paper,the Loading magnetic flocculation techni-cal for treatment of heavy metal in wastewater of copper ions were studied exp-erimentally, to provide technical reference about this technology applications of wastewater treatment works in future.Main contents of the study:experimental of static beaker PAC,ferric sulfate, fly ash on the removal of copper ion in washed copper wastewater impact factors and the most appropriate dosing conditions.And then select the best flocculant by technical and economic comparison.Optimal flocculant and magn-etic powder are combined,and study the optimum dosage of magnetic condition-s,followed by orthogonal experiment.According to the results of orthogonal test and the actual situation of Tongchang washing design process,finally estimate the project investment and cost analysis.Studies suggest that:(1)the best experimental conditions of PAC remove the copper wash wastewater containing copper ions:dosage is 60mg/L,Jing Shen time is 25min,pH is 8,the temperature has little effect which can be obtained at room temperature.(2)the best experimental conditions of PFS remove the copper wash wastewater containing copper ions:dosage is 100mg/L, Jing Shen time is 30min,pH is 8,the optimum temperature is 25℃.(3)the best experimental condi-tions of Fly Ash remove the copper wash wastewater containing copper ions:dosage is 15g/L, pH is 8, the reaction time is 2.5h,the optimum temperature is 30℃.(4)by the technical and economic comparison,PAC is the optimum coagulant.PAC and magnetic are combined,the best experimental conditions of magnetic powder:dosage of 500mg/L,Jing Shen time is 15min. (5) The optimal run by the orthogonal experimental conditions:powder dosage is 500mg/L, PAC dosage is 60mg/L, pH is 7.5, Jing Shen time is 10min. (6) the estimate of the nvestment of the design process,processing wastewater is 8000m3/d, the total investment is 4.6805 million yuan,its including:class I costs is 3.2329 million yuan; class II costs is 909,100 yuan;project preparation cost is 414,200 yuan;initial working capital is 12.43 Million. (7) Finally,the processing techn-ology cost analysis and the results are as follows:annual wastewater treatment the total cost is 1.036 million yuan, including fixed costs 293,500 yuan,the variable cost of 742,500 yuan,operating costs 858,600 yuan,the unit wastewater treatment cost 0.53 yuan.
