

Investigation on the Properties of Mo Modified Layer on Titanium Gear by Plasma Surface Alloying

【作者】 赵琪

【导师】 秦林唐宾;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 材料加工工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 钛合金具有比强度高、中低温稳定性好、耐腐蚀性能优异、生物相容性好等一系列优异的特性而广泛的应用于航空航天、生物医学、化工、交通运输、文体及电子等行业;但现有钛合金由于表面承载能力低、耐磨性能差以及特定环境中耐蚀性低等原因,严重影响了钛合金结构的安全性和可靠性。材料的磨损及腐蚀很大程度上由表面性能决定,目前国内外提高钛合金耐磨性能的处理技术主要有电镀、化学热处理、PVD、CVD、激光强化以及等离子表面合金化等。但这些工艺方法存在着膜层薄、提高耐磨性能有限、耐磨层脆、耐冲击载荷性能差或耐磨层耐蚀性能差等问题。为此,针对钛合金的表面耐磨处理要求,研究采用等离子表面合金化在钛合金齿轮表面制备渗Mo镀层(外部镀层可以使合金表面完全改性;梯度中间扩散层可改善改性层-软基材之间的协调变形能力),通过在钛合金齿轮表面制备Mo改性层(Mo和其他合金元素粘着倾向最弱)以克服软基体表面耐磨涂层易剥落的缺点以及提高其抗烧损性能。在不影响钛合金基材性能的情况下,有效提高钛合金表面的耐磨性能,这将大步提高钛合金在工业应用中的使用寿命以及扩展其应用领域。本论文是源于863计划项目“表面高性能钛合金的制备与性能研究”(2007AA03Z521)。选择Ti6Al4V合金作为研究对象,通过在Ti6Al4V合金齿轮表面制备Mo渗镀改性层的工艺及其对提高齿轮耐磨性能作用的研究,为制备表面高性能钛合金的应用探索一条可行的途径。论文的主要工作是采用等离子表面合金化技术在Ti6Al4V合金齿轮表面制备Mo渗镀改性层,通过提高工件表面的硬度和优化承载能力来有效提高钛合金齿轮表面的耐磨性能;通过XRD, GDOES和SEM对改性层的组织结构进行分析,利用磨损试验机进行滑动摩擦和滚动摩擦试验,检验表面改性后的Ti6A14V合金的耐磨性能,分析其滑动摩擦和滚动摩擦特性;通过滚动接触疲劳试验来检测其抗滚动接触疲劳性能;通过模拟实际工况条件来进行耐磨性研究,通过齿轮跑合试验和实际运转试验来检测表面改性后的Ti6Al4V合金齿轮的实际运行情况,探讨改性层对钛齿轮性能的影响。本文经过一系列的实验和检测分析,得出以下结果:(1)采用等离子表面合金化技术在Ti6A14V合金表面进行渗Mo,通过工艺控制可获得厚度达18μm的由Mo扩散层和Mo沉积层构成的改性层;(2)改性层的表面硬度达1050HK,比Ti6Al4V合金提高了近三倍,且从改性层表面到Ti6A14V合金基体硬度梯度分布;(3)渗Mo的Ti6A14V合金试样与调质40Cr配副对磨做滑动和滚动摩擦时,摩擦状态明显改善,耐擦性能与承载能力都得到显著提高;(4) Ti6Al4V合金的滚动接触疲劳失效特征是粘着麻点和蚀坑,渗Mo处理能显著改善Ti6Al4V合金的滚动接触疲劳性能;(5)经过渗Mo处理的钛齿轮在跑合和运转试验中取得了成功应用。本论文的研究工作,进一步丰富了制备表面高性能钛合金的方法及理论,为表面合金化技术在Ti6Al4V合金齿轮表面的应用提供了有益的研究成果。

【Abstract】 Titanium alloy has been applied in aerospace, biomedical, chemical, transportation, sports and electronics industries due to its excellent properties, such as high specific strength, low temperature stability, excellent corrosion resistance and good biocompatibility. However, its disadvantages of low carrying capacity of the surface, poor wear resistance, high temperature oxidation embrittlement and low corrosion resistance at specific environment significantly influence the structure safety. Because the performance of wear and corrosion are mainly determined by the surface, so many processing technologies to improve wear resistance of titanium alloy have developed, including electroplating, chemical heat treatment, PVD, CVD, laser strengthening and plasma surface alloying and so on at home and abroad. But these processes have some poor performance, like exist thin films, partly improve the wear resistance, brittle wear-resistant layer, and so on. To satisfy the request of surface wear-resistant of titanium alloys, Mo surface modified layer was prepared on titanium gear using plasma surface alloying technique, consisted of a external coating, which can completely modify the surface content, and a gradient diffusion layer, which can improve the coordination deformation capacity between the modified layer and the substrate. For overcoming the disvantage of hard coatings on soft substrate, like titanium, that was easily peeled off under high loadings condition, Mo-base surface modified layers were prepared on Titanium Gear, which can obviously improve its wear resistance and simultaneously increase anti-burning properties due to weak adhesion tendency of molybdenum element with other elements. Without severe loss of the performance of substrate, the wear resistance of titanium alloy can be effectively improved, which will largely improve the life of titanium alloy parts in industrial applications and expansion of its applications.This article originates from the 863 projects "The preparation and properties of high-performance surface titanium alloy" (2007AA03Z521). By taking Ti6Al4V alloy as research target, this paper discusses process of Mo surface modified layer prepared on Titanium Gear and its effect on wear resistance at the field of theoretically and experimentally, so as to provide beneficial experiences for researches on the preparation of high-performance surface titanium alloy. Major work accomplished in this paper is as follows:Mo surface modified layer was prepared on titanium gear using plasma surface alloying technique to increase the surface hardness and adhesion strength which can effectively improve the wear resistance of titanium alloy gear. The micro structure of the modified layer was investigated by XRD, GDOES and SEM. The sliding friction and rolling friction test were performed to evaluate wear resistance of Mo modified layer by the wear test machine, the sliding friction and rolling friction characteristics were also investigated, and the rolling contact fatigue was performed to investigate the rolling contact fatigue performance of Mo modified layer. By simulating the actual working conditions, through the gear running-in tests and actual running test to evaluate the actual operation of the Ti6Al4V alloy gear and explore the performance of modified titanium gear.Based on the theoretical and experimental analysis, the results as follows:(1) Mo surface modified layer was prepared on titanium gear using plasma surface alloying technique, Mo surface modified layer is consisted of a pure Mo surface layer and a diffusion layer and its depth is no less than 18μm.;(2) The micro-hardness changes gradually from surface to Ti6Al4V matrix, and Mo modified layer reach up to 1050HK, which is nearly three times higher than that of Ti6A14V matrix.(3) The samples of Ti6A14V alloy with Mo modified layer and tempered 40Cr carried on ground sliding and rolling friction, the friction condition was significantly improved, the wear resistance and load carrying capacity had been significantly strengthened.(4) The failure characterizes of Ti6A14V alloy by rolling contact fatigue were adhesion pitting and corrosion pits, Mo surface modified layer can significantly improve performance of rolling contact fatigue of the Ti6A14V alloy;(5) The gear running-in tests and actual running tests were carried on. The performances of the molybdnized Ti6Al4V alloy gears gears were successful applied.Researches done in this paper enrich methods of the preparation of high-performance surface titanium alloy, and provide beneficial research fruits for surface alloying technology in the application of the surface of Ti6A14V alloy gears.
