

Research on Versification of Zhangyue’s Poetry

【作者】 谢心丽

【导师】 王兆鹏;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 张说(667~730)是初唐渐盛之际的诗人兼政治家,本文以张说的诗歌为研究对象,对其进行穷尽式的考察,对声、韵、调进行全面分析,以声律研究为主,用韵研究为辅。在声律研究上前人多整体概括或多是理论研究﹑内容上则大都是综述﹑概要﹑体系建构。本文则具体而深入地分析其声律情况,从微观角度考察其诗律特点。具体而言,全面考察其诗在平仄、粘对、节奏、对仗、用韵、拗救等方面的特点,并用八病理论对其考察,探究其在诗格方面的基本面貌,从而对初唐时的诗格的整体情况做一个辅助性的论据。本文共分绪论、正文、结语三个部分,其中正文部分分为五章。在绪论部分介绍了本课题的研究意义、研究现状以及研究方法,指出了目前学界多是从文学的角度来研究张说的诗歌,而从语言角度的研究较少,因此应加强这方面的研究力度,以期对张说有更全面的研究。正文第一章分析了张说诗歌的用韵情况,第一节分析了张说近体诗的用韵韵谱、用韵特点,以及特殊韵字的情况,第二节研究了张说古体诗的用韵韵谱、用韵特点。第三节是对张说诗歌声调的辨别,有的字存在平仄两读的情况,在判定时,结合了诗的平仄格式以及字的意义。第二章对张说诗歌的格律进行了分析,第一节分别统计了五言绝句、七言绝句、五言律诗、七言律诗、五言排律的格律情况,包括五言近体诗的“一不论”、“三不论”、平仄格式、句式、拗救,以及七言近体诗的“一不论”、“三不论”、“五不论”、平仄格式、句式、拗救情况。第二节分析了张说古体诗的句式、失粘、失对情况。第三章分析了张说诗歌对仗情况,第一节是对张说近体诗对仗的分析,分别对五言绝句、七言绝句、五言律诗、七言律诗、五言排律的对仗情况进行了统计,包括对仗的种类、位置的统计,并对不同体裁的对仗特点进行了比较。第二节是对张说古体诗的对仗分析,对五言四句、五言八句、五言十句、五言十六句、五言十八句古诗等进行分别统计,考察了古体诗的对仗特点。第四章分析了张说诗歌的声病情况,即“平头”、“上尾”、“蜂腰”、“鹤膝”、“大韵”、“小韵”、“正纽”、“傍纽”八种声病的病犯情况,统计了各个声病病犯的次数,以及声病病犯的整体情况,并对近体诗与古体诗的声病情况进行了比较,在比较中探究其原因和规律。第五章用“内证法”对张说的个别诗句进行了校勘,目前收录张说诗集的有不同的版本:中华书局的《全唐诗》,影印文渊阁《四库全书》本《御定全唐诗》,《丛书集成初编》本《张燕公集》,《唐五十家诗集》,现存诸集在个别字句上不尽相同,从用韵、平仄、粘对、声病角度的“内证法”校勘诗句,是对文献考证的有力补证。结论部分在正文全面分析的基础上,总结了张说近体诗与古体诗的用韵、格律、对仗、声病的整体情况。

【Abstract】 ZhangYue (667 ~ 730) was the poet and politician of early Tang Dynasty, In this paper, as the study of poetry of Zhang Yue, research object of its exhaustive investigation of the sound, rhyme, stressed a comprehensive analysis of the rhythm Mainly, supplemented by rhyme.In research on rhythmic or more of our predecessors integrated generalization theory research, content is reviewed, is mostly summary, system construction. This paper is specific and in-depth analysis, the rhythmic from microcosmic Angle on the versification characteristics.Specifically, we study the poem in level and oblique tones,“NianDui”, rhythm, isocolon, rhyme,“AoJiu”and other characteristics, and analyzes the the situation of“Eightills”, exploring their poetry forms the basic features in order to Tang Dynasty The poetic style of the whole situation, and so a supporting argument.This text is totally divided into introduction, text and conclusion three parts, among them, the text part is divided into five chapters.The research meaning that introduced this topic in the introduction part, study present condition and research method, pointed out currently the educational circles mostly studies a verse for saying from the angle of literature, but from the research less of language angle, therefore the strength for research that should strengthen this aspect has more overall research to ZhangYue’s verse.The first chapter analyzed an using of ZhangYue’s verse rhyme circumstance, section 1 analyzed using of ZhangYue’s modern-style poems rhyme rhyme table and use a rhyme characteristics, and the circumstance of special rhyme word, section 2 studied the using of ZhangYue classical poems rhyme rhyme table, use a rhyme characteristics.Section 3 is to Zhang Yue verse voice the discriminator for adjusting, have of the word exist level and oblique tone two read of the circumstance, whiled judging, combined the level and oblique tone format of the poem and the meaning of the word.The second chapter carried on analysis to the standard of ZhangYue’s verse, section 1 statisticsed the meter statuses of five character quatrain, seven character quatrain, five Characters Poems, seven Characters Poems and Pailu, including“YiBuLun”,“SanBuLun”, level and oblique tones, sentence type and AoJiu of five speech modern-styles poems, and the circumstance of“YiBuLun”,“SanBuLun”,“WuBuLun”, level and oblique tones, sentence type and“AoJiu”of seven speech modern-styles poems.Section 2 we analyzed the condition of Zhang Yue’s classical poems sentence type,“ShiNian”and“ShiDui”.The third chapter analyzes the case of ZhangYue’s poetry isocolon, section I, is the antithesis of ZhangYue’s analysis of modern-style poems, respectively five character quatrain, seven character quatrain, Wu Yan Poems, Seven Poems, Poem Extended Form of the antithesis were statistically , Including the type of isocolon, the location of statistics, and characteristics of different genres of isocolon compared. ZhangYue’s second section is the antithesis of the classical poems, four lines of Poem, Poem eight, ten Poem, Poem sixteen, eighteen poems, etc. Five-character, respectively, statistics, visit the antithesis of the classical poems Characteristics. The firth chapter analyzes the situation of“Eight ills”of ZhangYue’s poetry, that is“PingTou”,“ShangWei”,“FengYao”,“HeXi”,“DaYun”,“XiaoYun”,“BangNiu”,“ZhengNiu”,we statistics the number and the overall situation, and compare the stations of modern-style poems and classical poems, in comparison to investigate its reason and regulation.The fifth chapter was used“inside certificate method”to carry on to collate to piece the individual poem for saying, registered having of ZhangYue’s collection of poems different edition currently:“Full Tang”of Zhonghua Book Company, the photocopy text Yuan Ge“Si Ku Quan Shu”,“in the Imperial Tang and Poetry,”“early integrated compilation series”,“Zhang Yangong Collection”,“Tang’s 50 collection of poemses”, existing various gather at individual the phrases ascend not to exert a homology, we use a“inside certificate method”that including rhyme, level and oblique tones,“NianDui”and“Eight ills”to collate a poem, repair a certificate research to the cultural heritage.

【关键词】 张说用韵格律对仗声病
【Key words】 ZhangYuerhymerhythmisocolon“Eight ills”