

Science of Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi in Modern China

【作者】 张晓波

【导师】 田海林;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 程颢程颐兄弟及其所创立的理学,在中国儒学史上具有重要的历史地位,对中国的文化与社会产生了广泛而深远的影响。言其广泛,是指二程之学影响了中国的政治、经济、文化等诸多方面;言其深远,是指二程之学成为元明清三代的庙堂之学,其影响一直延续到近现代。近代以来,西力东侵,西学东渐,中国传统社会发生了剧烈变化,作为中国传统的官方哲学,二程之学发生了历史性嬗变。晚清时期,面临“数千年未有之变局”,高居庙堂之上的唐鉴、曾国藩、倭仁等理学名臣推动了理学的复兴,对二程之学的学术研究以及在政治实践上的应用都做出了应有的贡献。民国时期,中国学术由经学时代进入史学时代,程朱理学丧失了官方哲学的地位,但是关于二程之学的研究也逐渐走向科学化,体现了民国时期思想文化领域和社会政治的巨大变迁。因此,本文对近现代二程之学进行全方位、多层次的历史考察,对研究理学以及整个传统文化在近代中国的历史命运,对探寻近代先进中国人的政治思想演变的轨迹,对处理传统文化与近代中国的关系来说具有重要的理论意义。厘清在近现代中国历史大变迁的社会环境下二程之学自身的嬗变节律,丰富二程之学研究这一理学研究领域,具有重要的学术价值。抽象继承近现代二程之学中与时代性、民族性相适应的内容,对于我们今天弘扬传统文化、建设中华民族共同精神家园、构建社会主义和谐社会有重要的现实意义。本文主要分为以下两大部分:第一部分为导论,阐述本文的选题由来、学术价值、学术史综述、学术重难点及创新点、概念界定。第二部分为正文,全面考察二程之学在近现代中国的历史变迁:《二程之学在中国古代历史上的渊源与流变》简述宋代至清前期的二程之学,对二程之学的产生与发展、中央政权对二程之学的褒扬等内容进行简要的历史考察。《晚清民国时期不同政权与二程之学》分晚清、民国两个时期,对晚清政府、太平天国政权、南京临时政府、北京政府、南京国民政府、中国共产党政权、伪政权对待二程之学的态度作一历史考察。《近现代二程之学文献统计》搜集整理晚清民国时期二程著作(包括单行本与合刊本)的刊刻、印刷、发行情况,系统考察传统治学方法以及现代学科体系与研究方法下晚清民国时期研究二程及其思想学术的著作与论文。《晚清经今古文与二程之学》采用个案研究的方式,考察晚清理学家、宋学家、汉学家对二程之学的批判与维护。《五四新文化运动时期的二程之学》从维护和批判两个方面考察五四新文化运动时期的二程之学。《现代新儒学与二程之学》探讨冯友兰“新理学”、贺麟“新心学”、马一浮对二程之学的继承与新发展。管道中在现代学科体系下,采用现代研究方法研究二程及其思想学术,其所著《二程研究》为近现代二程研究之大成,本文特列《二程研究之大成:管道中与〈二程研究〉》一章。《中西学术交流下的二程之学》主要探讨在西学东渐的过程中二程之学受到的冲击及其获得的新发展。《二程之学在近现代中国的历史命运》考察近现代二程之学的历史命运,将近现代二程之学的特点概括为:政治层面遭受猛烈批判,思想文化层面获得了新发展。

【Abstract】 As the creator of neo, Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi played an important role in the history of Chinese Confucianism. The neo has an extensive and far-reaching influence on China’s politic, economic, and culture, from Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties to today . As an official philosophy of traditional Chinese, Science of Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi had a drastic change with the West of East invasion. During the late Qing dynasty, Tang Jian, Zeng Guofan and other peoplel romoted the neo-Renaissance. In the Republic of China, with great social and political changes, the philosophy of Cheng-Zhu lost the official status. But on the other hand, the scientific study on Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi developed.This article has a historical investigation on the Science of Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi of the all-round, multi-level and it is of great theoretical significance: exploring the evolution of advanced Chinese political thought in modern times, to handle the relationship between traditional culture and modern Chinese. It has an important academic value in investigating the change’s rhythm of the Science of Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi. Through this article,we can carry forward the traditional culture for building a common spiritual home of the Chinese nation and building the Socialist harmonious society.This article is divided into the following two parts: the first part is an introduction to explain the topic origin, the academic value of this article, academic history, academic difficulty and innovation, concept definition.The second part investigates the Science of Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi in modern China: the origin and evolution of the Science of Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi during Song dynasty to the early Qing dynasty; the attitudes and policies of the late Qing dynasty, the The taiping heavenly kingdom, Nanjing provisional Government, Beiyang Government, Nanjing national Government, the CPC regime and the Wang Jingwei puppet regime to the Science of Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi; the movement, printing, distribution of Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi ’s writings and academic books and papers in traditional research methods and modern research methods on Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi in late Qing dynasty and the Republic of China; the Pathologists, Sinologists’ criticism and maintenance on the Science of Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi in late Qing dynasty; people’s criticism and maintenance in The Wusi period; the writings of Feng youlan, He Lin and Ma yifu on Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi; Guan daozhong and Study on Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi; the Science of Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi duiring the cultural exchange between China and other countries; the fate of Science of Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi in modern China : subjected to fierce criticism at the political level and the new development at ideology and cultural level.
