

【作者】 马明

【导师】 单信海;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 运动人体科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:运动员的纵跳能力一直是运动员和教练员关注的热点,好的纵跳能力是一些运动项目取胜的决定因素。在训练过程中纵跳及连续纵跳经常作为体育运动项目的重要技术之一。个人的纵跳能力除受先天遗传因素影响外,后天训练因素对其影响也很大。为了提高运动员的纵跳能力,获得好的训练效果,对于纵跳的研究颇为广泛。当前主要研究有对纵跳时相的划分方面、纵跳理论的进展方面、纵跳过程中各关节的运动情况及动量和功率变化情况,纵跳与其他短跑等运动项目的关联情况、纵跳过程下肢肌电、血乳酸等生理变化方面等等。随着纵跳理论的不断完善,纵跳及连续纵跳的训练方法手段也更加科学。为了使机体获得更高的弹跳能力,在运动训练中往往要采用各种外加负荷的训练方式。负重是常见的负荷方式,对于负重的研究当前在学术界还有较大争议,有的学者认为在训练过程中机体负荷自身体重30%时训练效果最好,有的学者认为负荷体重60%时机体输出功率最大,有的学者则认为机体只有在自身重量下时才能发挥最大工作效率。当前对纵跳及负重纵跳的研究已取得不少成果,为科学运动训练提供了重要的理论支持。但对连续纵跳的研究甚少,对于负重连续纵跳的研究几乎还是空白,而且我们都知道,在实际训练或比赛过程中,更多的是连续纵跳或单一纵跳和连续纵跳的结合形式,所以研究不同负荷对原地连续纵跳的影响具有更大的现实意义。本文旨在为评价个体纵跳能力提供方法手段,为运动训练提供理论和实验依据。方法:本文通过实验的方法对16名受试者(8男、8女)分别负不同负荷(0kg、20kg、30kg、40kg)做连续纵跳进行研究,通过三维测力台、摄像机及图像分析软件对在不同负荷下连续纵跳过程中下肢关节的运动学和动力学等生物力学特征的参数进行记录分析,通过spss15.0数据处理软件对所得数据进行研究探讨。结果与结论:一、在连续纵跳纵跳过程中,不同负荷对男女性别之间的影响无显著性差异,男女之间对于不同负荷的影响其参数变化趋势相同;二、在连续纵跳过程中,一定范围内负荷的变化对踝关节、膝关节的最小角度值影响不大,无显著性差异(p>0.05)。也就是一定负荷下连续纵跳过程中踝关节、膝关节具有很好的稳定;三、在不同负荷下连续纵跳过程中,在一定范围内随着负荷的增加,膝关节、踝关节最大角速度逐渐减小,有显著性差异(p<0.05);四、在不同负荷下连续纵跳过程中,纵跳周期相对稳定,无显著性差异(p>0.05);在一定范围内随着负荷量的增加,支撑时间越来越长,腾空时间越来越短,有显著性差异(p<0.05);五、在不同负荷下连续纵跳过程中,下肢刚度系数K相对稳定,无显著性差异(p>0.05);下肢型变量相对稳定,无显著性差异(p>0.05);六、在不同负荷下连续纵跳过程中,测力台所受最大力F相对稳定,无显著性差异(p>0.05);在一定范围内随着负荷的增加,达到最大力值所需时间变长,有显著性差异(p<0.05);下肢爆发力随负荷增加变小,有显著性差异(p<0.05)。

【Abstract】 Athletes of vertical jumping ability is always the focus to athletes and coaches, good vertical jumping ability is the deciding factor in some sports . In the training process of vertical jumping and continuous vertical jumping are often taken as one of the most important technologies in sports. The Personal ability of vertical jumping is influenced besides genetic factors, the day after tomorrow training outside is also very important. Current research interests include the division of the phase terms of vertical jump, vertical jump theory of progress, vertical jump during the motion of each joint and the changes in momentum and power, vertical jump and sprint the other associated conditions such as sports, vertical jump process of lower limb EMG, blood lactate and other physiological change and so on. With the theory of continuous improvement vertical jump, vertical jump vertical jump training methods and means of continuous and more science. In order to obtain higher jumping ability of the body, often in the sports training using a variety of external loads of training. The load weight is a common way, for the weight of the current controversy in the academic community there is a large, and some scholars believe that the body in the training process 30% of their body weight load of the best training, and some scholars believe that the timing of the load weight of 60% body maximum output power, and some scholars believe that the body under its own weight only when the work to achieve maximum efficiency. With the improvement of the vertical jumping theory, The training methods of vertical jumping and continuous vertical jumping are becoming more scientific. In order to make the body get higher capacity, a variety of adscititious load of form be used in sports training. The current the research about the vertical jumping and loading on the vertical jumping has made many achievements for scientific exercise training and provides many important theoretical support. But continuous vertical jumping research is very little, furthermore,the research about loading on continuous vertical jumping is almost blank。We all know actual training or competition process, the pattern of continuous vertical jumping or single vertical jumping and continuous vertical jumping is more usual. So the study of influence about loading on continuous vertical jumping is more realistic significance. This article through the experimental method of 16 participants were loaded different loading (0kg, 20kg, 30kg,40kg) during continuous vertical jumping process. through the biomechanical characteristics of experimental data analysis and exploration aimed at the evaluation the ability of individual vertical jumping to provide training methods , theoretical and experimental basis. The conclude :First, in a continuous vertical jumping process, between different loads on the impact of gender there was no significant difference , there was the same trend of its parameters of different loads for men and women; Second, in the continuous vertical jumping process, loads changing in a certain range the minimum Angle value of knee joint little impact, there was no significant differences(p > 0.05). Also is certain load under continuous vertical jumping process ankle knee has good stability; Third, at different load under continuous vertical jumping process, in certain scope as load increases, knee, ankle angular velocity decrease gradually, there was significant differences(p < 0.05); Fourth, in different load under continuous vertical jumping process, vertical skipping cycle relatively stable, there was no significant difference(p > 0.05), Within the scope of certain and with the increase of load, supporting longer, post-flight shorter time, there was significant differences(p < 0.05); Fifth, in different load consecutive jumping process, lower limbs vertical rigidity coefficient K relatively stable, there was no significant differences(p > 0.05), Lower limbs type variables relatively stable, there was no significant differences(p > 0.05);Sixth, in different load consecutive jumping process, vertical force measurement machine by most strongly F relatively stable, there was no significant difference(p > 0.05), In certain scope as load increases, achieve the most greatly value the time needed for longer, there was significant differences(p < 0.05), Lower limbs explosive decrease, there are significant differences(p < 0.05).
