

【作者】 李超

【导师】 韩玮;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 美术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 中国当代艺术在经历了85’新潮之后,进入一个新的反思时期,从而引发对新的当代艺术的讨论。当代花鸟画艺术也在这一新的艺术浪潮的影响下,在审美追求上进行着创新的探索,呈现出了多样化、多元化与风格化。当代花鸟画在构图、色彩、造型、材料、技法等绘画形式语言上的变革,成为花鸟画变革的出发点和立足点。本文就当代花鸟画的色彩多种变现形式,以及色彩带给花鸟画的更深层次的表现功能和艺术内涵进行了探讨。本文主要论述花了鸟画色彩的借鉴形式、多样化的表现形式以及色彩在作品中的艺术追求和艺术效果,通过几方面的论述,对当代花鸟画的艺术语言中加强色彩美的必要性,加强对色彩语言形式的主观感受,并把对色彩的审美感受与画家自身的情感需要联系起来,以求对当代花鸟画艺术进行新的解读。前言部分阐述了当代文化语境的理解以及花鸟画在这种语境下进行变革的必然性,艺术家们对这种都市时尚文化和消费文化的理解,把握住这根藤蔓,从而引起了绘画艺术的风格化和时代感。文章第一部分是对当代花鸟画色彩趋向的概括和探讨。分别从传统色彩观、民间色彩观、西方现代绘画色彩观概括描述,并联系当代艺术作品,逐一详细阐述了对三种色彩观的借鉴。无论哪种色彩观,画家只有认清中国画自身的规律,借鉴才能契合当代艺术的追求与时代发展的相统一的脉络。第二部分论述了当代花鸟画色彩表现形式的多样性。此章主要在色彩的应用、材料的运用以及绘画技法形式三方面,从而详细探讨了色彩形式的具体体现。妙超自然的用色特点区别于传统绘画中“随类赋彩”的色彩观,色彩的和谐与对比以及色彩的设计构成,阐述了当代花鸟画色彩构成,以及如何结合画家的情感要求使用色彩,使色彩成为画面中情感化了的形式语言。材料的运用是以多种材料创造作品,使画面更加具有装饰性和趣味性,最后一节主要以色彩的理性设计建构画面,以增加画面的时代感和装饰感。技法应用主要介绍当代画家在画面中使用到的能够增加画面特殊效果的技法,这些技法既能增加画面色彩的层次,又可以使作品独树一帜,形成自家风格。最后部分是本文的重点章节,通过前几章对绘画语言的介绍,所有的绘画技法都是为表现画面主题服务的,才能使作品充分展现其艺术内涵,既传达出画家的主观感受和内心情感,以及艺术语言构成的形式美与内在美,又清楚的证明了绘画作品之所以感人,不但有赖于画家对客观物象的深入观察,还有赖于画家主体情思的积极活动。因为艺术作品本身就是内容与形式的统一,再现与表现的统一,感性与理性的统一,只有将欣赏者鉴赏能力与创作者的主观情感结合在一起,才有可能获得对艺术作品全面而准确的认识。画家对作品的创作体现的是画家真实的人生观和对客观对象的外在情感化,一幅作品是否感人,色彩是通向艺术内涵与境界创造的媒介,当代花鸟画横向借鉴各种画种的色彩运用,使花鸟画的艺术语言更加丰富,艺术形式更加多样,表现现代人的审美趋向以及创作者的精神世界也更加直接和丰富,色彩的运用将成为当代花鸟画画家的永恒追求。

【Abstract】 Chinese contemporary art has experienced a 85 ’trendy after entering a new period of reflection, giving rise to the new discussion of contemporary art. Contemporary flower art was the art of this new wave of influence, in the aesthetic pursuit of innovation on the exploration, showing a diverse, pluralistic and stylized. Flower in contemporary composition, color, shape, materials, techniques and other forms of linguistic change painting into flower changes starting point and foothold. In this paper, realization of contemporary forms of a variety of flower colors and flower colors to bring a deeper level of functionality and artistic content of the performance were discussed.This article discusses the color painting of birds take the form of reference, a variety of forms and color in works of art and artistic pursuit of results, through the discussion of several aspects of contemporary art of flower color of the United States to strengthen the language of the necessity of strengthen the subjective experience of color language forms, and the aesthetic sense of color and the artist’s own emotional need to contact them, in order for a new contemporary interpretation of Art flower. The preamble describes the understanding of contemporary cultural context and the bird in this context the necessity for change, the artists of this urban fashion and consumer culture, cultural understanding, grasp the root vine, which led to the painting stylized and contemporary.The use of materials to create works based on a variety of materials, so that the screen is more decorative and interesting, the last section of the main building to the screen rational design of color to increase the picture a sense of contemporary and decorative. Application of contemporary techniques introduces artists on the screen can be used to increase the screen special effects techniques, these techniques can not only increase the level of the color screen, but also makes the work unique to form its own style.Finally, the focus of this chapter in part, through the first few chapters introduce the language of painting, all painting techniques are the subject of services for the performance of the screen to fully display the works of their artistic content, both convey the artist’s subjective feelings and inner feelings and the composition of formal beauty and artistic language inner beauty, but also clearly demonstrated the reason why moving paintings, the artist not only depends on the depth of the objective observation of images, but also depends on the mind sees the positive activities of the main artists. Because works of art in itself the unity of content and form, reproduce and unity, the unity of emotional and rational, and only those who will appreciate the ability to appreciate the artist’s subjective feelings and together, we can be on a full and accurate work of art understanding.The creation of the works reflect the artist is the painter’s life and the real object of the objective external emotional, moving piece of work is, the color is the way to artistic content created with the realm of media, learn a variety of contemporary landscape painting flower use of color, so that the art of flower language richer, more diverse art forms, showing the modern aesthetic trends and the spirit of the creators of the world is also more direct and rich use of color will become the eternal pursuit of contemporary flower painters.
