

Imperial Discourse in Mansfield Park

【作者】 李杨

【导师】 于冬云;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 《曼斯菲尔德庄园》是简·奥斯丁(Jane Austen, 1775-1817)创作后期的重要作品,在诸多后殖民文化批评的研究案例中,《曼斯菲尔德庄园》是一部内涵丰富、有张力的作品,它将英国18世纪女性小说家简·奥斯丁的创作活动,与处于上升时期的英帝国对内、对外的活动紧密地联系在一起。本文基于对英国18世纪社会和历史的研究,运用后殖民主义文化批评的相关理论,将文本中虚拟的帝国叙事空间和文本外真实的历史相结合,对《曼斯菲尔德庄园》这一具有代表性的作品进行全新的解读。本文共分为三章:第一章,首先笔者从历史的层面,介绍帝国话语产生的内外条件;其次从文学史的层面,分析18世纪英国小说中的帝国叙事;最后,落实到作家个体层面,分析简?奥斯丁与英帝国之间的关系以及奥斯丁小说中的帝国叙事。第二章,通过剖析以伯特伦一家为代表的世俗贵族和以克劳福德一家为代表的资产阶级新贵族之间的彼此妥协与抗衡的复杂关系,挖掘他们在风云涌动的变革中,各自持有的立场,指出他们在社会转型中为谋求新的出路而作出的选择;第三章,以处于帝国话语边缘地位的殖民地(安提瓜)、被收养者范妮和被驱逐者为对象,探讨处于权力话语之外的“他者”是如何以自己的方式对庄园发挥作用,并试图融入这个中心,获得平等对话的权利。

【Abstract】 Mansfield Park was an important one among the later works written by Jane Austen (1775-1817). This works was full of deeply reflection on love and marriage as always. Among a large numbers of cases which study in the filed of Post-Colonialism cultural criticism, Mansfield Park is a works which is about the relationships between the Jane Austen’s creative activities, who was a well-known women novelist in British in Eighteenth century, and the activities of British Empire at home and abroad. Based on researching the social and historical situation in British in Eighteenth century, combining the virtual narrative space of Empire with the real history by using the theory of Post-Colonialism cultural criticism, this dissertation analyzes this typical works. This dissertation consists of three chapters.The first chapter relates to the levels of history, literature and the novelist. Firstly, from historical perspective, the author analyzed the domestic and international conditions on the Imperial Discourse. Secondly, in literature level, the author talked about the Imperial Discourse in British novels in Eighteenth century. Thirdly, in author’s individual level, the author analyzed the imperial narration in Austen’s works, and the relationships between Jane Austen and Empire.The second chapter focuses on the complex relationships between the secular nobles represented by the Thomas and the new nobility represented by the Crawford. They not only fought but also compromise with each other to reflect their own standpoint in the social change and make the different choices for seeking new ways under the social transformation era.The third chapter discusses out of the power discourse“otherness”, taking Antigua, Fanny and the expatriated persons for example. The dissertation talked about how“otherness”to play a role in Mansfield Park by their own way, and attempted to get the equal rights to discourse by means of entering the power center.
