

Shakespeare’s Plays and the Aristocracy Culture Elements

【作者】 宋伟杰

【导师】 王化学;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 任何时代以统治者意志为主导的主流意识形态都决定或影响着全社会的价值判断,形成文化理想,进而渗透至社会结构的各个层面。欧洲封建时代形成了强大的贵族文化传统,在不同内容的历史进程中发挥过巨大作用,作为一种价值观或审美观,更潜移默化地影响至今。英国是西方贵族传统文化色彩最为浓厚的国家之一,英国人保守的性格和无处不在的绅士做派与之有着千丝万缕的关系。文艺复兴时期英国乃至欧洲最伟大的戏剧家莎士比亚,其丰富、深邃、完美的创作也曲折生动地反映出英国人的文化品格,毋宁说引领当时社会主流意识的贵族文化品格。作为欧洲文学经典的中心,莎剧隐含丰富的贵族主题,流露出大量贵族文化元素。对其进行梳理、研究,便构成本论文的主要内容。论文从大处说包含两个大块,即西方尤其英国的贵族文化元素和该元素与莎士比亚及其创作的关系。这些内容按以下章节进行论述:引论,以历史的辩证的思想方法阐明贵族文化元素作为欧洲历史文化的核心内容对西方文明的独特贡献、其源远流长和精英特性,及其与莎士比亚剧作的密切关系,从而说明该课题研究的意义。第一章西方贵族文化传统,首先围绕该课题勾勒莎学研究简况,再从“贵族文化的产生、发展与式微”、“贵族文化特征及其对社会的影响”、“莎士比亚所处时代英国贵族政治文化风尚”三个方面扼要考察欧洲特别是英国的贵族与贵族文化传统。第二章莎士比亚与贵族及贵族文化,从“莎士比亚的贵族情结”、“莎士比亚与贵族的交往”、“作为贵族庇护下的‘供奉剧团’”、“贵族文化精神提升莎剧创作”四个方面,将由对贵族文化的一般考察转向对莎士比亚与贵族文化关系的考察。第三章莎士比亚喜剧中的贵族文化元素,从“睿智豪侠的绅士”、“坚贞智慧的淑女”、“骑士风度与人文情怀”三个方面讨论喜剧,由此转向莎剧研究,重点从形象学和主题学的角度。第四章莎士比亚史剧与悲剧中的贵族文化元素,从“英雄或政客:决定历史命运的主导力量”、“权谋与机变:马基雅维利式的政治智慧”、“思想家:以哈姆莱特为例”、“力行者:以凯撒、勃鲁托斯为例”四个方面讨论史剧和悲剧,仍以主题学和形象学为切入点。结语,总结本课题的学术意义及创新点。本文旨在修正甚至颠覆传统莎学研究中对贵族文化性质的成见甚至偏见,提出或者建构新的符合唯物史观的贵族文化价值判断。这既是创新点,也是难点甚或挑战。

【Abstract】 Mainstream ideology dominated by the will of the rulers influences the value judgments of the whole society. It forms the ideal of a culture and infiltrates all levels of social structure. Since aristocracy culture came into being in Europe in the feudal times, it has been playing a significant role throughout history, and as a value and aesthetic conception, its influence is still being felt today. Britain is one of the most influenced countries by the western aristocracy culture, which can serve as an explanation of the British conservative character and gentlemanly manners. Shakespeare is the greatest British dramatist in the Renaissance period. His perfect works vividly reflect the cultural character of the British people. We can say that Shakespeare leads the mainstream consciousness of aristocracy culture. As the center of European classical culture, Shakespeare’s works abound with aristocracy theme, showing a large number of aristocracy culture elements. The main content of this paper is to study the elements of the aristocracy culture in Shakespeare’s plays.This thesis consists of two parts. The first part discusses the elements of English aristocracy culture; the second part deals with the relationship between these elements and Shakespeare’s works. They are going to be discussed in the following sections:The introduction expounds the aristocracy culture elements from a historical and dialectical approach, including its unique contribution to Western civilization, its long history, its elitist features, and its close association with Shakespeare’s plays. The significance of this study is also discussed in this part.The first chapter centers on the tradition of western aristocracy culture. First, after a brief introduction of Shakespeare studies, this part examines European especially English aristocracy and aristocracy culture tradition from three aspects: 1) the beginning, development and decline of the aristocracy culture; 2) the features of the aristocracy culture and its impact on the society; 3) the English political and cultural customs in Shakespeare’s times.Chapter II focuses on Shakespeare’relationship with the nobility and the aristocracy culture from four aspects: Shakespeare’s aristocracy complex; his contacts with the gentry; the theaters under the protection of the aristocracy; the aristocracy culture enhancing Shakespeare’s works. In this part, the attention is turned from a general study of the aristocracy culture to an examination of the relationship between Shakespeare and the aristocracy culture.Chapter III presents the aristocracy culture elements in Shakespeare’s comedies. The discussion of his comedies includes the generous gallant gentleman, the faithful and intelligent lady, chivalry of brave, just and romantic gentleman, humanistic elements of virtue, friendship and love. This part turns to the study of Shakespeare and puts an emphasis on the study of image and themes in his plays.Chapter IV analyses the aristocracy culture elements in Shakespeare’s historical plays and tragedies from five aspects, still focusing on images and themes: 1) heroes or politicians, the dominant force to decide the fate of history; 2) trickery and strategy: the Machiavellian political wisdom; 3) thinkers, a case study of Hamlet; 4) doers, with Caesar and Brutus as examples.The conclusion part sums up the academic significance and innovative points of this research. The purpose of this paper is to amend or even to subvert the bias or prejudice against the aristocracy culture in traditional Shakespeare studies, and to offer or construct a new cultural value judgment in accord with historical materialism.
