

Combination of Human and Function

【作者】 罗瑞娟

【导师】 冯信群;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 设计艺术学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 中国建筑文化具有悠久的历史,其构造形式和审美形式至今对我们都有着深远的影响。木雕艺术作为传统建筑文化的一部分,它在建筑中的美学价值一直影响至今。婺源木雕作为中国众多木雕艺术中较具影响力的一种,有着重要的研究价值。婺源木雕历史悠久,它的兴盛是因为顺应了历史发展的潮流。随着经济的发展,人们对住宅环境有了更高的要求,富有精神含义的居住环境被广大民众所喜爱,特别是为官僚和商贾所追求。为此,集中了来自全国各地的能工巧匠积极参与设计构思和雕刻,这不仅丰富了婺源建筑形式和装饰风格,同时也提高了建筑装饰的艺术性,并创作出丰富多样的具有一定艺术品质的木雕作品。笔者通过实地考察,在研究了大量婺源建筑和资料的基础上,对明清婺源木雕产生的背景、建筑功能和装饰等方面进行研究和分析。婺源原属于徽州一府六县之一,在文化上虽属徽派文化圈,但它却又别于徽派文化。婺源历来有“官宦之府,商贾之地”之说,特别是明清以来,众多官宦和商人在为官和从商的经历中提高了自己的眼界,开拓了视野,从而形成了相对开放的心态。由于对传统建筑文化和其它区域的建筑文化采取了继承与融合的态度,使婺源建筑和装饰无论是在功能或装饰风格上都有所改变和提高,除了具有传统徽派建筑的特色之外,又融入了沪浙赣等地的风格,从而形成了婺源建筑和装饰的三大特点。首先,是建筑和装饰的合理性和务实性;其次,是装饰中的文化内涵;最后,是构件功能和装饰方法之间的灵活性。由此,使建筑在文化上形成雅俗并存的新格局,从而更好的满足广大民众物质生活和精神生活的需要。

【Abstract】 China architectural culture has a long history, whose constructive and aesthetic forms still affects us deeply. As a part of traditional architectural culture, wood carving art has affected us as ever, especially, Wuyuan wood carving, which has a greater effect on us and deserves its own research value. Wuyuan wood carving has a long history, whose prosper complys with the tide of history. With the development of economy, people demand a higher degree from residential settings. The public, especially, some officials and rich businessmen, are pursuing the residential settings with spirit connotation. As a result, arts, which designed and carved by skilled craftsmen from all over the country, not only enrich Architecture form and decoration style of Wuyuan, but improves art of Architecture decoration as well. Moreover, colorful wood sculptures of high artistic quality are created.Basing on the on-the-spot investigation and the study of materials of Wuyuan and its architecture, the author analyzes the background, architecture function and decoration Wuyuan Wood Carving in Ming& Qing Dynasty. Originally, Wuyuan was one of Huizhou’s one prefecture and six counties in the ancient time. Culturally, it belongs to Hui style which it differs from. Wuyuan is famous as a place rich in officials and businessmen, many of whom broaden their visions and form an open mind through their own experiences. It is taking an inherited and confusional attitude towards traditional architecture cultures and architecture cultures in other regions that helps to change Wuyuan style in function and decoration. It is of traditional characteristics of Huizhou architecture. Moreover, it combines with the styles of Shanghai, Zhejiang, and jiangxi, etc. All of them contribute the three features of Wuyuan architecture and decoratin:reasonability and pragmaticality; cultural connotation, flexibility between component functions and decoration methods. In this way, there comes a new age when elegance and vulgarity coexist in architecture cultures, which can satisfy different needs of different people from all walks of life.

【关键词】 婺源木雕功能装饰
【Key words】 WuyuanWood CarvingFunctionDecoration
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期