

Research and Analysis on Innovative Thinking in Men’s Wear Design

【作者】 孟然

【导师】 许旭宾;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 服装设计理论与应用, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着各个学科领域对创新的发展和研究,使得创新活动不断的受到重视,而创新活动的核心就是创新思维。随着国内男装市场的不断扩大,男性们对服装的要求也在提高,而我国对男装设计研究的关注程度非常不够。长期以来,我国服装设计的发展,一直显得“重女轻男”。在较长时期内,男性服装除正式社交场合的西装、礼服等套装和休闲场合的日常便装外,没有创新性和个性化,男装市场仿制、降价的现象越来越严重,男装设计师们一味的跟随大牌主流,设计出的产品没有创新感,模仿成为普遍现象,这主要是由于创新思维在设计中得不到足够的重视。因此,了解男装设计中创新思维的相关概念、特征、本质和途径;了解如何发展创新思维,如何提高我国男装设计的水平,设计出有内涵有创新的产品成为目前服装设计人员,尤其是男装设计人员的一个重要任务。本文在研究时采用了图例分析法、市场观测法、抽样调查法和实践设计法等。通过文本的研究得出以下结论:1.在创新思维研究现状的基础上,对男装设计的特点、现状、发展进行分析,从社会、市场、产品、心理学和生活的角度得出男装设计的关键是设计思维,而设计思维的核心是创新思维。这说明创新思维在男装设计中的重要性,男装设计的未来需要创新思维的发展。2.对创新思维的特征和各个形式即发散思维、收敛思维、形象思维、直觉思维和灵感思维五大思维形式进行分析研究。在分析的过程中运用了大量的事例和图片增加了文章的说服力。了解男装设计活动中不同创新思维形式的特性特征,对设计的本质进行揭示,即男装设计的本质就是创新思维。本质揭示的越完整、越深入,创新思维在男装设计活动中的运用越有利,并且研究出创新思维各形式在男装设计中的具体表现并作出表格。研究的结论能够指导男装设计师在设计中对创新思维的运用,从而设计出研究的结论能够指导男装设计师在设计中对创新思维的运用,从而设计出更多、更具有创新的设计作品,这是本文研究创新思维活动的价值所在。3.对男装设计创新度与创新思维进行分析得出两者的关系。在男装设计活动中创新思维发挥的越充分,男装呈现的创新度就越强,设计的创新性就越大。呈正比关系。这有助于设计师在设计时对男装设计创新度的把握起到一定的理论依据。4.由于男装风格是男装设计较为重要的一个方面,对于在男装品牌设计的设计师来说就更为重要,基于男装的风格特征,通过抽样调查法对创新思维在不同男装风格的服装中的表现进行量化分析。通过六种男装风格、三十个男装品牌在2006年-2008年三年期间上衣的分析,作出统计数据和图表,从男装风格的角度更透彻的研究创新思维,得出创新思维的不同形式在不同男装风格设计中发挥的侧重点不一样,并找出一定的规律性。从而进一步为男装设计者提供更清楚、更直观的理论依据,更方便男装设计师在具体的设计中运用创新思维。5.运用以上理论进行设计实践,以完善和验证方法的正确性和可行性。6.根据一般发展创新思维的途径,分析出男装设计中创新思维有五个途径:寻找灵感、提取灵感元素、设计拓展、服装雏形的产生、评价与验证。并且研究出在每个阶段中创新思维的各个形式都具有侧重的发挥。最后探讨了如何培养创新思维。

【Abstract】 With the various disciplines in the innovative research and development, innovation activities began to constant, and the innovative thinking is the core of innovation. With the men’s domestic market continued to expand, men’s request for the clothing is improving, and men’s wear design isn’t be concerned in our country. For a long time, the development of China’s fashion design is focus on women not men. In the longer term, men’s wear has no Innovation and personality. Men’s wear market has the worse phenomenon of lower prices and imitation. Because of innovative thinking of the men’s design has not enough attention, to follow the big mainstream design has become a common phenomenon. As a result, men’s wear designer to know about the concept, features, and the nature of the innovative thinking and to learn how to develop innovative thinking become an important task.In this paper, the study used a legend analysis, market observation method, sample survey and practice design way. With this research, it gets some conclusion as follows: 1. On the basis of research on innovative thinking to research the characteristics and issues and the problems of men’s design. As a result, design thinking is the core of men’s design and innovation thinking is the core of the design. The innovation thinking is very importance in men’s wear, the future of men’s design need for innovative thinking.2. Research on the five forms of innovative thinking. In the course of the analysis, I used a large number of pictures to increase the persuasiveness of the article. To understanding of the design activities in different characteristic forms of innovative thinking and to know the essence of men’s design is innovative thinking. The more complete to reveals the essence, more depth and innovative thinking in the design of men’s activities. And come up with the performance of innovative thinking’s form in men’s design. The study concluded can guide the men’s designer in order to design more innovative work. This article is the value of the study for innovation activities thinking.3. Analysis of the relationship between the men’s degree of innovation and creative thinking in men’s wear. The more use the innovative thinking in the men’s activities, the stronger degree of innovation. They have the positive relationship. This helps designers to grasp the degree of innovation in the theory. 4. As the men’s style is the important aspect in the men’s designer, also for the men’s designers in the men’s brand. Based on the character of men’s style, research the shows of innovative thinking in different styles of men’s wear through the sample survey and to get the statistical data and charts. By men’s style could thorough study of innovative thinking. Innovative thinking has come to different forms in different styles of men’s design. In order to offer men’s designers the more intuitive basis and make the men’s wear designer use the innovative thinking simply.5. Use of the theory of above method, to practice for improving the correctness and feasibility of the method.6. According to the general development ways of innovative thinking, to research the five ways to have the innovative thinking. That’s finding the inspiration, extracted inspiration elements, design; apparel the embryonic form of production, evaluation and verification. At the each stage, various forms of the innovative thinking will have the different role. Research the way to foster the innovative thinking in the last part.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期