

Data Processing by Pre-stack Link-area in Tazhong162-6

【作者】 向东

【导师】 段云卿; 段文胜;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地质工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 塔里木盆地塔中Ⅰ号断裂带为塔里木油田近年来勘探的重点领域,勘探潜力巨大。该区塔中162-6井区没有新采集地震资料,生产上需开展该区域地震资料连片处理。分析塔里木盆地叠前连片处理现状可以看出,三维地震资料叠前连片处理所采用的各项技术本身是先进的,但存在两个问题,一是地表一致性处理技术依然采用传统的一致性处理方式,即连片数据的一致性处理,而未开展基于井信息的连片数据地表一致性处理工作;二是连片数据偏移前的优化工作不尽完善,需要更加合理的数据优化方式及效果。分析认为随着地球物理地震资料处理方法的进步,通过技术组合创新还能够进一步提高地震资料处理成果的效果,能够将上述两个问题得到较好的解决。本文通过开展塔中162-6井区三维连片处理,叙述了连片数据工区的拼接处理、基于井信息的地表一致性处理、以及叠前时间偏移处理前的数据准备与优化的原理,形成了以上技术组合的连片处理关键技术,进行了工区连片、井信息Q补偿、基于井信息的地表一致性反褶积、偏移数据优化等工作,强化了地表一致性处理,最大程度的做到最终成果的振幅保真,大幅度提高成果分辨率与信噪比,有力的推动了该区的勘探生产,取得了较为明显的效益,所形成的三维地震资料叠前连片处理新思路与新方法能够在塔里木盆地塔中地区进行推广,为塔里木油田的勘探工作提供更多更好的资料。

【Abstract】 The I fault-zone is one of the signified areas in Tarim Base exploration, and has a enormous potential. There is not a linked seismic field acquisition data in TaZhong 162-6 area, so it is indispensable to process seismic data by Pre-stack link-area.Though every one technology which used in data processing is advanced by the history of the processing project by pre-stack link-area in Tarim Base, two problems are presence. First, The Surface-Consistent-Process merely deals with the surface-seismic data, and do not consult the well information. Second, It is not consummate to optimize cmp gather for migration, and essential to apply some reasonable optimized method. In a word, those two problems may be resolved by technology compounding along with the evolution of the geophysics, and the final imaging may be more veracious.This dissertation described the principle of linking project and surface consistent processing based on Q and optimizing gather before pre-migration, generated the technique combination, performed the processing flow which consist of linking project and surface-consistent compensation based on Q and surface-consistent deconvolution based on Q and optimizing the cmp gather before pre-migration by seismic data processing in Tazhong 162-6 area. The final result demonstrated the authentic amplitude, elevate the resolution and signal-to-noise, promoted the exploration of the TaTzhong area, obtained perfect effect. The innovation could extend the entire Tarim base, which launched in 3D pre-stack link-area processing.

  • 【分类号】P631.4
  • 【下载频次】93