

The Study about Texture and Quality Grading of Chicken-Blood Stone

【作者】 陶金波

【导师】 吴瑞华; 胡子文;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 材料工程专业, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 鸡血石是我国特有的珍贵玉石品种,其印章石使用历史悠久,拥有“印石皇后”的美称。通过对鸡血石矿床地质背景考察,较广泛收集了昌化及巴林的鸡血石原石、成品及图片,对不同品种鸡血石的“地”进行常规宝石学特征鉴定、X射线粉晶衍射以及红外光谱的分析测试。对冻地、软地/细地、刚地及硬地四大类鸡血石进行了测试,结果表明,鸡血石“地”的主要矿物成分及其含量是影响其质量的重要因素,呈明显的规律性和过渡性:地开石的含量越高,结构有序度越好,其“地”质量越好;随着明矾石的加入,“地”的透明度逐渐变差,摩氏硬度开始增大;伴随明矾石的增多以及石英的加入,鸡血石的“地”从“软地”过渡到“刚地”;当石英的含量达到25%以上时,鸡血石的“地”就属于质量较差的“硬地”。通过红外光谱分析,建立四大品种鸡血石谱图库。本文深入系统地研究鸡血石的“地”的成分结构及质量分级指标,在研究前人评价思路的基础上,通过对鸡血石原石交易市场和成品销售市场的调研,采集市场上常见的两百余件鸡血石标本进行质量划分,吸收采纳昌化、巴林鸡血石产业的从业人员的实践经验,针对经过抛光的成品鸡血石饰品(包括裂隙注胶及复位粘接的鸡血石饰品,不包括拼合、染色、贴片及仿鸡血石饰品),在冻地、软地、刚地、硬地四大品种鸡血石矿物成分及其特征分类的基础上,提出通过血色、血量、地的种类、净度、地色、质量/尺寸六个指标来分别评价,通过创立鸡血石“血色”质量指标比色卡,将量化指标与描述类指标相结合,提出鸡血石分级指标的检验方法,解决指标的测试方法:如血色分级,采用血色比色卡;血量的定量分级,除目估法外,采用方格法,确保分级体系具有可操作性;制定了《鸡血石分级》行业标准,已经国家首饰标准化委员会审定通过并上报,即将批准成为行业标准,能够切实为检测工作服务,指导、规范鸡血石市场。

【Abstract】 The chicken-blood stone’is one of the most precious jades, specially mined in China, and the chicken-blood-stone-made sigil stone, which is named as "the queen of sigil stone," has a very long historical standing. Based on the field geological observation and investigation, Samples, pictures, and finished products of Changhua and Balin’s chicken-blood stones are widely collected, many kinds of Changhua Chicken-blood stones’“Di”were tested with such means as normal petrological identification, X-ray powder diffraction, and infrared spectrum. The results show that the quality of Changhua Chicken-blood stones’“Di”is closely related to the main mineral compositions and their content, and they obviously appear some rules and transitional characteristics: the more the content of dickite is, the better ordered structural is, the better the quality of“Di”is. The transparence of“Di”gets worse gradually and the Mohs’hardness gets bigger as the content of alunite is increasing. From“Ruan Di”(or soft Di) to“Gang Di”(or Rigid Di), the amount of alunite increases and quartz joins in. When the content of quartz is over 25%, the“Di”of Changhua Chicken-blood stone belongs to the“Ying Di”(or Hard Di). Four categories of chicken-blood stones’ Visual Base is built via the infrared spectrum analysis.After studying the methodology of quality appraising, the thesis searches the mineral and structure of Chicken-stone’s Di systematically and explore the criteria of quality grading. The author has already studied on rough and finished Chicken-stone, and collected over 200 pieces specimens from market for quality rading study,referred and drew-on experiences in Balin Chicken-stone and Changhua Chicken-stone industry, and investigated polished Chicken-stone, including glued broken-pieces, and felt-solid pieces, but excluding mixing, dyeing, pasting and chicken-stone simulate. The chicken-stone are classified into four types, Ice-Di, Soft-Di(Ruan Di), Rigid-Di (Gang Di) and Hard Di (Ying Di). By the mineral component and its characteristics of Chicken-stone Di, six characters can be the criteria of Chicken-stone quality grading, blood color, blood quantity, type of Di, Finishing, Di color and size/dimension. The “Blood-color”Master-cards are created. Quantitative index and description are combined. Grading Index can be tested for Chicken-stone grading. The methods of testing are also suggested, such as using Blood-color Master Cards, quantitative analysis of Blood quantity. Besides visual estimation, Gird Counting is also recommended, which can ensure the operability of grading criteria. The“Grading Standards for Chicken-stone”as industry standards has been submitted to National Jewellery Standardization Committee for final approval. The standards will be key document for certification/apprising, guide and regulating the chicken-stone market.

  • 【分类号】G894
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】186