

Hardware Design on Signal Processing for Though-the-Wall Surveillance Radar

【作者】 张成立

【导师】 史林;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 电路与系统, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 穿墙生命探测技术是近年来一个新的研究热点,主要利用电磁波穿透墙壁或者废墟,探测是否有生命体的存在。因其具有受环境条件影响小、穿透能力强、灵敏度高等特点,广泛应用于灾难搜救、打击罪犯、战场救护等领域。本文首先介绍了生命探测雷达系统的组成结构,重点围绕生命探测雷达的核心——信号处理开展了深入研究。设计了信号处理的硬件,包括信号调理电路、FPGA外围电路、整机电源电路等8个模块。然后,设计了FPGA数字信号处理系统,包括FIR滤波器、电池电压检测、异步串行通信等7个模块。并提出了上位机与信号处理板之间的传输协议,实现了不同数据和命令在两者间的传输。最后,根据穿墙雷达实际采集数据,对FIR滤波与小波变换应用于生命信号检测的结果进行了仿真分析。实验结果显示,与FIR滤波相比,小波变换对信号检测的群延迟要小的多,并且具有更好的滤波效果。本文设计的穿墙生命探测系统具有体积小、集成度高和低功耗的特点。调试和试验结果表明,信号处理硬件的设计达到了预期设计要求。

【Abstract】 The Though-the-Wall Surveillance(TWS) Radar has became a new hostpotrecently,which mainly utilize the electromagnetic wave through the wall or ruin todetect wethere there are living object exist under the ruin or behind the wall.WTS Radarhas been widely used in search for the men after disaster or find out the hiddencriminals or patient monitor becase of it has the merit of small volume,high integrationand low power costFirst, this paper introduces the structure of TWS Radar and mainly researches onthe core of the life detection radar (Signal Processing).This article mainly designedhardware system on signal processing for TWS Radar,including signal conditioningcircuit,periphery circuit for FPGA, power supply circuit anso on.The main function ofthe signal processing board is recive the singal from fore-end and send to console afterprocessing.Then,digital signal processing system is designed based on FPGA, includingFIR filter,battery voltage test ,UART and so on,and a transport protocol was proposed toCommunicat with upper monitor and signal processing board. Finally ,we used the thecollected data to do simulation of slow target signal by the algorithm FIR filter andwavelet filter.The results show thatcompared with FIR filter,wavelet transform filter hasbetter filtering effect and with fewer group delay.TWS Radar designed in the article has the merit of small volume,high integrationand low power cost.The experiment shows the most parameters of hardware design forTWS Radar can meet the system requirements.
