

The Study of Innovation Path Selection Enterprise in the Context of Knowledge Chain

【作者】 魏莉

【导师】 邢天虎;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 知识经济时代,知识的有效配置决定企业创新能力的基本发展态势。企业竞争优势很大程度上取决于自身知识的深度和广度、知识结构等,企业获取知识的能力实质就是增强企业创造价值的能力,同时,企业技术创新也逐渐从传统方式向以知识创造为主的方式转变。在此情况下,知识管理与技术创新的关系问题成为学术界的热点问题。而知识链作为知识管理最有效的机制,可充分挖掘技术创新潜力,降低技术创新的风险,提升产品竞争力,促进企业持续创新,但目前企业知识链运行状况参差不齐,促使结构性或行为性创新进入壁垒的形成。因此,在知识链运行效率一定时,根据创新所能带给企业的效益和价值选择创新路径,持续提升企业技术创新能力是本文研究的主要目的。本文首先构建并集成企业内外知识价值链,界定了知识链运行中创新价值实现过程,描述了知识溢出水平、企业吸收能力、知识扩散等与知识存量的关系,利用边际分析法建立基于知识存量的企业创新价值模型并进行参数分析,探讨知识链运行效率对创新路径选择的影响。其次,在一定知识链运行下进行价值分配的关系描述和参数分析,在此基础上,选择不同的创新路径,从市场份额以及持续创新的角度利用模糊评价法进行创新路径选择的有效性分析。最后,考虑到企业及整个社会创新能力的持续发展,从企业和政府两方面出发进行创新路径选择补偿作为本研究的必要补充。

【Abstract】 In era of knowledge economy, effective allocation of knowledge has determined to the basic process of enterprise innovational capability, Competitive advantage become depend on knowledge depth and width, knowledge structure at some extent, on the other hand, Technological Innovation (TI) also gradually direct to changes of using knowledge way from tradition way. In this case, the relative between Knowledge Management (KM) and TI has become hot topics for scholars. As the most effective mechanism of KM, Knowledge chain can excavate potential TI sufficiently, reduce TI risk, hence production competition, boost enterprise continuous innovation, but now operational state of Knowledge chain is not very good, which urges the formation of innovative entering barrier of structure or behavior to a certain extent. According to the results and value, the main aim of the study is that choosing suitable innovation path and improving continuous innovation capability.This dissertation gives the Knowledge Value Chain (KVC) between entrepreneur and its enterprise, defines the process of value creative, describes the relative between Knowledge Stock (KS) and Knowledge Spillover, Knowledge Diffusion ,Absorptive Capacity, then, with Bound Analysis Law and based on operational state of Knowledge chain, it builds the creative value model and analyzes parameter. Secondly, In certain knowledge chain description, it describes value distribution relationship and choose different Innovation Path(IP) in different KS, makes the case effectiveness analysis using fuzzy evaluation from its market share and continuous innovation angle. Finally, considering the continuous development of innovation capability provides some measure and economy compensates owing to being innovative from the sides of the enterprise and government.
