
Ad hoc网络信任模型的研究

Research on Trust Model in Ad Hoc Network

【作者】 李然

【导师】 方勇;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 计算机系统结构, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 Ad hoc网络是一组带有无线收发装置的移动节点组成的一个多跳的临时性自治系统。与传统无线网络相比具有无中心、自组织等特性,网络中节点的行为更不可控,信任关系的建立显得尤为重要,本文就重点对Ad hoc网络中的信任模型进行了研究。在分析现有模型的基础上提出了一种基于熵理论的信任模型,用信任值量化节点间的信任关系,节点通过直接观察获取直接信任值,利用聚合签名技术,将推荐信任值聚集存储在目标节点本地,使得推荐节点无论是否在线,节点通过向目标节点请求即可获得推荐信任值,因此合成后的总体信任值更趋可信。但该模型仍存在一定的安全缺陷,针对此问题提出一种基于可信计算的信任模型,节点间通过离线CA颁发的直接匿名认证证书证明身份,再利用平台配置寄存器值和存储测量日志进行平台证明,确认当前平台状态以及完整性,确保通信过程中节点平台的可信,消除了因平台完整性破坏而带来的恶意行为。最后对两种模型进行了总结,并指出了下一步的研究方向。

【Abstract】 Ad hoc network is a multihop, temporary and autonomic system comprised of a set of mobile terminals with wireless transceivers. The characteristics of Ad hoc networks are different from traditional wireless networks, such as non-center and self-organized. Then the behaviors of nodes in the network are more difficult to control. And the establishment of trust relationship is particularly important. This paper focuses on the trust model for Ad hoc network.On the basis of the research of the existing models, a trust model based on entropy theory is proposed. In this model, the trust relationship between nodes is quantified by trust value. The direct trust value is obtained by node’s direct observation, and the recommending trust values are stored in target node locally by using the aggregate signature, and the recommending trust values are obtained by direct request to the target node whether the target node is online or not. Thus, the overall trust value after is more credible. However, the model still exists some security flaws. To solve this problem, a trust model based on trusted computing is proposed. Nodes authenticate each other through direct anonymous attestation certificate issued by off-line CA, and then the contents of platform configuration register and the stored measurement log are used to confirm the current status and integrity of node’s platform which ensures the trust of the platform, and eliminates the security risk brought by damage of platform integrity. Finally, the two models are summarized, and future research directions are pointed out.
