

On the Airborne Antennas for the Frequency in the S Band and Ku Band

【作者】 董馗

【导师】 张福顺;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 电磁场与微波技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 论文结合科研项目进行选题研究,文中论述了机载阵列天线、机载特殊波束覆盖天线以及探测天线的电特性。研究工作分为三个部分:1.研制了具有窄波束和低副瓣特性的机载阵列天线;2.研制了具有特殊方向图的机载双锥天线;3.研制了基于核电四极距共振技术的探测天线。主要内容概述如下:首先,以具有窄波束和低副瓣特性的机载阵列天线为研究目标,设计了天线单元以及由多级不等功分器组成的馈电网络。采用HFSS仿真软件进行了仿真设计,根据设计结果,研制了天线工程样机,分析了幅度分布对天线方向图的影响,对天线样机电性能进行了实际测量,测量结果表明,天线在工作频段内驻波系数小于1.5,方向图H面半功率波瓣宽度小于14°,E面波瓣宽度大于50°,实测结果与仿真结果一致,表明该设计方法对工程应用具有一定的实用价值。其次,在双锥天线理论上,采用HFSS软件设计了一种具有特殊波束覆盖的双锥天线,通过改变天线上下锥的角度及高度来实现方向图的赋形。由于天线安装在飞机上,设计需要考虑机体对天线辐射的影响。采用波导馈电满足了功率容量要求,考虑了波导管对天线辐射产生的影响。仿真结果表明,该天线在工作频段内驻波系数小于2,方向图水平面全向辐射,垂直面65°至95°增益大于2dBi。根据设计结果加工了天线样机,测量结果表明,天线电性能基本满足设计要求。最后,论文结合核电四极矩共振技术,设计了用于探测爆炸物的探测天线,并对天线实物样机进行了测试,结果表明该天线可以满足工程要求。

【Abstract】 The research works are made with scientific projects in this thesis. An airborne array antenna, an airborne antenna with specific radiation patterns and a detect antenna are presented. The contexts of the thesis are divided into three parts. An antenna array which performed a characteristic of narrow-beam width is designed and manufactured in part one; A specific radiation antenna is analysised in part two; A detect antenna which based on the technique of Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance (NQR) is given in part three. The context is summarized as following:Firstly, the antenna elements and feeding network which combined by multistage Wilkinson unbalance divider are designed with the requirement of narrow-beam width and low sidelobe characteristics. After the simulation of Ansoft HFSS, an antenna prototype is finally developed. The effect of amplitude distribution on the radiation patterns has been analysised and the measurement results of the antenna prototype were as expected. The VSWR is below 1.5 over the working frequency band. The HPBW is less than 14 degrees in H side and more than 50 degrees in E side. It shows that the design is valuable in engineering practice.Secondly, a specific radiation antenna is designed by Ansoft HFSS. By changing the two cones’angle and height, the antenna’s radiation characteristics can be adjusted. Because the antenna would install on the aircraft, it is necessary to consider about the influence of aircraft itself on the antenna radiation. The antenna needs large power capacity, so a waveguide was used as the feeding part, and it also needs to consider about the impact of the waveguide on the radiation pattens. The simulation results show that the VSWR of the antenna is below 2 over the working frequency band. It has an Omni-directional radiation in horizontal plane and provides radiation patterns with gain greater than 2dBi from 65 degrees to 95 degrees in vertical. Then, an antenna prototype was fabricated and tested.Finally, the thesis presented a kind of antenna which is using in explosive detection based on the technique of NQR. The antenna was manufactured and tested. The results show that the antenna performance fulfilled the request.

【关键词】 机载天线探测天线
【Key words】 AntennaAirborneDetect Antenna