

Design of Application System for Marine Hydrological Information Processing and Analyzing

【作者】 钟磊

【导师】 殷廷瑞;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 系统工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人们对海洋认识和开发的深入,对海上经济和军事权益保护的需求也日渐增长。本论文课题“海洋水文信息处理与分析应用系统”的主要目标是为了能够更快做好海战场准备,针对特定海域,建立集数据采集、数据处理、数据分析、数据库维护管理、海洋环境信息产品制作和提供辅助决策产品为一体的海洋水文资料处理分析应用系统软件平台。本文首先明确了系统的建设目标和技术指标,形成总体设计方案;其次依据关系型数据库标准与优化设计原则,以Oracle为数据库平台创建具备良好使用性能的后台数据库;然后采用面向对象编程技术,设计开发了系统中部分程序功能模块。文中还分别运用传统温差累计法与现代模糊聚类方法对典型海洋水文参数进行技术处理和分析研究,通过计算结果比对得出优劣结论,再利用判定结果进行资料同化、潜艇规避声纳探测的航路模拟推演等扩展应用。这些分析处理方法对将来建设类似系统起到了很大的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 With the development of marine awareness and exploration, the demand of protection foreconomic and military interests on the sea is growing. The main goal of this thesis, " Application System for Marine Hydrological Information Processing and Analysis " isdevelop an software platform for processing and analysis of marine hydrological data toensure a quick response to the battlefield for a specific area on the basis of combination ofthe establishment of data collection, data processing, data analysis, database maintenanceand management, and production of marine environmental information products and provision of support to the integration of the products.Firstly, in this paper, the overall design scheme was planned to specify the object andqualification of the application system. Second based on the principle of relationaldatabase standards and optimization, the background database with good performance was created using Oracle database as a platform; Then several modules were designedand developed using object-oriented programming. In addition, the traditionaltemperature accumulation method and modern fuzzy clustering method was used to carryout the typical ocean hydrological parameters technical processing and analysis. Throughthe calculation results comparison, we draw a conclusion. And, according to thedetermination results, we can expand applications such as data assimilation or submarineroute simulation. These analysis methods can play a very significant reference for futuredevelopment of similar systems.
