

Characteristics and Application of the Metamaterial

【作者】 王永光

【导师】 雷振亚;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 电磁场与微波技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 左手材料(1eft—handed material,LHM)是介电常数和磁导率同时为负的人工结构材料。由于电磁波传播相速度和群速度方向相反,左手材料表现出一系列反常的电磁特性,如Doppler效应, Chcrenkov辐射, Goos.Hiinchen位移,负折射效应和完美透镜效应。LHM是目前物理学也是电磁学研究领域的前沿与热点。本文在左手材料理论基础上对混合左右手(CRLH)传输线进行了研究,提出了利用电场峰值直观观察其相位参数β的可实施性。并在单频带单左手传输线基础上,利用新型双不对称矩形贴片结构实现了双左手双频带传输线。基于左手传输线理论,本文对漏波天线进行了分析,从理论上证明CRLH传输线可以用来设计微带漏波天线。通过将传统左手传输线与双左手新型传输线应用于漏波天线,并进行对比分析,发现当利用本文设计的双左手频带微带设计漏波天线时,扫描波束方向与传统漏波天线不同,其近似可以实现在宽频带的定向边射辐射,从而展宽了漏波天线的应用。在本论文最后一章则针对目前比较热门的RA天线进行了分析,将RA天线与LWA天线进行了比较研究。当天线周期结构足够多时,RA天线可以近似理解为LWA天线。通过RA天线特性分析仿真,指出了频率独立性在增强天线方向性方面的应用,及其由于n=-1,n=+1模式的存在,存在的多频带特性。从而为RA天线的实际应用提供了广阔前景。

【Abstract】 Left-handed material (LHM) is artificial composite materials with negative permittivity and permeability. With phase velocity and group velocity in the opposite direction, it shows a series of magnetic anomalies Characteristics, such as Doppler-Effect Cherenkov radiation, Goos-Hiinchen displacement, negative refraction and perfect lensing. LHM is the front and the hot issue of the electromagnetic field. This paper studies the theory of CRLH transmission line, and analyzes its structure principle. On the basis of the traditional left-handed transmission line, we get that parameterβcan be visual observed with the peak of electric field. With double asymmetric rectangular patch structure, a new dual-band left-handed transmission line get achievedBased on the theory of Left-handed transmission line, leaky wave antenna is analyzed theoretically. We get that CRLH transmission line structure can be used to design leaky wave antenna. Compared leaky wave antenna of signle left-handed with two left-handed transmission line, it can know that edge emitting radiation can be got.In the last chapter of this paper, the popular RA-antenna is analyzed. RA antenna can be approximately interpreted as LWA-antenna when the periodic structures are enough. By the RA-antenna analysis and simulation, We can know that the frequency independence of RA-antenna can be used in enhancing the directional of antennas. Because of the existence of n =-1, n = +1 mode, the RA-antenna have multi-band characteristic. All those provide a broad prospect for the practical application of RA- antenna.
