

Identification of Host Plant Semiochemicals and the Attraction for Apolygus Lucorum (Meyer-Dür)

【作者】 张尚卿

【导师】 潘文亮; 赤国彤;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 农药学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代末以来,由于抗虫棉在我国开始大面积推广种植,棉铃虫得到了有效的控制,但由于化学杀虫剂的大量减少使用,以绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dür)为主的盲蝽蟓逐渐上升为棉田首要害虫。绿盲蝽寄主范围十分广泛,近几年,其在多种经济作物和果树上大面积暴发,如枣树、葡萄、棉花等。给农业生产造成了重大损失。为了筛选出对该虫高效的引诱物质,本研究首先应用气质联用技术鉴定了棉花、苜蓿、豇豆三种寄主植物精油的主要成分,并应用触角电位技术、Y-型嗅觉仪及罩笼测定进一步明确了植物精油中反-2-己烯醛、顺-3-己烯醇、苯乙酮、苯乙醛四种挥发性物质对绿盲蝽的引诱作用,并对该四种挥发性物质最佳浓度配比进行了初步筛选。具体研究结果如下:(1)采用水蒸汽蒸馏法,得到了棉花、苜蓿、豇豆三种寄主植物幼嫩组织精油,并利用GC-MS技术,明确了三种精油中化合物主要包括烃类、烃衍生物类、萜烯类和芳香族化合物。但不同寄主植物的挥发物种类和含量存在差异。(2)利用Y-型嗅觉仪,测定了绿盲蝽对三种寄主植物精油的行为反应。结果表明,三种植物精油对绿盲蝽雌成虫都具一定的引诱活性。其中引诱作用最强的是苜蓿精油,绿盲蝽雌成虫反应率为89.3%,引诱率达到了71.4%,引诱作用相对最弱的是棉花精油,其反应率为81.9%,引诱率为59.0%。与绿盲蝽雌成虫相比,三种植物精油对绿盲蝽雄成虫的引诱率相对较低。(3)利用触角电位仪和Y-型嗅觉仪测定了绿盲蝽雌、雄成虫对反-2-己烯醛、顺-3-己烯醇、苯乙酮和苯乙醛的触角电位反应和行为反应。结果表明,这四种挥发性物质均能引起绿盲蝽明显的触角电位反应,雌成虫对顺-3-己烯醇的触角电位反应最强,雄成虫对反-2-己烯醛反应最强。雌成虫对各物质的反应均明显高于雄成虫。Y-型嗅觉仪测定结果表明,绿盲蝽雌成虫对四种挥发性物质反应的总体趋势相似,呈倒“V”字型,对苯乙酮10-5(v/v)引诱率最高,达到72.0%,该四种挥发性物质在试验中各浓度对雄虫均没有明显的引诱作用。(4)通过Y-型嗅觉仪筛选出了12个引诱率达到60%以上,同时具有较高反应率的混配组合。(5)田间罩笼试验结果表明,除反-2-己烯醛10-5(v/v)和顺-3-己烯醇10-4(v/v)对绿盲蝽雌虫没有明显的诱集效果外,其他各处理均对试虫具有较强的诱集作用,其中,苯乙醛10-5(v/v)对该虫的引诱效果最佳。而从各处理对雄性试虫的诱集效果来看,除苯乙醛10-5(v/v)和顺-3-己烯醇10-4(v/v)对试虫具有明显的诱集作用外,其他各处理对试虫的诱集作用均较差。

【Abstract】 Since 1990s, area-wide application of transgenic BT cotton in China has effectively controlled the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera with resulting reduction in the amount of broad-spectrum insecticides used in cotton production. This decreased use of insecticides has caused the mirids to be major pest insects on BT cotton in China. The mirids have a wide host range, and can spread to crops, grapes, jujube, etc. In order to determine the Electroantennogram and behavioral responses of Apolygus lucorum to semiochemicals of three host plants. We designed many experiments by Electroantennogram and Y-tube. The main results are summarized as follows:(1) The GC-MS results showed that there are short-medium hydrocarbons, Fatty Acid derivative, Terpenoids, and some Aromatic compounds. But in essential oil of host plants, it is significantly different in different plant.(2) Behavioral assays in the Y-tube olfactometer demonstrated that essential oils of three host plants have a significant role in trapping females. And oil of alfalfa led to strongest preference. Males were not attracted distinctly by any essential oils.(3) Electroantennogram analyses indicated that the females Apolygus lucorum were usually more responsive to (Z)-3-hexenol than males. And the males had the strongest response to (E)-2-hexenal. Behavioral assays in the Y-tube olfactometer demonstrated that females had similar shapes of concentration-response curves to the four plant volatiles, and to Acetophenone 10-5(v/v)led to strongest preference. Males were not attracted distinctly by volatiles.(4) Through Y tube olfactometer 12 high response rates complex formulations which luring rates reached above 60% were filtrated.(5) Trapping experiment indicated that the lures of four volatiles have a significant role in trapping females.
