

Establishment and Verification of Wheat-Maize High Yield and Efficiency Technique System in Hebei Piedmont Plain

【作者】 郭彩娟

【导师】 魏静; 马文奇;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 土壤学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人口数量增长,中国粮食需求不断增加。然而,在耕地面积逐年减少的情况下,单产水平的提高就成为实现粮食产量稳定增长的关键因素。虽然高产品种的选育和高产栽培技术方面取得很大进步,但现实生产中小麦玉米的产量潜力还没有充分发挥出来,急需解决小麦-玉米的均衡增产问题;目前,作物高产的同时也伴随着肥水大量投入、肥水利用效率低、土壤硝态氮累积、环境污染风险大等问题。因此,如何实现作物均衡增产的同时提高肥水利用效率也是目前需解决的重大技术问题。本研究以河北省山前平原小麦-玉米轮作体系为研究对象,采用农户跟踪调查和大田试验相结合的研究方法,在明确河北山前平原区小麦-玉米产量主要限制因素的基础上,初步构建小麦玉米高产高效技术体系并进行验证,为河北省大面积均衡增产、提高水肥资源利用效率以及保障粮食生产安全提供理论依据。主要结果和结论如下:1.选择适合当地的稳产抗冻品种是前提;提高整地播种质量是实现小麦均衡增产的保证,产量构成中穗数对产量影响最大;土壤性状方面,土壤有机质及速效磷含量对产量的影响最大;农民现有施肥量对产量差异没有显著影响。2.冬小麦试验设计了四种模式:农民习惯模式、高产高效模式、再高产模式、再高产高效模式,结果表明,高产高效模式的化肥偏生产力最高,且该模式土壤硝态氮残留最低,作物养分吸收量高于农民习惯模式,氮素盈余最少,氮素平衡率为9.3%,在±10%的范围内,所以建立冬小麦高产高效技术体系以高产高效模式为基础较为适宜。其主要措施如下:品种可选用石新733、石新828;必须提高整地播种质量,旋耕15cm以上,每三年深耕一次(30cm);氮肥用量(纯氮)210~225kg/hm~2,底追比例为4.5:5.5,磷肥120~150kg/hm~2,钾肥90~120kg/hm~2;播种后灌溉蒙头水。3.农户玉米播种密度为每公顷60000~75000株时产量最高,且该密度范围内穗粒数与千粒重较高;将品种郑单958与浚单20混播,产量最高;施肥量对产量影响不明显,说明现有施肥量不是造成农户产量差异的直接原因。4.夏玉米试验设计了四种模式,即农民习惯模式、高产高效模式、再高产模式、再高产高效模式,结果表明,2009年、2010年高产高效模式产量比农民习惯模式提高了8.6%、9.3%。该模式化肥偏生产力最大,土壤硝态氮残留最少、养分吸收量较大,且氮素盈余最少。其主要措施包括:品种可选用郑单958或将郑单958与浚单20混播;保证密度为每公顷67500~75000株;氮肥用量(纯氮)180~210kg/hm~2,底追比例为4:6,大喇叭口期追施氮肥,磷肥90~120kg/hm~2,钾肥150~180kg/hm~2。

【Abstract】 In China, a further increasing grain demend is anticipated in order to meet the growth of population. Increasing unit area yield is the key factor to steady growth of grian yield while considering the grandually decreases of the farm land area. Numerous works on the breeding of high yield varieties and cultural techniques have been made, but the yield potential of wheat and maize has not got a full in large aera. Moreover, many problems such as the high input of fertilizer and water, low efficiency, increasing NO3--N accumulation in soil as well as environment pollution are occurred with the high yield of grain. Under this condition, it is necessary to implement yield balanced increasing with combination of enhanced the utilization rate of fertilizer and water. By using the investigation and field experiment methods, high yield and efficiency technique system is established based on confirming wheat-maize limit factors at the piedmont area in Hebei Plain. It provided reasonable evidences of improving yield in large area and fertilizer utilization and for ensuring the safety in food production of Hebei province.The main conclusions showed as follows:1. Firstly choosing the varieties with frost resistance and stable yield was necessary. Secondly soil preperation and sowing quality should be improved, spike number was the most influential factors in the yield components. The influence of soil nutrient factors on wheat yield were in the order of soil organic matter and soil Olsen P. Added increment of fertilizer didn’t increase the yield with the farmer’s fertilization practice.2.Four patterns were designed for the winer wheat experiment, including the conventional farming pattern, high yield and efficiency pattern, super high yield pattern as well as super high yield and efficiency pattern. The result showed that the PFP of high yield and efficiency pattern was highest. NO3--N residual and N left were lowest, N uptake was higher than farmer conventional pattern. The N balance rate was 9.3% which was in the -10% to 10%, so high yield and efficiency technique system of winter wheat should be based on the high yield and efficiency pattern. The main measures was that the variety was Shixin 733 and 828, the quality of soil preperation and sowing quality was high, the application rates of nitrogen fertilizer was 210225kg/hm2, ratiao of base and topdressing was 4.5:5.5, P2O5 was 120150kg/hm2, K2O was90120kg/hm2.3. The maize had the highest yield when the sowing desity is form 60000 to 75000 per hectare, and the grains per spike and 1000-grains weight were high;“Zhengdan 958”and“Xundan 20”mixed-planting show the highest yield; it was the same as wheat that added increment of fertilizer didn’t increase maize yield with the farmer’s fertilization practice.4. Four patterns of summer maize was as the same as the winter wheat. The results showed that the yield of high yield and efficiency pattern increased by 8.6% and 9.3% respectively in 2009 and 2010. NO3--N residual and N left were lowest, N uptake was higher than farmer conventional pattern, so high yield and efficiency technique system of winter wheat should be based on the high yield and efficiency pattern. The main measures was that the variety was Zhengdan 958 and Xundan 20, planting density was 67500 plants/hm2, the application rates of nitrogen fertilizer was 180210kg/hm2, ratiao of base and topdressing was 4:6, P2O5 was 90120kg/hm2, K2O was 150180kg/hm2.

  • 【分类号】S512.1;S513
  • 【被引频次】3
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