

Influence of the Paramenters in Making the Angle Interlocked 3D Fabric on the Properties of the Related Composites

【作者】 赵连胜

【导师】 唐予远;

【作者基本信息】 中原工学院 , 纺织材料与纺织品设计, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 三维织物复合材料作为一种先进材料各国在先进技术发展方面都对它给予了高度重视,角联锁织物复合材料是三维复合材料的一种。多重纬角连锁织物有重叠的纬纱及与纬纱角连锁状交织的经纱两个系统纱构成,此种三维织物可以在普通织机上织造,其结构改变灵活能够满足多种力学性能的需要,易于批量生产,有很大的应用和发展前景。本文设计出了不同组织结构的角连锁织物,利用Y200S电子小样织布机进行织造,通过真空辅助成型(VARTM)工艺制成复合材料板,对实际织物及其复合材料的结构参数进行采集,依据这些参数在UG中做成三维实体模型,运用MD Patran/Nastran有限元软件对其进行准静态下的拉伸模拟实验,对模拟结果进行了分析。得出:在长度方向拉伸时,经纬纱等效应力的大小在45度及65度附近发生转变,这也成为它们成为主次载荷承担者的分界点;经纱应变随经纱倾斜角增大而逐渐减小,纬纱应力应变基本不变;在纬向拉伸时,由于角联锁结构中纬纱是伸直平行的所以经纬纱应力应变基本没有变化,只有改变纬纱纱线支数,才能影响复合材料纬向模量的大小以及复合材料中纬纱体积含量;在厚度方向拉伸时,经纱等效应力随着经纱倾角的增大而不断增大,纬纱等效应力曲线总体波动较小中间呈拱起的鞍型,经纬纱等效应力在45度附近有交叉点,经纱应变随倾角的增大而不断减小,纬纱应变较为平直;研究结果显示相同层数的角联锁结构其经纱结构参数的改变对其纤维体积含量的影响较小。本论文以织物单个组织循环为模型进行有限元模拟,保证了模拟结果的正确性和整体性,测试出了实物试验不易测得的织物内部应力应变结果,该方法成本低效率高。通过研究,对三维角联锁织物复合材料结构参数对其性能的影响作了定性评价,探讨了结构参数对经纬纱应力应变的影响,经纬纱应力应变之间的相互影响,为继续研究和实际生产提供参考。

【Abstract】 Three-dimensional fabric composite materials as an advanced technology development in advanced countries have attached great importance to it, interlock fabric composite material is one of three-dimensional composite materials. Multi-weft interlock 3D fabric is made by multi-weft and chain-like cutting angle warp yarn, such three-dimensional fabric can be weaved in the ordinary looms, flexible and can change its structure designed to meet the needs of a variety of mechanical properties, easy-to-volume production, have great application and development prospects.In this paper, the different weave structures of multi-weft interlock 3D fabric has been designed, be practically weaved the different weave structures of multi-weft interlock 3D fabric on Y200S electronic sample weaving loom, through vacuum-assisted molding (VARTM) process system for a composite sheet. Actual fabrics and composite materials on the structural parameters of the collection, based on the data made in the three-dimensional solid model in UG, its quasi-static was finite element simulated by MD Patran/Nastran, the results of simulation are analyzed. Tension in the length direction, warp and weft yarn the size of effective stress at 45 degrees and 65 degrees near the transition point, the two points is that they become the bearers of the primary and secondary load cut-off point, warp strain with increasing tilt angle decreases, weft strain is essentially the same. Tension in the weft, the angle interlock structure is a straight parallel to the weft so that only changes in the number of weft yarn. Tension in the thickness direction, the yarn with the warp stress increases with increasing inclination, and weft equivalent stress near the intersection of 45 degrees, weft equivalent stress curves showed overall less volatile middle arch of the saddle, warp strain increases with increasing angle and weft strain is more flat; study shows the same layers of the angle interlock structure and its structural parameters of changes of fiber volume fraction was less affected. In this thesis, a single organization through the fabric loop finite element simulation for the model to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the simulation results, test out the real test is not easy measured stress-strain results of the internal fabric, the method of cheaply and efficiently. Through research, three-dimensional angle interlock fabric composite structure parameters on the properties of the qualitative evaluation were to explore the structural parameters of the relationship between stress and strain of warp and weft, warp and weft the relationship between stress and strain, in order to continue research and practical production for the reference.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中原工学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期