

Landscape of Shanghai, Suzhou River Waterfront

【作者】 石朝林

【导师】 鲍诗度;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 不管你生活在世界的哪个角落里,只要你有着健康的双眼,就可以看见各形各色的事物。每一个人从生到死这一进程中,或许到过异地求学、工作、旅行,或许一辈子就没有出过远门,我们都会对自己见过的环境有着主观见解的一面。同时在我们心理会留下美与丑的看法。作为设计师尤其是景观设计师对此更为敏感。在社会物质条件相对较发达的今天,人们对精神需求取向不断的变化和扩大。就特定的时间、地点、文化背景下的景观环境而言,如何使走过路过此地的人们留下美好的印象,甚至不仅仅只在视觉上换取他们愉悦的心情,更重要的是促使他们对此环境去思考它美存在的合理性。为此,对苏州河滨水景观设计应秉持生态可持续发展、人文关怀,地域特色等设计理念、营造适合上海文化渊源、地理环境、审美取向的滨水景观,有利于人们的生活、工作、社会活动提供一个合情、合理、健康、舒适、美观的景观环境。本文运用预测模型法、层次分析法(AHP法)建立一套合理的滨水景观环境的总体景观评价因子集,对上海苏州河中远两湾城滨水景观环境各个景观要素进行调查,并对调查数据进行差异显著性分析、平均值分析,对分值较低(满意程度高)的因子给以肯定,对分值偏高(满意程度较低)的因子进行打散,重新整合,并通过上海苏州河的人文环境及自然环境所蕴藏独有的内涵,并用艺术形象的视觉语言来提炼和表达,营造和谐且尊重“众”与“个”的需求,优化滨水游憩资源、滨水景与观相融共生,国际共性与上海个性的滨水景观环境。“人性化设计”的思想基础是对个人的尊重,而尊重的基础是平等。为此景观设计应当对少数民族平等尊重的,给予多些的关注,而不仅仅表面谈“尊重不同的风俗习惯、生活背景”等口号,而是真正从其景观设计体现出来,就要对少数民族的生活习性、精神取向中进行研究。当然,不可能直接把蒙古族的蒙古包、苗侗族的脚楼般到城市景观中,而是从少数民族物质层面(衣、食、住、行)、精神层面(民俗、图腾崇拜)等来提炼具有少数民族特征的设计元素符号,以定量来融入景观设计的各个要素之中,而它所占各个要素的比例不要太大,毕竟在大都市;最关键的是要使少数民族在游玩时对景观环境的认可,特别对某些景观要素具有高度的识别性,感觉特别亲切,且保有依恋的心态,这些要素就是这个少数民族的共同记忆。滨水空间环境作为城市公共开放空间和和城市生态平衡的重要组成部分,滨水景观的规划与设计不仅要满足城市防洪安全,而且要从城市生态学的角度出发,考虑滨水空间对水循环、水净化、和微气候调整方面的作用;从艺术学的角度出发考虑其空间造型、色彩协调等视觉形象的要求。利用自然河流、季节性与潮汐的水涨水落的变化、丰富的动植物景观资源和地域人文景观,创造多样的亲水活动空间,满足公众观赏、休闲娱乐、运动、聚会等各种活动要求,享受亲水、观水、戏水、听水的美妙体验。亲水设施的规划和设计要兼顾安全、功能和美观的要求,需要认真分析滨水空间的自然与人文环境特征,不可千篇一律,过度设计。应该根据滨水空间的主要景观特征,并依据公众对此的期待,分析归纳亲水活动方式,因地制宜地规划和设计亲水设施。

【Abstract】 Whether you live in a corner of the world which, as long as you have on the health of the eyes can see Gexinggese things. Each individual from birth to death in the process, perhaps have been to different places to study, work, travel, and perhaps not too far out of life the door, we will have seen on their own subjective views on the environment has a side. At the same time we will leave psychological view of beauty and ugliness. Landscape Architects as a designer in particular more sensitive to this. In the relatively more developed social and material conditions of today, the spiritual needs of people constantly changing and expanding orientation. To a specific time, place, cultural context of the landscape environment, how to make the people passing through here and leave a good impression, even not only for their visual pleasure to, more importantly, to promote their The environment in which to think about it there is the rationality of the United States. To this end, the Suzhou River Waterfront landscape design should uphold the ecologically sustainable development, human care, regional characteristics, such as design concepts, create a cultural origin for Shanghai, geography, aesthetic orientation of the waterfront landscape is conducive to people’s lives, work, Social activities to provide a fair, reasonable, healthy, comfortable and beautiful landscape.In this paper, forecasting model, AHP Shanghai Suzhou River Waterfront Landscape, summarize its basic characteristics of the development situation and, through the social environment of Suzhou River in Shanghai, and historical environment, human environment and the natural environment unique to the hidden meaning And with the artistic image of the visual language to extract and express, to create harmony and respect for the "public"and"a " of the demand, optimize the waterfront recreation resources, riparian landscape blending with the concept of symbiosis, the international character of the waterfront common landscape and Shanghai Environment."human design " idea is based on respect for the individual, and respect based on equality. This landscape design should be equal respect for minorities, to give more concern, not just the surface on "respect for different customs and habits, their background, " and other slogans, but really reflected in its landscape design, it is necessary for a small number of Nation’s living habits, spiritual orientation in the study. Of course, not directly to the Mongolian yurt, Miao and Dong foot building to the city-like landscape, but from the level of minority substance (food, clothing, shelter, transportation), spiritual (folk, totem worship) and so to extract Juyou ethnic features of the design element symbol, the quantitative to integrate into among the various elements of landscape design, and it is the ratio of the various elements do not share too much, after all, in big cities; the most critical is to make the play when minority Recognition of the landscape environment, especially for some of the landscape elements with a high degree of identification, feeling particularly friendly, and the attachment to maintain the mentality of these elements is the minority’s collective memory.space environment as an urban and urban public open space and an important part of the ecological balance of the waterfront landscape planning and design not only to meet the city flood control, but also from the perspective of urban ecology, considering space on the water cycle, Water purification, and the role of micro-climate adjustment; from the perspective of art to consider its spatial shape, color coordination of the requirements of the visual image. Use of natural rivers, seasonal and tidal changes in water up Mizuochi, rich animal and plant resources and geographical landscape landscape, creating a variety of hydrophilic space to meet the public viewing, entertainment, sports, parties and other activities required, Enjoy the hydrophilic and watch the water, swimming, listening to the water and wonderful experience. Hydrophilic facilities planning and design should take into account the safety, functional and aesthetic requirements, require careful analysis Waterfront features of the natural and human environment, can not be stereotyped, over-design. Waterfront space should be based on the main landscape features, and based on the expectations of the public which the analysis on hydrophilic activities, and local conditions to the planning and design of hydrophilic facilities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期