

The Research on Virtual Human Body Size Information Extraction

【作者】 郭强

【导师】 张文斌;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 服装设计与工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 设计以人为本,人体的构造、机能、尺寸和形态对服装设计、号型标准制定及工业化批量生成都有重要意义。三维服装CAD系统的研究方兴未艾,利用三维服装CAD系统可实现个性化虚拟人体建模、人体尺寸快速提取、三维人体曲面到二维裁片的自动转化、虚拟服装设计与试穿等功能,其中,人体尺寸信息快速提取是三维服装CAD中的关键技术。本文最终要开发一个虚拟人体尺寸提取系统,首先进行需求分析,根据应用要求设计系统界面及界面功能,本文第二章阐述了基于服装业应用的人体测量方法。东华大学现有两种非接触三维测量设备——[TC]2系统和EXAscan手持式激光扫描系统,EXAscan的软件子系统缺乏基本的尺寸提取功能,[TC]2的软件子系统功能不够全面,缺乏二维尺寸的提取,本文即针对它们扫描人体得到的数据文件展开研究。如同人工测量,虚拟人体是尺寸提取的基础和参照,本文开发的软件系统首要实现的一个功能即是利用WRL和STL文件(WRL文件是[TC]2系统产生的数据文件,STL文件是EXAscan系统产生的数据文件)重建虚拟人体。本文第三章仔细研究了这两类文件的结构形式,找出其中的有效数据。对于有效数据的自动提取,本文进行了有益的尝试,提出相应的提取算法,并用MATLAB语言编写了程序,从而为实现虚拟人体的快速重建打好基础。提取出有效数据后,利用MATLAB中相关三维图形函数,可实现虚拟人体重建。本文第四章详细论述了人体建模用到的插值三次样条曲线理论和散乱数据点三角剖分理论。本文建立了四种模型:点云模型、线框模型、三角面片模型、真实感加强模型。对点云模型中同一坐标高度的点进行插值三次样条曲线拟合,利用此插值曲线即可模拟人体横向截面形态以及提取围度尺寸;在三角面片模型基础上加进光照处理,可获得真实感加强模型,使得虚拟人体在尺寸提取时的参照作用增强。以前面章节阐述的专业背景知识和建模理论为基础,本文第五章开发了一个实用的虚拟人体尺寸信息提取系统。系统采用交互方式可提取人体一维、二维尺寸,具体包括人体各部位高度、人体横向截面形态及尺寸、人体纵向截面形态、人体体表角度等。本章详细介绍系统的结构和功能,阐述人体尺寸提取算法,并结合实例说明此系统的功能。本文难点在于对WRL和STL文件中有效数据的自动提取。有效数据的提取是虚拟人体建模和尺寸提取的基础,其提取准确度和提取效率直接影响个性化虚拟人体建模的精度和速度,从而减弱虚拟人体的参照作用,由于一部分人体尺寸信息直接存储在有效数据中,因此也会影响尺寸提取的准确度。本文创新之处在于二维尺寸的提取。二维形态尺寸对体型分类与纸样理论研究有重要意义,本文提取的二维尺寸涉及人体横向截面形态、纵向截形态和体表角度,从而弥补了[TC]2系统的不足。

【Abstract】 Design is people-oriented, so in order to design beautiful and comfortable clothing, it is important to understand the human body structure, function, size and shape, especially in the pattern design process, the human body size and shape quantification is particularly important. Furthermore, size designation of garment standard needed in industrial volume production also must be based on a lot of body measurement. Complied with the rapid development of diverse clothing business models, for example, MTM, network custom-made, virtual fitting form and so on,3d garment CAD system research is popular. Using 3d garment CAD system can realize personalized virtual human modeling, rapid human body size extraction, virtual clothing design&fitting and automatic conversion from 3d surface to 2d plane. Among them, the rapid body size information extraction is the key technology for 3d garment CAD.This thesis will ultimately develop a size extraction system, first of all, give a demand analysis, then design the system user interface and functional modules according to the application requirements. as professional background knowledge, the second chapter explains in detail the application of human measurement in garment industry. Donghua university now owns two kinds of non-contact 3d measuring equipments:[TC]2 and handheld laser scanning system EXAscan. EXAscan software subsystem lacks basic size extraction function, the function of [TC]2 software subsystem is not complete, lack of two-dimensional size extraction. this thesis is aimed at making use of the data files generated from [TC]2 and EXAscan to extract body size.As manual measurement, virtual human body is the reference to size extraction. That is the primary function of the size extraction system to make use of WRL and STL files (WRL file, generated form [TC]2, and STL files, generated from EXAscan system), to realize the virtual human modeling. The third chapter analysed the structure of STL and WRL file, based on this, put forward the algorithm and programming in MATLAB language to extract the valid data.After extracting valid data, make use of three-dimensional graphics functions in MATLAB, which can realize the reconstruction of the virtual human body. The fourth chapter discussed the three times spline curve interpolation theory and scattered data point triangulation theory used for modeling virtual human in the third chapter. The author builds four models:the point cloud, line box, triangle patch and authenticity strengthened model. Apply three times spline curve interpolation to points of the same coordinate height, and the point cloud model could transform to line box model, the interpolation curve can simulate body cross profile shape and extract the girth. with light function processing, the triangle patch model can transform to authenticity strengthened model, enhancing the reference effects of virtual human body in size extraction.The author developed a size information extraction system in MATLAB language in the fifth chapter. the system can be extract body one-dimensional, two-dimensional size in interactive way, including the body height, cross profile shape and girth, virtical section shape, and intersection angle etc. this chapter made detailed introduction of the system structure, functions and size extraction algorithm, and illustrated the system function with some examples.The important point and difficult point lies in the valid data automatic extraction from WRL and STL files. The valid data extraction is the base of virtual human modeling and size extraction, and the extraction accuracy and efficiency directly influence the personalized virtual human precision and modeling speed, thus weaken the reference role of the virtual human. Because some size information stored in the valid data directly, it will also affect the accuracy of size extraction.The innovation lies in the extraction of two-dimensional size. It has import meaning for body type classification and pattern theory research to extract two-dimensional size. The extracted two-dimensional sizes include the cross profile shape and girth, virtical section shape, and intersection angle etc., offsetting the [TC]2 drawback.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期