

Raspberry Pest Identification and the Disease Control in Liaoning Province

【作者】 傅超

【导师】 傅俊范; 严雪瑞;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 有害生物与环境安全, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 树莓(Rubus idaeus L.)为蔷薇科(Rosaceae)悬钩子属(Rubus L.)植物,是一种生态、经济效益都较高的灌木小浆果果树。近几年随着辽宁地区树莓生产面积的扩大,树莓在生产过程中遭受到多种有害生物的危害,有些有害生物对树莓造成了严重的经济损失。国内对树莓的研究偏重于栽培与管理、贮藏与加工等方面,而对树莓有害生物报道则相对较少,对于树莓生产过程中的有害生物防治缺乏科学依据。为此,本文对辽宁省树莓有害生物进行了系统普查,对有害生物种类进行了系统鉴定和发生规律调查,并对树莓炭疽病进行了较为深入的研究。结果如下:1调查发现,辽宁省树莓目前共有7种侵染性病害,即树莓灰霉病、树莓灰斑病、树莓炭疽病、树莓斑枯病、树莓根癌病、树莓锈病、树莓苗期立枯病;黏菌病害1种,树莓黏菌病;5种树莓生理性病害,树莓冻害、树莓梢枯病、树莓日灼果病、树莓苗期日灼病、树莓裂果病。2.通过对辽宁树莓侵染性病害的病原进行鉴定,共鉴定出6种真菌,即:灰葡萄孢(Botrytis cinerea Pers.)、蔷薇色尾孢霉(Cercospora rosicola Pass.)、胶孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)、壳针孢属真菌一种(Septoria sp.)、少隔多胞锈菌(Phragmidium pauciloculare)、茄丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani);1种细菌,即:根癌土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)。黏菌1种,即白煤绒菌(Fuligo septica)。3.通过调查在辽宁省发现了28种树莓害虫,其中主要包括鳞翅目11种、鞘翅目6种、半翅目昆虫5种、其他3种。分别是:中华弧丽金龟(Popillia quadriguttat)a、白星花金龟(Potosia brevitarsis)、美国白蛾(Hyphantria cunea)、双斑长跗萤叶甲(Monolepta hieroglyphica)、苹果全爪螨(Panonychus ulmi)、玉米紫野螟(Ostrinia zealis varialis)、蓟马(Thripidae)、双衲夜蛾(Dinumma deponens)、红棕灰夜蛾(Polia illoba)、墨绿彩丽金龟(Mimela splendens)、桃红颈天牛(Aromia bungii)、透翅疏广蜡蝉(Euricanid clara Kato)、黄褐天幕毛虫(Malacosoma Neustria testacea Motschulsky)、木撩尺蛾(Culcula panterinaria)、折带黄毒蛾(Euproctis flaua)、灰斑台毒蛾(Teia ericae)、黄刺蛾(Cnidocampa flavescens)、中国绿刺蛾(Parasa sinica)、扁刺蛾(Thosea sinensis)、短额负蝗(Atractomorpha sinensis)、绿螽斯(Holochlora nawae)、斑须蝽(Dolycoris baccanum)、横纹莱蝽(Eurydema gebleri)、黄伊缘蝽(Aeschyntelus chinesis)、茶翅蝽(Halyomorpha halys)、东方原缘蝽(Coreus marginatus orientalis)、等节臀萤叶甲(Agelastica coerulea)、大青叶蝉(Tettigoniella viridis)。4.两年来多次从辽宁省沈阳、丹东等地区采集树莓炭疽病标本,经常规组织分离法和水琼脂法对病原菌进行分离、纯化,得到病菌的纯培养,并进行致病性测定。确定树莓炭疽病是由胶孢炭疽菌Colletotrichum gloeosporioides引起的。5.本文对树莓炭疽病病原胶孢炭疽菌的生物学特性进行了较为系统的研究。树莓炭疽病病原菌落生长最适温度是25℃;pH值为6时菌落生长速度最快;光照对菌落生长速度有一定的影响,但是其差异程度达不到显著水平;在供试的各种C、N源培养基上菌落生长速度有较大的差异,甘露醇是其最适宜的C源,酵母膏是其最适宜的N源;在供试的6种培养基上PDA其最适宜的培养基;菌丝的致死温度是48℃。树莓炭疽病病原产孢的最适条件为20~25℃,pH6-8,最有利于产生孢子的C源是甘露醇和果糖;最有利于产生孢子的N源是蛋白胨;产生孢子最多的培养基是PDA、树莓叶片、苹果块和玉米粉。树莓炭疽病病原孢子的初始萌芽时期在2h左右,在5h左右萌发率可以达到50%,在10h可以达到90%以上。树莓炭疽病病原萌发温度范围较宽,在5℃-40℃条件下均可萌发,30℃时其孢子萌发率最高,可以达到92%,25℃-35℃之间孢子萌发率均在80%以上;其萌发的最适pH5~9;在供试的各种营养物质中,最适宜孢子萌发的是葡萄糖和蔗糖;分生孢子的致死温度是54℃。6.初步采用几种常用的化学药剂对树莓炭疽病病菌进行室内药剂筛选。发现两种杀菌剂对树莓炭疽病病原的菌落生长和孢子萌发抑制作用均较好,他们是施保功和嗯酮·氟硅唑;厚铎、多抗霉素和扑海因对树莓炭疽病病原菌落生长抑制效率在75%-96%,效果也比较好,可以考虑和其他病害综合防治时使用。7.根据两年多来调查研究的结果,结合部分种植户的防治经验,制定了辽宁树莓有害生物综合防治历。

【Abstract】 Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) for the rose family (Rosaceae) Rubus (Rubus L.) plants, shrubs, small berries are fruit trees. Both ecological and economic benefits are higher than other species. Recent years in Liaoning region, with the expansion of production area of raspberry, raspberrys in the production area suffer a variety of diseases or insert pests. Some of the raspberry pests caused serious economic losses. Domestic research on raspberry emphasis on cultivation,management,storage and processing aspects, while there is only a few report on the raspberry pests, For the raspberry production process there are a lack of scientific basis for pest control. To this end,the author in 2008-2009 years in Liaoning Province were systematically investigation raspberry pest, identified and occurrence investigations on pest have been done, and raspberry anthracnose was more in-depth study. The results are as follows:1.Through surveys found 7 raspberry infectious diseases in the Liaoning Province,there are:raspberry gray mold, raspberry gray spot, raspberry anthracnose, raspberry spot blotch, raspberry root knot, raspberry rust, raspberry seedling blight;slime molds namely:raspberry slime molds; 5 raspberry physiological diseases, namely:raspberry frozen injury,raspberry treetop blight, raspberry fruit sun scald, raspberry Seeding sun scald, raspberry fruit split.2. Infectious diseases pathogen identified on Liaoning raspberry was identified six kinds of fungi were identified, namely:Botrytis cinerea, Cercospora.rosicola,Colletotrichum gloeosporioides,Septoria sp.,Phragmidium paucilocular, Rhizoctonia solani; one kind of bacteria, namely:Agrobacterium tumefaciens.1 species of slime molds, Fuligo septica,3.Through the investigation found 28 species of raspberry pests in Liaoning Province, which include 11 species of Lepidoptera,6 species of Coleoptera,5 species of Hemiptera,3 species of others.There are:Popillia quadriguttata, Potosia brevitarsis, Hyphantria cunea, Monolepta hieroglyphica, Panonychus ulmi, Ostrinia zealis varialis, Thripidae, Dinumma deponens, Polia illoba, Mimela splendens, Aromia bungii, Euricanid clara Kato, Malacosoma Neustria testacea, Culcula panterinaria, Euproctis flaua, Teia ericae, Cnidocampa flavescens, Parasa sinica, Thosea sinensis, Atractomorpha sinensis, Holochlora nawae, Dolycoris baccanum, Eurydema gebleri, Aeschyntelus chinesis, Halyomorpha halys, Coreus marginatus orientalis, Agelastica coerulea, Tettigoniella viridis.4. According to the results of the investigation more than two years, combined experience of some growers in the prevention, draughted the Liaoning raspberry IPM calendar.5. The samples which are collected from planting area of raspberry in Shenyang,Dandong of Liaoning province from 2008 to 2009, and pathogenicity of fungal isolates obtaind from the samples was tested by verifiable standard means of the Koch’ Postulation and the pathogen was indentified.Colletotrichum gloeospori-oides is the caused of raspberry anthracnose, and ITS sequence analysis test to prove this.6. In this study the biological characteristics of raspberry anthracnose pathogen be elaborates:Colletotrichum gloeosporioides optimal growth temperature is 25℃; when pH value is 6, it have the fastest growth of colonies; light on the colony growth rate has some impact, but it did not show significant differences in the degree level; in all tested species of C, N source medium and colony growth rate are quite different, mannitol is the most appropriate C source, yeast extract is the most suitable N source; in the tested six kinds of medium the most suitable for PDA medium; mycelium lethal temperature is 48℃.Colletotrichum gloeosporioides spore of the optimal conditions for 20~25℃, pH6~8, the best interests of C source produce spores mannitol and fructose; most favorable to spore N source is peptone; produce the most cultured spores base is a PDA, raspberry leaf, apple pieces and corn flour.Colletotrichum gloeosporioides spores in the initial germination period of 2h, at about 5h germination rate can reach about 50%,90% can be achieved in more than 10h.Colletotrichum gloeosporioides germinati on wide temperature range, in 5℃-40℃could germinate. under the conditions of 30℃when the spore germination rate can reach 92%,25℃-35℃the spore germination rate can reach 80% or more; their optimum germination pH5~9; in the tested range of nutrients, the most suitable for germination is the glucose and sucrose; conidia lethal temperature is 54℃.7. Study on primary management of raspberry anthracnose. Found that the two fungicides on the colony of raspberry anthracnose pathogen growth and spore germination inhibition were good, there are Sporgon and famoxadone-flusilazole. To ues difenoconazole, polyoxin,iprodione have a inhibition efficiency to raspberry anthracnose pathogen growth of 75%-96%, those three fungicides can be consider and use the integrated control of other diseases.
