

Selective Breeding on Elite Plant Strain of Sichuan Radix Curcuma and Part of Supporting Key Cultivation Techniques Study

【作者】 俸世洪

【导师】 李敏; 陈康;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 生药学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 郁金为多基源品种,《中华人民共和国药典》2010年版一部郁金项下规定郁金为姜科植物温郁金Curcuma wenyujin Y. H. Chen et C. Ling,姜黄C. longaL.、广西莪术C. kwangsiensis S. G. Lee et C. F. Liang或蓬莪术C. phaeocaulisVal.的干燥块根。由于其来源复杂,分布广,栽培及采收加工方法不规范等多方面的原因导致品质良莠不齐,产量差异很大;同时优良品种的选育繁育研究尚属空白,再加上现有的法定标准均未建立有效的质量评价方法,因而郁金的质量控制比较困难。该课题是四川省育种攻关项目“川郁金遗传特性研究与优质育种”课题的一部分。本论文针对川产黄丝郁金和绿丝郁金进行优良株系选育研究,并根据不同郁金(黄丝郁金、绿丝郁金)原植物生长习性,进行了部分配套栽培关键技术研究。本论文首次将ISSR分子标记技术和1H-NMR方法用于川产郁金的辅助育种。ISSR结果显示,从30个ISSR引物中筛选出9个引物共扩增出条带89条,多态性百分率达70%,其中川产绿丝郁金13、14、15、16号和黄丝郁金23、24、25、28号均表现出丰富的遗传信息,作为优良株系筛选的首选材料;‘H-NMR结果显示,桂郁金、绿丝郁金和温郁金样品在4.7-2.8区间的化学成分多于黄丝郁金;黄丝郁金在9.2-8.5、8.3-7.8、7.2-6.1、5.8-5.4等区间的化学成分则比其他三个来源郁金样品含量多,黄丝郁金可作为优质高含新品种的筛选材料。本文结合郁金的特性,采用多手段(系统育种和现代生物技术辅助育种)、多指标(产量和质量)的评价方法进行郁金的优良株系选育研究。优良株系选育研究方面,根据郁金植物的生长特性,从2006年收集郁金种质资源开始,2007年通过系统选育对SL、CZ、QW、MC几个产地筛选得到的291份优质种质进行了产量和含量的筛选,得到49个优质的郁金新材料;2008年通过对2007年的郁金材料进行跟踪筛选研究,合并相似材料得到优质黄丝郁金株系3个,姜黄优质株系6个,绿丝郁金优质株系6个。2009年开始对其中表现优良的新株系LS-4和JH-6在温江和双流两个郁金的道地产区进行新品种的多点试验,并报四川省农业厅经作处备案审定。2009年检测结果表明,温江点LS-4块根产量较最好对照组增高11.7%,总姜黄素较最好对照组增高28.0%,根茎产量较最好对照组增高8.8%;双流点LS-4块根产量较最好对照组增高15.2%,总姜黄素含量较最好对照组增高12.5%,根茎产量较最好对照组增高21.9%,;温江点JH-6块根产量较最好对照组增高29.6%,总姜黄素较最好对照组增高17.7%,根茎产量较最好对照组增高18.7%,姜黄素含量较最好对照组增高35.6%;双流点JH-6块根产量较最好对照组增高17.1%,总姜黄素含量较最好对照组增高11.7%,根茎产量较最好对照组增高24.5%,姜黄素含量较最好对照组增高8.4%,具备新品种筛选的意义。双流点不论产量还是含量都较温江点高出几倍,说明双流比温江更适合黄丝郁金和绿丝郁金的种植。2009年由于干旱造成郁金减产,从株系筛选结果来看,除HS-3和JH-1淘汰,JH-2和JH-4合并外,绿丝郁金保留LS-1、LS-2、LS-3、LS-5、LS-6;黄丝郁金保留HS-1、HS-2;姜黄保留JH-2+4、JH-3、JH-5,共10个专用型株系进行继续跟踪研究。配套关键技术研究方面,对不同品种郁金栽培条件进行单因素考察,考察了用种方式、采收期、播种密度和肥料对郁金产量和质量的影响,总结出配套的栽培关键技术。得出川产郁金的优质栽培关键技术为:黄丝郁金:播种前挑选无病虫害的种姜B作种姜,每窝播种1-2个,碰伤发霉的根茎不能作种姜,按照种植密度B播种;有条件的每亩撒施肥料B、肥料A,没有肥料B的每亩撒施肥料C、肥料A,撒于种姜之间空隙,覆土。生长期间追肥2-3次,以肥料B和肥料A为主,有条件的在浇灌时辅以适量的稀粪水。采收时间为自然年份的Y月b日到Z月b日,采收时尽量采挖干净。绿丝郁金:播种前挑选无病虫害的种姜B作种姜,碰伤发霉的根茎不能作种姜,按照种植密度B播种;有条件的撒施肥料B、肥料A,没有肥料B撒施肥料C、肥料A,撒于种姜之间空隙,覆土。生长期间追肥2-3次,以肥料B和肥料A为主,有条件的在浇灌时辅以适量的稀粪水。采收时间为自然年份的Y月b日到Z月b日,采收时尽量采挖干净。上述研究结果为川产郁金遗传特性研究与优质育种提供了科学的理论依据,同时为川产郁金优良品种选育繁育奠定了基础。最终实现郁金药材生产的安全、稳定、有效、可控。

【Abstract】 Radix Curcumae,the root tuber of Curcuma wenyujin Y. H. Chen et C. Ling、C. longa L. and C. kwangsiensis S. G Lee et C. F. Liang or C. phaeocaulis Val, root in the family of Zingiberaceae.The difficulty in the quality control of Radix Curcumae materials, unstable quality and significant reduction of yield as the result of their complex origin, wide distribution, multi-variety,breeding backward technology; at the same time,breeding of fine varieties of breeding is still empty, cultivation and harvesting processing methods not standardized and the existing statutory standards were not effective quality evaluation methods. The issue is the part of the subject Sichuan breeding research project "Genetic characteristics of Sichuan Radix Curcumae and quality breeding". In this thesis,bese on the C. longa L. and C. phaeocaulis Val Breeding in Sichuan for improved lines, take the cultivation of key technologies according to the original plant growth habits.It is the first time use the ISSR and 1H-NMR to secondary breeding Radix Curcumae of Radix Curcumae. ISSR results that the number 13,14,15,16 of the C. phaeocaulis Val and the number 23,24,25,28 of C. longa have demonstrated a wealth of genetic information, it is the first choice for screening material of Good lines; 1H-NMR results that the C. longa is a high quality filter materials with new varieties. Combining the characteristics of Radix Curcumae, use multi-index (yield and quality), and more means of evaluation methods Breeding of Radix Curcumae’s fine lines.In fine lines breeding research, On the basis of the growth characteristics of plants, From 2006 to collection germplasm of Radix Curcumae, through the systematic selection screened in 291 high-quality germplasms for yield and content filtering from SL,CZ, QW, MC in 2007, got 49 high quality new materials Radix Curcumae.2008 to track materials Radix Curcumae Screening through 2007, merge similar materials, got 3 Radix C. longa,6 Rhizoma C. longa and 6 Radix C.phaeocaulis high-quality strains. Which began multi-point test in 2009, with excellent performance of new strains LS-4 and JH-6 in the Wenjiang and Shuangliu, Report to the Sichuan Provincial Department of Agriculture Department records for examination. The test results by 2009 show that,LS-4 and JH-6 have worth by new varieties. And cut Radix Curcumae as the drought, screening results from 2009,Radix C.phaeocaulis hold LS-1、LS-2、LS-3、LS-5、LS-6, Radix C. longa hold HS-1、HS-2 and Rhizoma C. longa hold JH-2+4、JH-3、JH-5 to tracking continue.Supporting research on key technologies, single factor conditions the different varieties of Radix Curcumae cultivation, investigated the use of models, planting density, harvesting time on yield and quality, summarizes a rational key technology of cultivation.Results of the study provide a scientific basis by the genetic characteristics of Sichuan Radix Curcumae and provide high quality breeding,while give a basis for Sichuan produced Radix Curcumae excellent breeding. Final, achieve production of Radix Curcumae safe, stable, effective, and controllable.
