

The Research of Urban Public Landscape Design Based on Post-Occupation Evaluation

【作者】 赵子墨

【导师】 周耀;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳建筑大学 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 本论文是以环境心理学、环境行为学、公共景观等相关知识为理论背景,运用使用后评价POE法,结合笔者实地考察、做调查问卷、进行数据分析进行大连开发区世纪广场与体育公园的使用后评价研究。从环境心理学的角度探讨大连开发区建成环境公共景观中的优缺点,研究大众对公共景观的使用后评价。这篇论文大致分为五个章节,第一章是绪论部分,主要阐述了论文的研究目的及意义,论文的目的是以世纪广场与体育公园为例的大连开发区公共景观环境的使用后评价研究,明确使用者对世纪广场以及体育公园的满意度评价。论文研究的意义是为未来新建公共景观或改造公共景观提供依据。同时阐述了国内外同类课题的研究现状,本论文笔者拟解决的主要问题,论文创新点以及研究方法和论文结构,本文的创新点是建立大连开发区公共景观对大众行为影响的模型以及大连开发区公共景观的建成环境满意度评价体系;第二章论述论文相关理论、概念与方法部分,包括环境心理学的概念、环境行为学的概念、大众行为的概念、感觉与环境体验的关系以及大众行为分类、使用后评价POE在公共景观中的应用,包括使用后评价POE法的相关概念、使用后评价POE法的功能、使用后评价POE的方法分类、使用后评价POE法的发展历程概述、POE法在国内外的应用以及将POE引入公共景观的范畴这些内容,国内将使用后评价POE法运用到公共景观的实例不是很多,使用后评价POE法在国内还没有形成专门的研究机构,本章着重的介绍了使用后评价POE法;第三章主要以大连开发区体育公园及世纪广场为例,是POE法在具体案例中的应用,总述开发区的地理、气候及相关特点,分析开发区的公共景观现状,主要是世纪广场与体育公园的调查问卷分析,问卷中应用了李克特量表法,李克特量表是社会调查和心理学研究中经常运用的一种方法。根据笔者的实地考察记录和调查问卷数据,进行综合分析构建大连地区以广场景观为例的建成环境满意度评价体系;第四章是论文综合研究部分,总结笔者在考察和问卷中出现的问题以及解决办法,对于考察及问卷中出现的问题主要从设计角度、物质环境与心理感受这三个方面进行阐述。如体育公园与世纪广场现有设计中所存在的不符合以人为本的设计理念的研究,以及物质环境可以给游人带来的心理感受,其中“以人为本”设计观念在具体案例中的欠缺体现在忽视特殊群体的行为活动需求、大众的行为偏爱、以及公共场所人性化的区域划分,满足大众的私密性需求;第五章是结论部分,根据考察分析归纳出来世纪广场与体育公园的使用后评价有设计理念、使用者素质、设计和管理等方面的问题。最后是对大连开发区公共景观的规划和设计方面的思考和展望。本文为抛砖引玉之作,为以后对城市公共景观使用状况展开更全面的分析和更深入的研究作铺垫,以及对大连开发区公共景观的发展趋势的畅想,使得该论文能对大连开发区的公共景观使用后评价做出一定的贡献。

【Abstract】 This thesis based on environment psychology, envitonmental behaviouristics, public landscape on related knowledge for theoretical background, use after use evaluation concepts behind POE method, and combining the field investigation, doing questionnaire, analyzes the data for dalian development zone century square with the use of sports park after evaluation research. From the Angle of environmental psychology discussed dalian development zone built environment landscape, the advantages of public research on the use of mass public landscape after evaluation.This thesis roughly divided into five sections, the first chapter is the introduction section, the paper mainly expounds the research purpose and significance, the purpose of this paper is century square and sports park as an example of dalian development zone of public environmental landscape after use evaluation research, clear users to century square and sports park satisfaction appraisal. Research is the meaning of new public for the future landscape or modification of public landscape, provides the basis. And expatiates the domestic and foreign similar topic research present situation, this paper the author intends to solve the main problems, this paper innovation points and research methods and paper structure, this paper the innovation points is based on mass public landscape dalian development zone of model and the influences of dalian development zone public landscape built environment satisfaction appraisal system, The second chapter discusses papers related theory, the concept and method of environmental psychology parts, including the concept, the concept of envitonmental behaviouristics, mass behavior of the concept, feeling and environmental experience and the relationship between the mass behavior classification, after use evaluation concepts behind POE in public landscape application, including the use of evaluation concepts behind POE law related concepts and after use evaluation concepts behind POE the function of law, after use evaluation concepts behind POE method classification, after use evaluation method of developing course overview concepts behind POE, concepts behind POE method in the domestic and international application and will introduce concepts behind POE public landscape category these content, domestic will use evaluation concepts behind POE method applied to public landscape examples not many after use, evaluation concepts behind POE method in domestic has not formed special research institutions, this chapter emphatically introduces the evaluation concepts behind POE method after use, The third chapter basically with dalian development zone sports park and century square, for example, is the concepts behind POE method in specific cases, an overview of the application development and related geography and climate characteristics, and analysis of public landscape development situation, main is century square and sports park in the questionnaire survey analysis, the application LiKeTe scale method, LiKeTe scale is social investigation and psychology research often use a method. According to the author’s investigation records and questionnaire data, comprehensive analysis of construction in dalian area as an example of the square landscape built environment satisfaction appraisal system, The fourth chapter are the comprehensive research papers, summarizes the author in part in the questionnaire survey and the problems and solutions for investigation and the problems in the questionnaire mainly from the view of design, material environment and psychological feeling this three aspects. Such as sports park with century square existing design does not conform to the existence of the people-oriented design concepts, and physical environment can give visitors bring psychological experience, which "people-oriented" design concept in the specific case of lack of special group embodied in ignore behavior activity needs, preferences, and mass behavior public place humanized region, meet people’s needs; the illicit close sex The fifth chapter is the conclusion, concluded according to review and analysis of the century square and sports park after use evaluation have design concept, users quality, design and management, etc. The last is to dalian development zone public landscape planning and design thinking and prospected.This article for textbooks mastepiece, for later use situation of urban public landscape launch more comprehensive analysis and more in-depth research loudly, as well as to dalian development zone development trend of public landscape of imagination and made the papers to dalian development zone of public landscape after use evaluation make certain contribution.
