

Study on China’s Urban Heat Measuring Price and Fee Collecting Management Mode

【作者】 高鸣

【导师】 张沈生;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳建筑大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 实施供热计量及收费是深化我国城镇供热体制改革的关键环节,是实现用热商品化、货币化的重要手段,也是促使热用户进行行为节能的有力措施,大力推行供热计量及收费具有重要意义。现阶段我国的供热计量方法、技术、产品已经具备应用条件,供热系统建设和改造的技术规范也比较健全。然而,与供热计量方法、技术、产品相配套的热价制定方法和收费模式的研究却相对滞后,制约了城市供热水平的提高和建筑节能工作的顺利进行。因此,制定合理科学热价和收费模式是决定供热计量改革工作取得实质性效果的关键问题。本文以我国城市供热计量热价与收费管理模式为研究对象。在综述和运用城市供热热价及热费收缴相关理论的基础上,分析了现阶段我国热价计算方法、热费分摊和收缴方法、以及我国典型城市供热计量与收费改革的现状,指出了其存在的问题。本文选择具有代表性的供热企业作为样本,综合考虑其供热形式、企业性质、供热规模和供热总面积等因素测算供热企业加权平均成本,并提出了样本供热企业选择原则与方法;在分析影响供热企业成本因素的基础上,建立供热企业成本影响因素指标体系;利用AHP和熵值法建立供热企业成本影响因素指标权重的模型;利用模糊综合评价模型进行供热企业综合评价值计算;提出了全新的供热企业成本测算方法,为供热计量统一热价的计算奠定基础。以统一热价成本为基础,解析地区性统一热价内涵;提出供热计量下统一热价的制定方法,其中包括统一热价税金的测算、利润率的确定方法、建筑物实际耗热量指标的计算以及面积成本转换成热量成本的方法,并系统研究了两部制热价比的确定方法,提出了两部制热价比的确定还应考虑建筑物本身节能状况的观点。在两部制热价框架下及现有热费分摊方式基础上,提出基于建筑节能设计标准的热费分摊方法;结合我国现有热费收缴方法,制定“谁用热、谁交费、分阶段”热费收缴方法。进而,构建了包括热费分摊、计算和收缴等方法在内的我国城市供热计量收费管理模式。以沈阳市为实例,系统地分析沈阳市供热计量及收费工作现状及存在问题,运用上述研究方法,选定了10家供热单位作为样本测算了沈阳市供热企业成本,据此,验证了上述方法的可行性、适用性和科学性。制定了沈阳市统一热价及两部制热价,建立了沈阳市供热计量收费管理模式,并提出了沈阳市供热行业可持续发展的对策建议。本文创新点包括:改进以往以供热面积为权数进行成本测算的方式,建立完善、科学、全新的供热企业成本测算方法;提出将建筑节能设计标准规定作为制定地区性两部制热价比的原则之一;建立包括热费分摊方法、热费收缴体系、热费收缴主体、热费收缴方法在内的系统全面的城市供热计量收费管理模式。

【Abstract】 At the current stage, the methods, techniques and products of heating measuring has satisfied the condition of practical applying, such as measuring per house. The technical specifications of heating system construction and reform are relatively robust. Also, the establishment of a reasonable heat fee subsidizing system is in the stage of in-depth study. However, it is relatively backward that the study of heat price and the fee collecting strategy which accompany the methods, techniques, and products of heat measuring. Therefore, establishing a reasonable and scientific heat price and fee collecting strategy becomes the critical matter which determines whether the reform of heat measuring will cause practical effect or not at the current stage.In this paper, the China’s urban heat measuring price and fee collecting strategy is taken as the study object.China’s current heat price calculating, fees sharing and collecting methods are analyzed with the relative theories on urban heat price calculating and collecting. The current condition and issues of the urban heat measuring and fee collecting reforming in the typical city of China are also analyzed.The principle and method of choosing samples, the establishment of factor index which affects a heat providing enterprise are proposed. With the help of AHP and Entropy in establishing the model of factor index weight which affects the heat providing enterprise and the model of a enterprise’s comprehensive evaluation value, a totally new method for calculating the cost for heat providing enterprise is introduced. It also give a basis for calculating unified heat price.Based on the unified heat price and the analysis of the internal meaning of the unified heat price, the method to establish a unified heat price is proposed. It includes the calculating of the unified heat price tax and profile rate, the method of calculating the actual amount of heat consumption of a construction and converting the cost from area based into heat based. Also, the method of establishment a two-fold heat price is studied. It is purposed that consideration of energy savings of the construction in determining the two-steps heat price. This not only keep a relatively fair, but also motivate the people’s activity for energy saving.It constructs the China’s urban heat price management mode includes the aspects of fee sharing, calculating and collecting. With analyzing the conditions that the fee should be shared, the method of fee sharing based on the design standards of construction energy saving is purposed. Apart from that, with the comparison between foreign heat fee collecting organization and its service system, the China’s urban heating measuring and fee collecting service system is purposed. Combining the current heat collecting methods, a method in the heating framework which can be expressed as“the one who uses the heat has to pay the price based on several stages”is purposed.Taking Shenyang City as example, it gives a systematic analysis of current condition and existing problems for Shenyang’s heat measuring and fee collecting, establishes the unified heat measuring price, the two-fold heat price and Shenyang’s heat measuring management mode. It also give some suggestions on developing the heating industry in a sustainable way.In this paper, the innovations includes altering of the old calculating method which takes the heating area as the weight index and purposing a new calculating method, and applying the construction energy saving standard into the establishment of two-fold heat price. This method includes the fee sharing, fee collecting system, the subject of fee collecting and fee collecting method, which is a systematic and comprehensive heat measuring fee management mode. It pays more attention on the two-fold heat price differs in different regions.
