

The Study of Glass-based Ion Exchange Waveguide

【作者】 江舒杭

【导师】 周强;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 微电子与固体电子学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在信息时代的今天,信息技术的快速发展给光通信的发展提供了广阔的空间。特别是光纤到户(FTTH)的兴起即将掀起新一轮的光通信网络建设的高潮。玻璃基离子交换技术是大规模制作FTTH中,特别是无源光网络中,功能器件的一个很好的选择。这种技术的优势将在光通信的发展中进一步展示。本论文对玻璃基离子交换技术进行了比较深入、全面的研究。在理论分析的基础上,提出了场辅助离子交换波导工艺参数和性能参数之间的数学关系模型。进而进行了大量的实验验证工作并且通过计算给出了这种关系的准确表达。最终给出了一个比较完整的工艺模型。本论文还对制作离子交换波导的工艺流程做出了详细的论述,并且分析了实际的工艺制作中可能遇到的一些问题,给出了可行的解决方案。最后对本文的不足之处进行了思考,对于这一技术今后的研究的发展方向提出了几点看法。

【Abstract】 In the information age, the rapid development of information technology has provided a broad space to the development of optical communication technology. Especially FTTH will rise to whip up a new round of the optical communication network building to a climax. Glass-based ion exchange technology is a very good choice in fabricating function devices in building FTTH, especially the positives optical network. The superiority of this technology will be further displayed in the development of optical communication technology.In this paper, we have a systematical research on the glass based ion-exchanged technology. Based on the theoretical analysis, we have proposed the mathematical relationship between the technology parameters and the waveguide performance parameters in the field assisted ion exchange process. Then a large number of experiments were carried out to prove this relationship and gave an exact expression of this relationship by calculating, by which we proposed a complete model of the field assisted ion exchange technology.In this paper, we also discussed the process of fabricating an glass-based ion exchange waveguide. We analyzed some problems may encounter in the actual production process, and some possible solutions were given. Finally, the inadequacies of this paper were discussed and put forward some directions of the development of this technology in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期