

Research on the Global Financial Crisis Occurred at the Beginning of the 21st Century

【作者】 朱雯婷

【导师】 何剑;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 世界经济, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 源于美国的次贷危机逐渐演变为席卷全球的金融危机,并不断向实体经济蔓延,引发全球性的经济衰退,对美国和全球经济产生了深远的影响,同样也给作为新兴市场经济国家的中国带了前所未有的困难和挑战。中国随着改革开放的深入、加入世贸体系的进程以及金融自由化和经济全球化的不断发展,已经逐步融入全球经济体系中,中国经济受世界其他经济体的影响也越来越明显,同时,中国的金融市场尤其是资本市场仍处于起步阶段,在这种背景下,密切关注危机走势,深入分析此次危机发生的根源,从中吸取经验教训并积极研究相关对策,对于保障中国金融市场以及中国经济的健康发展具有非常积极的意义。第一章绪论。主要阐述了选题背景和意义、国内外关于金融危机的相关文献综述,为后文的论述提供理论基础,之后进行了行文框架的梳理并提出可能的创新点和不足之处。接下来本文第二章以对21世纪初金融危机的概述为切入点,首先对美国房地产金融市场进行概述,介绍了此次金融危机爆发的主要背景。随后,在本章第二部分介绍了此次金融危机的主要演变过程,即:美国爆发次贷危机、随后美国次贷危机演变成为美国金融危机并蔓延至全球,进而由全球金融危机蔓延至实体经济,最后介绍了全球经济的复苏前景。第三章首先在第一部分对此次金融危机的影响分两个层次进行了详尽的分析,先是分析了金融危机对美国带来的影响,然后又介绍了此次危机对世界经济的影响。其次,本章第二部分从政治经济学角度对造成此次金融危机的原因进行了深入分析,共分为三个层次进行论述,即直接触发性原因,内部基础性原因以及根本性原因,分析并得出此次危机根源于资本主义基本矛盾的结论。第四章对此次金融危机爆发之后,世界各主要国家采取的对策进行分析,这些措施主要包括:实行“注资”政策、大幅度密集降息、扩大财政支出、加强金融监控、实行“国有化”政策、加强立法和加强国际合作等。并在此基础上结合对原因的分析,提出有关应对金融危机对策的思考,即协调好政府宏观调控与市场经济调节机制之间的平衡关系重要性,因为只有协调好两者之间的关系,才能使宏观调控达到预期目标。文章的第五章首先对此次金融危机对中国的影响进行简要分析,这些影响主要涉及到中国的贸易行业、股市和房地产市场、外汇储备、国内就业等方面。随后,在本章第二部分结合前文对此次金融危机演变过程、成因以及影响的分析,突出文章重点得出对中国的几点启示,即:第一,要不断完善基本制度,主要包括基本经济制度和法律制度的建设两个方面的内容。第二,协调好效率和公平之间的关系,确保社会公平。因为切实保证收入分配的公平性是经济和社会稳定的基础。第三,努力实现自主发展,减少经济对外的依存度。主要包含促进内需、调整吸引外资的政策、鼓励自主创新、控制外汇储备的规模并优化其投资结构等几个方面的内容。第四,保证金融健康有序的发展。主要从以下三个方面来着手,首先要正确认识虚拟经济与实体经济的关系,其次要不断加强和改善金融监管,防范金融风险,最后要正确的认识金融创新,在鼓励金融创新的同时,加强对金融创新的相应监管措施。第五,中国应加强国际间的合作,在承担相应国际责任的同时,不断提升国际地位,并不断推进国际货币体系改革。文章最后一部分第六章结语对本文行文思路进行概述,同时对文章写作过程中遇到的问题以及本文的写作难点进行了总结。本文可能的创新之处是运用政治经济学对此次金融危机诸多方面进行分析。首先,运用政治经济学的观点分析了此次金融危机发生的深层次原因,得出此次金融危机根源于资本主义制度固有的社会矛盾的结论。其次,运用政治经济学思维分析此次金融危机对中国的启示,不仅从经济学角度,还从政治经济学的角度提出了相关的对策建议,如:完善基本经济制度和法律制度、保障社会公平等。

【Abstract】 The sub-prime crisis, which is erupted from U.S., has evolved into the global financial crisis, the crisis initiates the recession of the world economy and the effects of the crisis are continued to spread to the real economy. The crisis has not only impacted the American economy, but also produced a profound influence to the world economy. China, like other emerging countries, has also been impacted by the crisis and will meet unprecedented difficulties and challenges from the crisis. At the same time, with the deepening of reform and opening, the accession to the WTO, the development of the financial liberalization and economic globalization, China is gradually integrated into the global economic system, and become increasingly effected by the change of the world economy. In addition, the financial market, especially the capital market in China is still in its infancy. Therefore, it is very meaningful for China to pay close attention to the trend of the crisis, analyze the root causes of the crisis deeply, and draw lessons from the crisis. In this way, China could protect the financial market and keep the healthy development of the national economy.At beginning of this paper, Chapter I is the introduction of this paper, it includes the background, meaning and the main theories of the research, as well as the innovations and shortcomings of this paper.Chapter II gives a brief overview of the USA financial market firstly, which could give the main background information for the financial crisis occurred at the beginning of 21 century. Then, the second part of Chapter I introduces the main evolution of the global financial crisis, including the subprime crisis happened in U.S.A, and then the U.S. subprime crisis evolved into a global financial crisis and continually spread the effects to the real economy of the world. Lastly, it gives the prospects of the crisis’recovery.The first part of Chapter III gives the detail analysis of the crisis’effects, both on the United Stated and the world. Then, the second part of this chapter analyzes the reasons of the crisis from the perspective of the plutonomy. The reasons could be divided into three levels, namely, the direct triggering reasons, the internal reasons as well as the basic fundamental reasons. Upon this analysis, this paper comes to the conclusion that the crisis is rooted from the basic contradictions of capitalism.Chapter IV presents the main measures, which are taken by the major countries in the world to against the crisis. These measures are the policies of the asset injection, substantial reduction of interest rate, expanding fiscal expenditure, strength control of the financial market, nationalization, strength legislation, and strength international cooperation. Based on the introduction of the measures and the analysis of this crisis’reasons, the second part of this chapter puts the in-deep thinking of the effective measures to against the crisis. The key point is to keep the balance of the government’s macroeconomic control and the regulation mechanism of the market. Only in this way could we make full use of the macro-control to achieve our targets.Chapter V first gives a brief analysis of the crisis’effects on China firstly, mainly related to the trade condition, the stock market and real estate market, the foreign exchange reserves, the employment condition and so on. Subsequently, coming to the second part of this chapter, which is the most important part of the whole paper. Combining with the analysis of the evolution, reasons and effects of the crisis, this part gives the detail instruction of the inspirations to China, which are drawn from the crisis. First, improve the basic system continuously, including the basic economic system and the legal system. Second, as we all know that ensuring the fairness of income distribution is the basis of the economic and social stability. So it’s important to coordinate the relationship of efficiency and equity to ensure the equity of the society. Third, strive to self-development in order to reduce the dependence on external economies. The measures mainly include the following aspects, namely, the promotion of domestic demand, the adjustment of the attracting foreign invest policy, the encouragement of the independent innovation, the control of the foreign exchange reserves’size and the adjustment of the foreign exchange reserves’investment structure. Fourth, maintain health and orderly development of the financial market. Mainly China should proceed from the following three aspects. China should first correct the understanding of the relations between the virtual economy and real economy, then China should continue to strengthen and improve financial supervision to prevent financial risks, and finally China should correct the understanding of financial innovation, not only encouraging innovation, but also pay attention to strengthen appropriate regulatory measures. Fifth, China should also strengthen international cooperation. China should undertake the corresponding international obligations, and at the same time, raising its international status, trying to promote the reform of the international monetary system continually.The final part of this paper, Chapter VI is the conclusion, which gives the summary of the methods existing in writing this paper and the difficulties and problems when composing the paper.The innovation of this paper is using the plutonomy’s perspective to analyze the financial crisis. Firstly, using the plutonomy’s perspective to analyze the root of the financial crisis, and come to conclusion that the financial crisis is originated from the inherent social contradictions of the capitalist system. Second, when analyzing the inspirations to China, the paper gives the plutonomy-related suggestions, not only from the economic perspective, but also from the plutonomy’s perspective, and the suggestions include improving the basic economic system and legal system, ensuring the social equity and so on.

  • 【分类号】F831.59
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