

【作者】 赵许

【导师】 赵晶;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中国业余篮球公开赛(CHINESE BASKETBALL OPEN)简称CBO,是经国家体育总局篮球运动管理中心批准、中国篮球协会主办、全国各省市体育局、篮球协会承办,中国三亿篮球爱好者参与的全国性、全民性大型体育篮球项目。后奥运时代的到来,使我国体育的重点由竞技体育逐步向群众体育转变,CBO作为我国群众体育事业发展的龙头赛事,对其进行深入的研究必将有益于我国群众体育事业的发展。本文采用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等方法,从CBO竞赛体系及品牌定位两方面进行切入,对CBO的发展现状进行了简单的回顾,旨在使广大篮球爱好者更加真实、全面的了解CBO这一新兴群众篮球赛事,使更多的人参与到这项运动中来。同时从深层次剖析CBO品牌的定位及品牌的建设推广,以及CBO竞赛体系的构建,从而为我国群众篮球运动的开展及篮球市场的繁荣开辟新的思路。通过调查,本文得出如下主要结论:1、CBO作为一个独立的赛事品牌,已经得到初步开展;2、CBO品牌定位应立足业余篮球赛事,扎根业余群众本身;3、CBO现行竞赛体系中公开赛是CBO基础赛事,在全国有一定的影响力。其它各赛事都是CBO竞赛体系的完善和补充;4、CBO现行赛事活动体系有待完善,应根据职业、性别、年龄、地域等特点不断的加以补充,形成一个全民参与的群众篮球赛事体系;5、CBO竞赛体系的构建可以分为近期目标及中远期目标,并在CBO不断发展过程中,检验其合理性并不断调整以适应赛事的发展需要。根据调查结果,本文提出以下建议:1、不断创新比赛的活动内容与形式;2、加大品牌宣传、推广力度;3、根据CBO具体情况,对品牌定位适时调整,以达到定位的准确性;4、增加CBO青少年赛事活动;5、将比赛地点由大中型城市向二线城市转移,特别是一些发展较好的小城镇;6、CBO女子俱乐部的赛事可以增设不同组别,提高赛事规模;7、提高CBO总决赛影响力;8、CBO竞赛体系的完善可以为CBO持续健康稳定发展注入新的活力。

【Abstract】 CBO is the sport of basketball by the State Sports General Administration Management Center approval, the Chinese Basketball Association, the National provincial Sports Bureau, National Basketball Association host, China 300 million basketball fans participate in a national, universal sports basketball. It is the development of mass sports cause a window to ignite the people’s participation in sports, to enhance the enthusiasm of good health, but also for our country to achieve by the sports powers made sports power shift the goal to provide a new opportunity for development.In this paper, literature, investigation method, mathematical statistics, logic, analysis and other specific methods to competite from the CBO system and brand positioning, cut into two aspects.CBO’s development of a simple review of the current situation, aimed at the general basketball fans more realistic, comprehensive understanding of this emerging mass CBO basketball tournament, so that more people involved in the sport to Keywords: CBO; Competition System; Brand Positioning. The same time, a deeper analysis of CBO brand positioning and brand-building promotion, as well as the CBO race to build the system, thus the launching of China’s masses, basketball and basketball boom opened up new ideas.Through surveys, draw the following main conclusions:1.CBO projects a number of activities, interesting thick, the game is strong, flexible rules, the masses through the race reached the exercise and enrich the purpose of leisure and cultural life .2.CBO brand positioning should be based amateur basketball tournament, the people themselves take root amateur.3.According to CBO circumstances, timely adjustment of the brand positioning to meet the location accuracy.4.CBO activities of the existing system to be perfect matches, should be based on occupation, gender, age, geographical and other features to be added continuously to form a national basketball tournament system of mass participation.5.CBO Competition System can be divided into short-term goal and in the long-term objectives and the process of continuous development in the CBO, to examine the suitability and continually adjusted to meet the development needs of the event. According to the survey results, this paper proposes the following recommendations: 1.Innovative game content and form of activities. 2.To increase brand awareness, promotion efforts.3.According to CBO specific circumstances of the brand positioning timely adjustments to meet the positioning accuracy. 4.Increase in the activities of CBO youth tournament.5.The competition will take place from the large and medium cities to the transfer of second-tier cities, especially in some of the development of small cities and towns better. 6.Women’s Club tournament CBO different groups can be increased to enhance the scale of events. 7.Increase the influence of CBO Finals.8.CBO perfect competition system can be sustained, healthy and stable development for the CBO to inject new vitality.

【关键词】 CBO竞赛体系品牌定位构建
【Key words】 CBOcontest systembrand positioningconstruction