

Study on Hydrophytes Planted in Dianchi Fubao Constructed Wetland

【作者】 谢凌雁

【导师】 林萍;

【作者基本信息】 西南林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 福保人工湿地属于昆明市环湖东路沿线土地一级开发生态湿地示范工程之一,工程在2008年11月完工,总占地面积81200m2,其中水域面积80%。该人工湿地建成仅几个月后,湿地内的植物生长繁茂,植物景观初具雏型。把福保湿地内生长的水生植物作为研究对象,主要包括三部分内容:福保湿地在完工第二年后湿地上生长的植物情况调查,包括植物种类组成和植物景观特征;在前面调查的基础上选取再力花(Thalia dealbata)、梭鱼草(Pontederia cordata)、凤眼莲(Eichhornia crassipes)、芦苇(Phragmites australis)、茭白(Zizania caduciflora)、睡莲(Nymphaea tetragona)、香蒲(Typha przewalski)七种生长状况良好的水生观赏植物作为试验材料,通过测定七种试验植物成熟叶片在营养生长期、繁殖期、枯萎初期三个时期中氮、磷、钾、钙、镁、钠、硅、铜、铁、锌、铝、锰、铅、硒14种营养元素的含量,比较它们各自对不同营养元素的富集能力;最后在元素吸收能力试验结果的基础上,对七种试验植物运用AHP层次分析法从观赏价值、营养元素吸收能力这两方面对七种水生植物作了一个定性与定量相结合的综合评价。通过系列的调查和试验,能为园林湿地景观以及相同污水源人工湿地的植物选材提供参考价值,并取得以下5点研究结果:(1)在2009年4月-11月期间,通过外业实地调查,确定在该湿地上共生长植物91种,隶属于49科、82属,植物种类比较丰富的科是菊科、天南星科、莎草科、禾本科。依据试验地特殊的环境可把福保湿地植物景观分为水体植物景观、岸线植物景观两类。(2)植物对营养元索的吸收不一定与环境中相应元素的浓度呈简单的因果关系,影响植物元素含量的主要因素有:植物发育阶段、元素之间相互作用。植物生理年龄对植物叶片干物质中矿质养分含量影响最重要,易循环的氮、磷、钾元素在植物的营养生长期、繁殖期、枯萎初期三个时期叶片含量差异较大,不易循环的金属元素在三个时期叶片含量差异不明显。有些营养元素之间会产生相互促进或抑制的作用,表现最明显的是湿地水质中含量过高的氮、磷元素抑制了植物对铜的吸收。(3)七种水生植物对氮、磷都有较强的富集作用,效果最明显的是浮叶植物睡莲和漂浮植物凤眼莲。睡莲叶片中氮含量在枯萎初期最高,为3.94%;凤眼莲叶片中磷含量在营养生长期最高,为3.36mg/g。(4)对于金属元素和常规营养元素,植物之间的吸附能力没有表现出一致性。铁在睡莲叶片中富集能力最强,最高含量是1.10mg/g;芦苇叶片对铜、硅富集能力最强,最高含量分别是0.0060mg/g、50.09mg/g;再力花对锰、铝富集能力最强,最高含量分别是0.66mg/g、7.97mg/g;凤眼莲对锌、铅、钾富集能力最强,最高含量分别是1.91mg/g、0.0338mg/g、23.93mg/g;香蒲对硒、钙、镁富集能力最强,最高含量分别是0.0195mg/g、7.03mg/g、4.30mg/g。铁、锰、钙、镁、硅5种元素在试验植物叶片中含量处于正常植物含量范围的高值;锌的含量是普通植物的2-5倍,但是七种植物生长良好,说明试验植物对这些金属元素具有良好的适应性;其它元素含量都处于普通植物正常范围内。(5)运用AHP层次分析法对植物观赏价值与植物营养元素吸收能力进行综合评价。评价模型共确定10个评价因子,在前面实地调查和实验结果的基础上,通过对评价因子权重值的计算和每种植物各项评价因子的打分,最终七种水生观赏植物的综合评价结果为:睡莲>梭鱼草>再力花>凤眼莲>香蒲>芦苇>茭白。睡莲的优势表现在:它作为传统的观赏水生花卉,花朵色彩丰富、花型优美大方,花期长,无论是群植还是单株点缀都具有其它水生植物不可比拟的观赏价值,同时它对富营养水体中的氮、磷吸附能力表现了明显的优势。其余六种植物,在元素富集方面,每种植物都对某种元素表现出一定的优势,植物之间综合能力差异不明显,但是六种植物在观赏方面有较大差异。梭鱼草、再力花、凤眼莲、香蒲四种植物无论群植做水岸背景或是丛植点缀造景,可赏性都比较强,但是前三种植物花部的花色、花型都具有较高的观赏性,香蒲花部观赏价值次于这三种植物;芦苇、茭白属于大型草本植物,单株株型稍显凌乱,适合群植营造大面积气势,在园林应用中受水体面积的限制。

【Abstract】 Fubao constructed wetland is one of demonstrated projects which are built along the Dianchi road in Kunming. Project completed in November 2008, the total area is 81200m2. The artificial wetland has finished after a few months, the plants and the plant landscape are flourishing. The whole hydrophytes planted in constructed wetland are object of study in the article. There are main three parts. On the base of the field investigation, choosing seven types of hydrophytes as test materials.They are Thaliade albata, Zizania caduciflora, Phragmites australis, Typha przewalskii, Pontederi acordata, Eichhornia crassipes, Nymphaea tetragona, which all grow well. One of research contents is the content of 14 kinds of mineral elementsn in he mature leaves of test hydrophytes,which are N, P, K, Ca , Mg, Si, Cu, Fe, Zi, Pb, Al, Se, Mn, Na. Another is useing AHP to evaluate comprehensively about these seven test hydrophytes from ornamental value and nutrient absorption capacity. Specifically including 5 research as follow:(1) Through the field investigation from April to November in 2009, there are 91 plant species grown in the Fubao constructed wetlands, eighty percent of which plant in water area, which belong to 49 families and82 genera. The richest families are Asteraceae, Araceae, Cyperaceae, Gramineae.(2) Between the capacity of plants absorbing nutrients and the environment is not simple relationship.There are two factors affecting metal accumulation ability of plants: the development stage of plant, interaction between the elements. The most important factors of content about mineral nutrients are plant physiological age. N, P and K in the leaves of the plant are obviously different in the three periods, because they are easy cyclic. Other metallic are not easy loop t in leaves between the three periods. Some nutrients are promotional or inhibiting with others. The most obvious is that the performance of wetland water quality in the high content of N, P inhibits the absorption of plants’Cu.(3) The 7 kinds of hydrophytes about the N and P have strong effects. The floating- leaved water Nymphaea tetragona and floating plants Eichhornia crassipes have the strongest capacity. The maximum content of Nymphaea tetragona about N is 3.94%, The maximum content of Eichhornia crassipes about P is 3.36mg/g.(4)The 7 kinds of hydrophytes have not the conformity capacity about the metallic elements and general nutrients. The highest content in plant’s leaves about Fe is Nymphaea tetragona , which is 1.10mg/g. The highest content in plant’s leaves about Cu and Si is Phragmites australis, which is 0.0060mg/g, 50.09mg/g. The highest content in plant’s leaves about Mn and Al is Thalia dealbata, which is 0.66mg/g, 7.97mg/g. The highest content in plant’s leaves about Zn, Pb and K is Eichhornia crassipes, which is 1.91mg/g, 0.0338mg/g, 23.93mg/g. The highest content in plant’s leaves about Se, Ca and Mg is Typha przewalski, which is 0.0195mg/g, 7.03mg/g, 4.30mg/g. The contents in the test plants’leaves about Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg, Si, Zn are more than ordinary plants. The content about Zn is 2-5 times than normal plants, but seven kinds of plants grow well. Other elements’content of plants are within the normal range.(5) Use AHP to make a comprehensive assessment about seven hydrophytes from plant ornamental value and ecological function (the plants’absorption capacity about nutrients). There are 10 evaluation factors in the evaluation model. On the base of the field investigation and experimental results, by the way of evaluation factor weights calculation and the evaluation factors for each rate of plant, the result is: Nymphaea tetragona>Pontederia cordata > Thalia dealbata > Eichhornia crassipes > Typha przewalski >Phragmites australis>Zizania caduciflora. The advantages of Nymphaea tetragona as follow: it is a traditional ornamental water plants, the flower color of which is rich and flower in bloom has a long time. Effect of both communities or other aquatic plant decoration is most beautiful in others, while its adsorption capacity about N and P has obvious advantages. The other six plants are shown themselves advantage about elements,so don’t have significant difference between the plants about comprehensive capacity. But six plants have a big difference in viewing. The flowers color and pattern of Pontederia cordata, Thalia dealbata and Eichhornia crassipes are higher ornamental than others. Phragmites australis and Zizania caduciflora are large herbaceous plant, their type slightly messy, which are suitable for planting in large water area.
