

Study on Pollination Biology of Camellia Oleifera

【作者】 邓园艺

【导师】 喻勋林; 罗毅波;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 植物学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 油茶(Camellia oleifera)是一种重要的油料植物。2007~2008年作者在湖南省选取三个样地分别对油茶的传粉生物学进行了研究。油茶的花期从10月到次年的1月;单株之间花期不整齐,为20d左右;单花花期一般为4-5d。单花的花蜜量平均为145.40±24.89μL,含糖量为23.13±1.03%,含有17种氨基酸,占总量1.73%。花粉与胚珠比(P/O)的平均值为17675.08±302.11。在开花8h后花粉活力达到最大,平均为71.0±0.056%;花粉的可育率为93.97±1.62%(n=30);柱头可授性在开花第2天达到最大。膜翅目(Hymenoptera)的油茶地蜂(Andrena camellia)和大分舌蜂(Colletes gigas)是油茶的最有效传粉昆虫,蝇类和蝶类为随机访问者。油茶地蜂和大分舌蜂的体长分别为9.28±0.25mm和18.17±0.25mm。花粉和花蜜对油茶地蜂和大分舌蜂的吸引作用都很大,两者间没有显著性差异。通过油茶的繁育系统检测及花部综合特征测量和杂交指数及P/O都表明油茶自交不亲和且不存在无融合生殖,其结实依赖传粉者。人工授粉的结果表明各种处理间存在明显差异(如自交和异交与自然授粉间的结实率存在显著性差异)。油茶挂果时间长达一年,3月中旬油茶的幼果才‘开始生长,膨大。4月是落果的高峰期,5月份落果率最小,随后的几个月落果率重新开始上升首次对大分舌蜂的营巢生物学、传粉效率等进行了研究。大分舌蜂选择由花岗岩分化的麻石质土上筑巢。其巢穴成片分布,一片巢穴区多集中在几平方米内。最大密度能达到50/m2个洞口。巢穴深度不一,从30-40cm到60~70cm不等,巢穴一般是有一到两个分支。丝巢大多出现在离洞口15~30cm处,一个巢穴有3-5个丝巢,每个丝巢仅一只幼虫。

【Abstract】 Camellia oleifera is an important oil plant. The author studied pollination biology of C. oleifera in three populations during 2007 and 2008.The florescence of C. oleifera begins from October to January next year; but it differs from every single tree, that is about 20 days. The individual flower blooms about 4-5 days. The mean nectar volume of per flower is 145.40±24.89μL (n=30), with a sugar concentration of 23.13±1.03%, there are 17 kinds amino acids in the nectar and its concentration of 1.73%. The mean Pollen/Ovule (P/O) ratio is 17675.08±302.11 (n=20). The highest pollen viability was 71.0±0.056% after 8h of the flowering. The fertility rate of pollen was 93.97±1.62% (n=30). The stigma receptivity reached the highest rate on the second day after flowering. Andrena camellia and Colletes gigas of Hymenoptera are considered as the most effective pollinators, while flies and butterflies are casual visitors. Length of A.camellia is 9.28±0.25mm, and C. gigas 18.17±0.25mm. The attraction of pollen and nectar are both very strong to A. camellia and C. gigas. But there are no significant differences between them.Through the detection of breeding system, the measurements of C. oleifera out-crossing index and P/O, results revealed that C. oleifera is a kind of plant of self-incompatible, needing pollinators. We found that there were significant differences among different pollination treatments (such as opening-pollination, self-pollination and cross-pollination).The period to bear fruit of C. oleifera extends as long as one year. The young fruit begins to grow and swell in mid-March. April is the peak period of fruit drop, and the smallest fruit drop rate is in May, after then, the rate rises again in the flowing months.C. gigas nests on Granite soil which is weathered from granite. Their nests are distributed into many pieces, with a few square meters of each piece. The maximum density can reach to 50 holes per square. Nest depth ranges from 30~40cm to 60~70cm, usually 1~2 branches each nest. Most silk nests are built 15~30cm away from the mouth of the cave. There are 3~5 silk nests in each nest, only one larva in every silk nest.
