

Research on Apparent Pungency for Chili Products Based on Fuzzy Clustering Analysis

【作者】 李晓燕

【导师】 李忠海; 杨代明;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 农产品加工与贮藏, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 辣椒是湖南省种植面积最大的蔬菜作物,约占湖南省蔬菜种植面积的8%左右。除了鲜食以外,辣椒加工已成为湖南省辣椒产业发展中最具活力的产业。目前,国内外关于辣椒制品辣度的研究尚少,专门文献报道不多。由于辣椒制品的表观辣度与辣椒的辣度存在显著差别,因此开展辣椒制品表观辣度分级分类的研究是辣椒制品标准化的最重要的课题,对于辣椒制品的科学研究、引导辣椒产业发展、指导消费及宣传具有重要意义。本研究以辣椒酱为试验材料,分别用溶剂浸渍法、机械振荡法、超声波法和快速溶剂萃取法进行辣椒素的提取,结果表明快速溶剂萃取法(Accelerated Solvent Extraction, ASE)最省时且提取效果最好,并对ASE法的萃取条件进行了优化,当温度为140℃,静态时间为4 min,冲洗体积为80%,循环次数为3次时,提取效果最好。对国标方法测定辣椒及辣椒制品辣度的感官评价试验进行了一定的改进,并对国标方法进行了探讨研究,试验表明对于通过腌渍工艺获得的辣椒制品而言,不能用国标方法进行辣度分级。对61个辣椒制品进行直接品尝法感官试验得到的表观辣度可以分为如下四个辣度级别:微辣、中辣、很辣、猛辣。以新鲜的剁辣椒为原材料腌制成总酸、食盐、总糖、脂肪含量不同的剁辣椒制品,经过感官评价试验证明:总酸、食盐、总糖、脂肪对剁辣椒的表观辣度都有一定的减弱作用。一般含量越多,对表观辣度的减弱程度越大。测定包含剁辣椒、辣椒酱及泡辣椒的61个样品的总酸、氨基酸态氮、食盐、总糖、脂肪和辣椒素,以这6个理化指标为影响因子,运用模糊聚类方法对61个样品进行聚类,聚成了6个子类,得到的聚类结果与直接品尝法感官评审结果一致:A]包含33个剁辣椒和2个泡辣椒,表观辣度感官评审结果为“微辣”级;A2包含2个剁辣椒、17个辣椒酱和1个泡辣椒,A3包含2个泡辣椒,A4只有一个辣椒酱,A2、A3、A4三个子类的表观辣度感官评审结果均为“中辣”级;A5包含个剁辣椒和一个辣椒酱,表观辣度感官评审结果均为“很辣”级;A6只有一个样品是泡辣椒,表观辣度感官评审结果为“猛辣”级。然后对模糊辣度指数的计算公式进行了探讨性的研究,根据由模糊聚类方法所得到的计算公式进行计算,辣椒制品的模糊辣度指数的范围为:微辣(0.15-0.41)、中辣(0.42-0.80)、很辣(0.81-1.00)、猛辣(>1.00)。对于剁辣椒而言只考虑总酸、总糖和辣椒素三个影响因素,由此也得到了剁辣椒的模糊辣度指数的简化计算公式,与非简化公式得到的辣度范围一致。综上所述,用快速溶剂萃取仪对辣椒制品的辣椒素进行提取效果最好,通过自制的剁辣椒样品进一步验证了总酸、食盐、总糖、脂肪对辣椒制品表观辣度的减弱作用。鉴于辣椒制品表观辣度本身的模糊性,将模糊聚类分析方法应用于辣椒制品表观辣度的等级分类上,以模糊辣度来表示辣椒制品的表观辣度,并初步得到了模糊辣度指数的计算公式。

【Abstract】 Pepper is the largest vegetable crop in Hunan Province, accounting about 8% for plant vegetables in Hunan area. In addition to freshing, the pepper processing has become the most dynamic development of industry in Hunan Province. At present, researching on chilli pungency is still small both at home and abroad, specialized reporting is little in the literature. because of there is a significant difference between the apparent pungency and really pungency of chili products, so doing the research on apparent pungency of chilli products are the most important issue about standardized pepper, for the scientific research on chili products,guiding pepper industrial development, guidance and promotion of consumption there are great significance.In this study taking chili sauce as the experimental materials, doing the extraction of capsaicin respectively with the methods of solvent impregnation, mechanical oscillation, ultrasonic and accelerated solvent extraction, results show that the method of accelerated solvent extraction is the most time-saving and the best way to extract the capsaicin, the extraction conditions of ASE were optimized, when the temperature is 140℃, the static time is 4min, flushing volume is 80%, the cycle number is 3 times, extraction is the best.Making a certain improvement about the sensory evaluation experiments according GB method which is pungency of pepper and pepper products, and doing research on GB methods, experiments show that the sensory evaluation method is not use for spicy grading of the content higher water of chili products. With 61 chilli products to do direct sensory pungency tasting, the results of apparent pungency grades as flows:mild spicy、much spicy、more spicy、most spicy.Taking fresh chopped pepper as raw materials, self-made different products with different content of total acid, salt, total sugar, fat., After sensory evaluation experiment,proving that the total acid, salt, total sugar, fat can weaken the apparent pungency of chopped pepper. The volume is larger,the greater of weakening apparent pungency.Determination the total acid, amino acid nitrogen, salt, total sugar, fat and capsaicin of chopped pepper, chili and salted pepper, taking these six physical and chemical indicator as affecting factors of fuzzy clustering methods, dusted on 61 sample become sub-category 6, compared with the results of sensory evaluation methods,basically the same:A1 contains 33 chopped pepper and two salted pepper, apparent pungency of sensory assessment results as a "mild" level; A2 contains two chopped pepper,17 chili and a salted pepper, A3 contains two salted pepper, A4 only contains one chili, A2, A3, A4 three sub-categories of apparent pungency sensory assessment results are "much spicy "level; A5 contains a chopped pepper and a chili, results of sensory evaluation of apparent pungency are"more spicy"level; A6 that there is only one sample is salted pepper, results of sensory evaluation of apparent pungency is"most spicy"level. The doing reserch on the formula of fuzzy pungency index, based on the fuzzy clustering method has getted the formula for calculating the fuzzy pungency index of chili products, range as follows:mild spicy(0.15-0.41), much spicy (0.42-0.80),more spicy(0.81-1.00), most spicy (> 1.00). The chopped pepper can only consider the total acid, total sugar and capsaicin three influencing factors, which have also been getted the simplified formula for calculating the fuzzy pungency index of chopped pepper, compared with the results of non-simplified formula are in right range.To sum up, with accelerated solvent extraction to extract capsaicin of pepper products is the best method, through the experiment of self-made samples we further validate the acid, salt, total sugar, fat can weaken the apparent pungency of chopped pepper.In view of pepper products apparent pungency itself apparent fuzziness, we take fuzzy pungency to reflect apparent pungency.And getted the initial formula for calculating the fuzzy pungency index.
