

Analysis of Euro’s Status in the International Monetary System

【作者】 路少青

【导师】 兰天;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 国际贸易学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 研究欧元颇具有理论意义和实用价值。欧元的诞生是迄今为止规模最大、范围最广的一次货币一体化实践,前人的诸多理论都在此得到验证的机会。在本文开始,简述了国内外学者研究欧元的现状。前人的研究主要集中于欧盟的经济状况是否适合欧元的问世、欧元诞生的始末、以及欧元诞生伊始的汇率波动情况,并通过对欧元与美元的比较来看欧元的国际地位以及未来前景。任何货币的诞生都不可能是凭空一蹴而就的,而是需要一定的基础和前提条件。本文用一定的篇幅介绍了欧元诞生的理论基础和历史背景。欧元诞生涉及到的理论主要包括经济一体化理论和最优货币区理论,本文在阐述这些理论的基础上,结合实际描述了欧共体对关税同盟理论的实践,检验了欧元区是否为最优货币区。但只有理论上的可能性是不够的,经济和人文的历史沉淀也是欧元诞生必不可少的条件。欧元的诞生不仅是经济发展到一定阶段的产物,也是关乎历史的问题,需要坚实的历史基础,对统一货币的追求和尝试都为其诞生创造了条件。欧元是自欧共体至欧盟时期货币一体化的产物,而货币一体化不仅以经济一体化为基础,还与经济一体化息息相关、相互影响,二者协调发展才使得欧元能够成功问世。接下来本文用大量篇幅详细阐述了欧元在国际货币体系中的地位。欧元作为一种新生国际通用货币,其诞生对国际货币体系、国际金融市场的影响都不可忽视,欧元问题既是国际货币问题,也是国际金融问题,同时还可以将欧元的诞生历程归结到世界经济史的研究范围。总而言之,欧元是多学科的综合研究课题,研究欧元的理论意义不言而喻。本文分析了欧元在国际外汇市场、国际债券市场、国际股票市场三个典型的国际金融市场中的出色表现,通过大量数据表明了欧元的强势迅猛发展。本文在国际货币市场、国际汇率体系、国际储备货币体系三个方面阐述欧元了对国际货币体系的影响,这也从侧面说明了欧元的国际地位的重要性。最后一章中,本文将欧元与美元对比,说明了尽管欧元具有挑战美元的实力,但是欧元取代美元仍需时日。然后结合当今的金融危机以及希腊债务危机,展望了欧元的美好前景。这些危机都是欧元快速深化体制制度改革的催化剂,完善了欧元运行的各项协调机制和政策,能够促进欧元的重新崛起。欧元的发展直接影响到我国与欧盟的经贸和金融关系。我国在国际借贷活动中的币种的选择,在国际贸易结算当中的币种的选择,外汇储备的币种结构以及外债的币种结构等等,这一切都与欧元汇率的变化息息相关,而欧元的汇率走向又与欧元的发展态势密切相关。对欧元在国际货币体系中的地位的研究,有助于确定未来欧元的发展趋势,从而可以对未来我国各项国际金融货币政策产生指导意义。由此可见,对欧元问题的研究也颇具实用价值。

【Abstract】 The study of euro is of profound theoretical and practical significance. By far, Euro and the European Monetary Union is the largest and broadest practice of monetary integration theory. This provides a good opportunity to verify many old theories of the Euro. At the beginning of this paper, author lists the present condition of the euro study madding by domestic and overseas scholars. Most of them focused on whether the economic conditions are suitable for euro, the birth of the euro, exchange rate fluctuations of the euro, and so on.The birth of any currency is unlikely to happen overnight. It needs some certain foundation and preconditions. So this paper gives a description of the theoretical foundation and historical background. The birth of euro involves many theories. But it is not enough to own the theoretical possibility. The development of economic and cultural history is also essential to the birth of the euro.This paper contributes a large proportion to elaborating the prominent position of euro in the international monetary system. Euro is a freshman in the international monetary system. The birth of it influenced the international monetary system and international financial market seriously. The study of Euro is not only related to international currency, but also concerned with international finance. So the study of Euro is very broad, and it is meaningful to study Euro. Foreign exchange market, bond market and stock market are three main markets of the international financial market. This paper follows the above sequence in the discussion. This paper has independent chapters describing the impact of Euro on the international monetary system in three ways. That includes the international money market, the international exchange rate system and international reserve currency system. This indicates the importance of the international status of Euro indirectly. In the last chapter, by comparing with dollar, Euro has strength to challenge dollars. The euro is even likely to challenge the leadership of dollar. But, it needs some time to replace dollar. Finally, the paper predicts the future development tendency of Euro is upward, although the current financial crisis and the debt crisis have an effect on Euro. The development of Euro directly impacts the economic and financial relations between the European Union and our country. The currency options in our international lending activities, settlement of international trade and foreign exchange reserve, is closely bound up with exchange rate fluctuations of Euro which is closely related to the development of Euro. So it is of practical use to study Euro.

  • 【分类号】F825
  • 【被引频次】2
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