

The Research on the Cultural Marketing of Liquor Enterprisement

【作者】 陈友莲

【导师】 邓德胜; 陈德良;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 文化营销通过文化提升产品内涵,运用产品文化营销、品牌文化营销和企业文化营销等手段,达到实现产品增值、扩展营销渠道、扩大销量、实现企业经营目标等目的。文化营销的生命力在于把文化渗透于产品、服务、品牌、广告等市场营销活动中,将传统市场营销活动提升为文化营销活动,不断地给市场营销活动注入旺盛的活力。文化营销作为一种新型营销方式和21世纪市场竞争中最锐利的营销武器之一,不但可以帮助我国企业在国内市场独树一帜,还可以帮助企业克服文化差异,在国际化经营中占据一席之地。文化营销是市场营销的灵魂,将成为未来营销的主旋律和市场营销研究的永恒课题。中国是白酒文化盛行的国度,湘西本土文化为湖南省酒鬼酒股份有限公司(以下简称酒鬼酒公司)注入了新的生命力,酒鬼酒文化是中国白酒文化的重要组成部分,不能忽视酒鬼酒中蕴涵的深厚文化,要依托酒鬼酒文化做营销,以“文化营销”为主导,不断调整和提升市场运作实效。对酒鬼酒公司营销策略研究,离不开探讨酒鬼酒公司文化营销,文化营销成为酒鬼酒公司主要营销策略,研究酒鬼酒公司文化营销具有丰富市场营销学和指导酒鬼酒公司及其他企业开展文化营销等重要意义。本文研究首先研究酒类企业的文化营销内涵、特征、作用、模式、文化营销与传统营销、营销文化的区别以及文化营销创新等,其次以酒鬼酒公司为例,研究包括酒鬼酒公司产品文化营销、品牌文化营销、企业文化营销等在内的酒鬼酒公司文化营销,再次深入分析和挖掘酒鬼酒公司文化营销存在产品文化营销概念模糊、品牌文化营销价值透支、企业文化营销缺乏优秀企业文化及文化营销缺乏创新等问题,最后提出酒鬼酒公司产品文化营销创新、品牌文化营销创新、企业文化营销创新和文化营销全方位创新等文化营销创新策略,认为文化营销是酒鬼酒公司赢得市场的重要策略。

【Abstract】 Cultural marketing is promoting the connotation of products with culture.Its aims are to achieve product increment, extend marketing channel and quantum,realize enterprise operating goal through the means of product cultural marketing,brand cultural marketing and enterprise cultural marketing. The vitality of cultural marketing is that the cultural infiltration of the products, services, brands, advertisements and other marketing activities. As a new marketing mode and one of the marketing weapons in the 21st century, cultural marketing can not only make our enterprises prevalent in domestic market but also helps them overcome the differences of the national cultures and plays an important and unique role with improvement of the quality of human civilization. Cultural marketing is the soul of marketing and will become the main theme of the future marketing and the eternity issues of marketing research.Liquor culture is popular in China. The local Xiangxi culture has injected new vitality for Hunan Jiugui Liquor Co.Ltd. (here in after referred to as Jiugui Liquor Company).The culture of Jiugui Liquor Company is an important part of Chinese liquor culture. It should not be ignored with the profound Jiugui Liquor culture. It is necessary to rely on the marketing of liquor culture to do with "marketing culture" oriented and constantly adjust and enhance the effectiveness of the operation of the market. The research on the marketing strategies can not explore the cultural marketing of Jiugui Liquor Company. The cultural marketing has become marketing strategies of Jiugui Liquor Company. The research on the cultural marketing of Jiugui Liquor Company is important to rich marketing science and direct Jiugui Liquor Company and other enterprisements.Firstly the paper studied the definition, content, characteristics, roles, modes, contents and the differences between cultural marketing and traditional marketing, the differences between cultural marketing and marketing culture, the cultural marketing innovations. Secondly taking Jiugui Liquor Company as a case, the paper studied the cultural marketing of Jiugui Liquor Company including product cultural marketing, brand cultural marketing and enterprisement cultural marketing combining with actual conditions. Then it analysed the problems of cultural marketing of Jiugui Liquor Company such as the blur definition of product cultural marketing, the overdraft value of brand cultural marketing, the lack of excellent enterprisement culture of enterprisement cultural marketing and the absent innovation of cultural marketing. Lastly it put the innovation strategies of cultural marketing of Jiugui Liquor Company. This paper showed that the cultural marketing was the main factors to win the market from the perspective of the cultural marketing of Jiugui Liquor Company.

  • 【分类号】F426.82;F274
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1864
  • 攻读期成果