

The Research on Waste Particleboard Panel Furniture Recycling Technology

【作者】 胡孙跃

【导师】 向仕龙;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 木材科学与技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 采用市场收购的使用了3年、6年和12年的废旧刨花板家具作为试验材料进行了循环再利用的研究,结果发现:(1)采用水煮法处理废旧刨花板所得的再生刨花形态优于粉碎法,基本保持了原生刨花的形态;(2)在试验条件下,采用100%收购的废旧刨花板家具,采用水煮方法处理,制造再生板材的MOR都超过了13.6Mpa,IB均超过了0.42Mpa,基本都可以达到或超过国家有关家具及室内装修用板(GB 4897.3-2003)规定的指标,而用粉碎方法处理制得的再生板材与该指标还存在较大的差距;(3)水煮方法处理,废旧刨花板家具的表面装饰即油漆和三聚氰胺浸渍纸贴面对再生板材的性能有一定影响,去除了表面油漆的再生板材性能普遍较优;去除三聚氰胺浸渍纸贴面材料的再生板材的MOR和MOE性能较好,而IB和TS则较差。采用自制刨花板制作家具板件,模拟使用10年的时间进行加速老化,然后制成再生刨花板对其性能进行研究。结果表明:(1)不同自制家具板件经老化后制得的再生刨花板的MOR均超过了21.8Mpa,MOE都超过3060Mpa,IB超过了0.61Mpa,2hTS也在2.6%以下。基本都能达到在潮湿状态下使用的增强结构用板要求(GB 4897.7-2003)的指标;(2)刨花板表面经过三聚氰胺浸渍纸贴面、木纹纸贴面和薄木贴面的家具板件经老化后制得的再生刨花板,MOR都在23.1Mpa以上,MOE都在3296Mpa以上,IB也在0.72Mpa以上。比表面油漆和刨花板素板经老化后制得的再生刨花板更优越;(3)在实验条件下,再生刨花板的主要力学性能并没有因为使用时间的关系而影响太大,与原始板材相比,老化再生刨花板除了MOR有一定下降外,MOE、IB和TS都比原始板材的性能好。通过收购的废旧刨花板和自制老化刨花板的循环利用实验表明,使用时间对再生板的MOR有一定影响,其性能呈下降趁势,而再生板材的MOE、IB和TS却比原始板材的性能好,其原因经初步的分析有可能是原始板材内的胶粘剂对再生刨花起到了防水和增强的作用。更确切的解释需要进行再生刨花表面的微观分析和其它实验,进一步的研究正在计划之中。本文还进行了提高再生刨花板性能的工艺与技术研究,实验结果发现:(1)通过水煮和高压水煮制造工艺能制得较好几何形态的再生刨花,制造的再生刨花板的物理力学性能比汽蒸和粉碎处理方法均要好;(2)水煮处理制得的再生刨花板,密度设定在0.7-0.75g/cm3时,再生板材的性能就能达到较为理想的指标;(3)水煮处理制得的再生刨花板,施胶量在8%-12%范围内,对再生刨花板的物理力学性能没有显著的影响,MOR只提高了1.1Mpa, MOE提高了110Mpa, IB也只提高了0.04Mpa。

【Abstract】 Research on the recycled 3 years,6years and 12years particleboard furniture, the results found:(1) The renewable particle produce by boiling water are better than by direct shatter, the renewable particle can basically maintain the original particle form; (2) Under the experimental conditions, using 100% recycled particleboard furniture, the renewable particleboard produced by boiling water, the MOR can over 13.6Mpa, the IB can over 0.42Mpa, the properties can reach or over the indicators in GB 4897.3-2003, however, the renewable particleboard produced by direct shatter can not reach this indicatoes. (3) Melamine materials and paint materials have impact in renewable particleboard, without paint materials the renewable particleboard are better; without melamine materials the renewable particleboard MOR and MOE are better, but IB and TS are worse.Using self-produced particleboard furniture panels, simulation accelerated aging to about using 10 years, then produce renewable particleboard, research on the properties of renewable particleboard, the results found, (1) The renewable particleboard produced by different aging furniture panel, the MOR can over 21.8Mpa, the MOE can over 3060MPa, the IB can over 0.61Mpa, the 2hTS can control under 2.6%. the properties can reach the indicators in GB 4897.7-2003. (2) Renewable particleboard produced by surface gluing melamine, gluing wood paper and thin wood, the MOR can over 23.1Mpa, the MOE can over 3296Mpa,the IB can over 0.72 Mpa, the porperties are better than original particleboard surface decorating by direct painting and no decorating; (3) Under the experimental conditions, renewable particleboard MOR compared with the original particleboard is declining, however, MOE, IB and TS is better than original particleboard.Through recycling of used particleboard and self-produced particleboard, the experiment found the time having an influence on MOR, the performance is declining the opportunity, however, MOE, IB and TS are better than original particleboard. Preliminary analysis the reasons may be the adhesiv having some enhancement in renewable particle, more precise explanation need for precise analysis the microstructure of renewable particle and other experiments, further research is being plannedThis paper also research the methods of improving renewable particleboard properties, the experimental results found, (1) Renewable particleboard produced by boiling water and high voltage boiling are better than produced by steaming and direct shatter treatment methods; (2) Renewable particleboard treatment by boiling water, the density controling in 0.7-0.75g/cm3, the porperties will be able to achieve the ideal targets. (3) Renewable particleboard treatment by boiling water, glue spread in 8%-12% scope, the physical and mechanical properties of renewable particleboard are no significant impact, MOR only enhence 1.1Mpa, MOE enhence 110 Mpa, IB enhence 0.04Mpa.
