

The Research of Furniture Industry in Hunan

【作者】 郭莹莹

【导师】 戴向东;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 木材科学与技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国家具业迅速发展,近年来湖南家具业也获得长足进展,但与广东家具业等发达家具产区之间还存在较大的差距。目前对湖南本土家具业尚无人进行系统的研究,如何借鉴广东等发达家具产区的发展模式和充分利用湖南省的优势资源是每一个心系湖南家具业者应该认真思考的问题。在全球化和本土化的呼声中,必须找到适合湖南本土家具业发展的思路,才能使湖南家具业迈向中国家具业强省之列。本文运用分析法、比较法和归纳法,对湖南本土家具业的布局、市场现状、原材料资源、产品设计以及家具教育等方面进行了调研与分析。从中可以看出,湖南本土家具业存在机遇同时也面临挑战:湖南的地理位置、文化历史等条件为湖南家具业的发展奠定了基础;丰富的原材料资源、廉价的劳动力以及相关设计院校所提供的家具专业人才等资源优势使湖南本土家具业进一步发展具有了可行性。同时湖南本土家具业家具产区布局不均衡,家具企业主要集中在湘中地区;湖南家具业产品设计水平有待提高;企业管理、营销策略方面滞后,是制约湖南家具业发展的主要因素。不同的地域地貌、自然资源以及气候条件,必然产生人的性格差异,并形成不同的家具特色。本文针对湖南本土家具业发展中出现的问题进行了探讨,提出以下研究性意见:(1)实施湖南家具产业集群模式;(2)建立统一的设计研发中心、品牌管理中心和市场推广中心;(3)建立人才培养与再培训机制。

【Abstract】 AbstractWith the rapid development of the furniture industry, the industry of Hunan has made progress in recent years,But compared with the furniture industry in Guangdong and other developed areas,there have been a large gap. Currently there had not yet been systematical study about the hunan local furniture industry,how to learn from guangdong and other developed areas furniture model of development,and make full use of natural resources in hunan should be considered seriously for every person.In the globalization and diversification of the economic background and the localization of voices,the thought of furniture design must be found out to suit the current environment,then can process Hunan toward the world furniture power.Through the analysis、comparison and induction in this paper,the layout of the furniture industry, market conditions, raw material resources, product design of the local hunan,as well as furniture education were conducted by an investigation and analysis.Frome these reaserch shows that Hunan local furniture industry exists opportunities while facing challenges:Hunan location, cultural and historical conditions has laid the foundation for development of the Hunan furniture industry;abundant raw material resources, cheap labor, and related designer provided by the professional institutions make development of Hunan local furniture industry further possible.Meanwhile, Hunan local furniture industry producing furniture layout is not balanced, Furniture enterprises are mainly concentrated in central of Hunan;Hunan furniture products need to raise the level of design;Business management, marketing strategy lagged behind, which is the main factor in constraining the development of the furniture industry in Hunan.Different geographical landscape, natural resources and climate conditions, which will form the personality differences, and the varying characteristics of furniture.Aim to the issues of the Hunan local furniture industry on the development;The followings are the main views:(1) Implement Industrial cluster model of hunan furniture(2) Establish a unified design research and development center, brand management and marketing center (3) Establishing personnel training and retraining mechanism

【关键词】 湖南本土家具业优势问题对策
【Key words】 HunanlocalFurniture indestryAdvantageProblemSolution