

Influence of Roasting and Supercritical CO2 Extraction Conditions on Camellia Oil Quality and Aromatic Components

【作者】 刘宁露

【导师】 钟海雁; 李忠海;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 农产品加工及贮藏工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 普通油茶是山茶科(Theacea)植物,与油橄榄、油棕、椰子并称为世界四大木本油料植物,茶油是从油茶种子中提取出来的油脂,油脂品质是油脂商业价值和食用价值的体现。油脂品质与油脂的萃取工艺有很大关系。开展对茶油加工工艺和香气成分的研究,具有一定的理论和实际意义。现通过SPSS软件对焙烤及超临界CO2萃取所得茶油的品质及香气成分进行主成分分析,为油茶资源开发利用提供理论基础和科学依据。本实验以浙江红花、普通油茶(双峰普通、株洲普通)、无性系(桂1号、桂2号、桂11号)、广宁红花、越南义安8种油茶种子为试验材料,将其焙烤快速冷却后粉碎,用超临界CO2萃取器萃取油脂。将油脂分别用于出油率、过氧化值、酸值和水分及挥发物的测定和GC-MS香气成分的测定。再以浙江红花油茶的焙烤时间和温度为分析对象,采用主成分分析法分析其与茶油的出油率和重要化学指标的关系;以8种油茶种子为分析对象,采用主成分分析法分析其与出油率和重要化学指标的关系;以浙江红花油茶、双峰普通油茶、株洲普通油茶种子萃取所得茶油为分析对象,采用主成分分析法对其分别进行香气成分与焙烤时间和温度关系的主成分分析;以8种油茶种子萃取的茶油为分析对象采用主成分分析法分析其与香气成分的关系。其主要结果如下:以浙江红花油茶的焙烤时间和温度为分析对象,采用主成分分析法分析其与茶油的出油率和重要化学指标的关系。结果表明:170℃下焙烤10 min时茶油的综合品质最好,170℃下焙烤5 min和150℃下焙烤15min时次之。以8个油茶样品为分析对象,采用主成分分析法分析其与出油率和重要化学指标的关系。结果表明:株洲普通油茶得分最高,该种油茶各项重要化学指标数值适中,化学成分协调性最好。广宁红花得分最低,该样品化学成分协调性最差。以浙江红花油茶茶油为实验对象,采用主成分分析法探讨焙烤时间和温度对其香气成分的影响。其中在170℃下焙烤20 min、210℃下焙烤15 min、190℃下焙烤15 min时对浙江红花油茶茶油香气成分的影响最大,其次为170℃下焙烤15 min等。浙江红花油茶经焙烤和超临界CO2萃取所得茶油的香气成分中,受到焙烤温度和时间影响最大的是乙酸乙酯、乙酸己酯、戊醇、己醛、庚醇等。以双峰普通油茶为实验对象,探讨焙烤时间和温度对其香气成分的影响。在170℃下焙烤5 min、20 min时对双峰普通油茶茶油香气成分的影响最大,其次为在170℃下焙烤10 min、15 min等。双峰普通油茶经焙烤和超临界CO2萃取所得的茶油香气成分中,受到焙烤温度和时间影响最大的是乙酸乙酯、戊醇、苯乙醇、2-甲基庚酸等。以株洲普通油茶为实验对象,探讨焙烤时间和温度对其香气成分的影响。在170℃下焙烤15 min、5 min、10min、20 min时对株洲普通油茶茶油香气成分的影响最大,其次为在190℃下焙烤15min等。株洲普通油茶经焙烤和超临界CO2萃取所得的茶油香气成分中,受到焙烤温度和时间影响最大的是乙酸乙酯、戊醇、己醛等。以8种油茶种子萃取所得的茶油为分析对象采用主成分分析法分析其与香气成分的关系。结果表明:确定了不同油茶样品的香气成分的影响,其中第一主成分中,庚醛、苯甲醛、辛醛、(E)-2-辛烯醛、壬醛、癸醛、庚醇、辛醇、乙酸己酯、2-辛酮、6-乙基-2-甲基癸烷在茶油香气成分中的影响最大。第二主成分,己醛、(E)-2-辛烯醛、壬醛、(E,E)-2,4-癸二烯醛、戊醇、己醇、苯乙醇、壬醇、2-甲基庚酸在茶油香气成分中的影响最大。第三主成分中,庚醛、(E,E)-2,4-癸二烯醛、苯乙醇、壬醇、2-甲基庚酸在茶油香气成分中的影响最大。各种油茶种子萃取所得的茶油香气成分含量的高低顺序为:广宁红花>桂2号>越南义安>双峰普通>株洲普通>桂11号>桂1号>浙江红花。本研究表明,焙烤条件对茶油的品质及香气成分有明显的影响。通过以上分析可以看出,运用主成分分析得出的结果与茶油品质变化情况基本吻合。虽然单项指标也可以简单地说明品质的优劣,但未免有些片面。主成分分析法通过分析事物的内在关系,抓住主要矛盾,找出主要因素,使所研究的问题简单化。

【Abstract】 Camellia oleifera is one of the foliage of Theacea combined with olive growing, palm and coconut as the four biggest oil trees in the world. Camellia oil is extracted from Camellia oleifera seeds, and its quality is embodiment of the value of commercial and edible. The quality of oil is greatly connected with the technics of extraction. In this study the quality and aromatic components of Camellia oil are analysised by principal components analysis (PC A) by SPSS software.This research would provide some theoretical and practical signification for oil industry.In this study, the seeds of Camellia chekangoleosa, Camellia oleifera (Shuangfeng, Zhuzhou, Yian Vietnam), Camellia clones (Gui 1, Gui 2, Gui 11), Camellia semiserrafa were used as the raw materials. After roasting, cooling and crush, supercritical CO2 extraction (SC-CO2) was used. These extracted oils were used for the tests of the extracting yield, peroxide value, free fatty acid (FFA) and contents of water and volatile (CWV). Aromatic components in these oils were determined by GC-MS. The main results were shown as follow:The relationship between roasting time, temperature and extracting yield and main chemical guality indices of C. chekangoleosa was analysised by Pricipal Component Analysis (PCA). The results showed:according to the results of PCA, the best roasting conditions contributed to synthetic oil quality of C. chekangoleosa were at 170℃for 10 minutes, then at 170℃for 5 minutes and 150℃for 15 minutes as the second roasting conditions.The relationship between eight seed samples and extracting yield and important chemical indices was aslo analysised by PCA The result indicated that the score of C. oleifera (Zhuzhou) ranked first, while that of C.semiserrafa ranked last.The effect of roasting time and temperature on the aromatic components of C. chekangoleosa was investigated. The conditions that had the most effects on C. chekangoleosa were at 170℃for 20 minutes, at 210℃for 15 minutes, at 190℃for 15 minutes, and then roasting condition at 170℃for 15 minutes took second place. Ethyl acetate, hexyl acetate, pentanol, hexanal, heptanol were mainly affected by roasting time and temperature in aromatic components of C. chekangoleosa Camellia oil after roasting and SC-CO2 extraction. The effect of roasting time and temperature on the aromatic components in oil of C. oleifera from Shuangfeng was discussed. The conditions that had the most effects on oil of C. oleifera from Shuangfeng were at 170℃for 5 minutes and 20 minutes, and then conditions at 170℃for 10 minutes and 15 minutes took second place. Ethyl acetate, pentanol, benzeneethanol,2-methylheptanoate were the aromatic components that mainly affected by roasting time and temperature. The effect of roasting time and temperature on the aromatic components in the oil of C. oleifera from Zhuzhou was discussed. The conditions that had the most effects on the oil of C. oleifera from Zhuzhou were at 170℃for 15 minutes,5 minutes, 10 minutes,20 minutes, and then condition at 190℃for 15 minutes took second place. Ethyl acetate, pentanol, hexanal were the aromatic components that mainly affected by roasting time and temperature in aromatic components of C. oleifera Zhuzhou Camellia oil after roasting and SC-CO2 extraction.The Camellia oil extracted from eight seed samples were studied, the connection of the Camellia oil with their aromatic components were analysised by PCA. According the results of PCA, heptanal, benzaldehyde, octanal, (E)-2-octenal, nonanal, decanal, heptanol, octanol, hexyl acetate,2-octanone,6-methylheptanoate were the first principal component which contributed mostly to the aromatic of Camellia oil, and then hexanal, (E)-2-octenal, nonanal, (E,E)-2,4-decadienal, heptanol, hexanol, benzeneethaol, nonanol,2-methylheptanoate were the second principal component, finally, heptanal, (E,E)-2,4-decadienal, benzeneethanol, nonanol,2-methylheptanoate were the third principal component. The order of aromatic components content of eight species was:C. semiserrafa> Gui 2> Yian Vietnam> C. oleifera from Shuang feng> C. oleifera from Zhuzhou> Gui 11> Gui 1> C. chekangoleosa.
